andrew tate misogyny MRA penises reddit

Sure, Andrew Tate got arrested for trafficking, but Men’s Rights activists are still PLENTY MAD at Greta Thunberg

You might think that Andrew Tate’s arrest for human trafficking would lead to a little self-reflection amongst Men’s Rights activists, many of whom have historically had a little bit of a soft spot for the guy.

But a visit to the Men’s Rights subreddit reveals all of zero threads devoted to the arrest–but two threads devoted to the ABSOLUTE INJUSTICE of Greta Thunberg implying that Tate has “small dick energy.” Together, the two threads have more than 1400 upvotes and have inspired well over 500 comments, most critical of the climate activist.

In the first thread, which went up before the arrests but collected numerous comments afterward, Thunberg is described as an “ugly fat chick” with “loose pussy energy,” and, while some commenters call Tate a “moron” who “preys on vulnerable young men” he also wins praise as someone who “sometimes … makes incredibly good and smart statements.” (Fourteen upvotes for that last opinion.)

In the second thread, posted around the time of the arrests, the assembled MRAs do their best to pretend they’ve never heard of the guy.

But evidently, the topic of “small dick energy” gets MRA’s nearly as angry as it gets Andrew Tate, sending the subreddit regulars into a downvoting frenzy directed at anyone calling them out for their hypocrisy. You rarely see comments on Reddit voted much below zero, but in this thread, there are a LOT of them. So much mad!

A few examples:

I understand that body shaming is wrong, but are u just going to ignore the fact Andrew Tate was literally called out and arrested for human trafficking.

Ten net downvotes, last I checked.

That’s plenty of things that people can say about someone else that I would view as hypocritical, but in relation to that pile of trash Tate, this just isn’t one of them. and honestly, we are talking about a teenager versus a grown man that rapes women. I’m gonna give her a hall pass on this one.

Nineteen downvotes.

Lol dude gets arrested for HUMAN TRAFFICKING and you’re mad that Greta said he had a small pp.

You losers are fucking cartoons.

Seriously get some perspective you perpetual victim fetish sadsacks.

Twenty-one downvotes.

Imagine getting offended by a woman insulting a rapist.

Sixty-three downvotes.

Even some Men’s Rightsers are disgusted by their comrades’ behavior. In the first thread, one writes:

I legit do not know what this subreddit has become. Obviously Andrew Tate makes his whole thing about how men should be strong and act tough, wouldn’t that involve being able to take that kind of insult?? Also, projection is a thing. But why are people defending andrew tate here? He’s a prime example of toxic masculinity at its worst. Don’t we all want to be positive role models for other men? Don’t we want to lift each other up and expose societal inequality against men? Andrew tate doesn’t do that; he caters to incels. We aren’t fucking incels. We don’t generalize women or treat them as objects here!

Fifteen downvotes.

I am reminded of a famous tweet.

Well, I didn’t put it in the newspaper; I put it in a blog. Does that count?

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Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
1 year ago

I don’t know that anything can lead to self-reflection with many of these dudes. They’ve got their feet planted in the toxic masculinity mud and they’re not moving, regardless. Maybe they’d have a problem if they found out he was raping other men, but then they’d still find a way to blame that on women.

1 year ago

They do realize they are letting a teenager get the better of them, right? It’s pretty embarrassing.

Em Zuli
Em Zuli
1 year ago

Because of course they are

1 year ago

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

1 year ago

We cannot expect self reflection from those who spend their entire time tearing women down to build themselves up. They are already buried in toxic cult culture.

1 year ago

Obviously Andrew Tate makes his whole thing about how men should be strong and act tough, wouldn’t that involve being able to take that kind of insult??


The best answer to “small dick energy” is “That statement hurts some trans men and nonbinary people.”

(The header picture kind of looks like a racist caricature :/ )

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
1 year ago

Did she even do anything besides call his dick energy small?

1 year ago

You know, you can admit that Andrew Tate is an asshole and that “small dick energy” is a problematic insult at the same time. You can do two things at once.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pete
1 year ago

@Pete, No dude, small dick energy is a perfect description for him, especially for how he reacted to it. I thought that Greta’s response to him was brilliant.

Also, why can’t people leave Greta Thunberg alone? She’s been harassed by various douchebags ever since her speech at the UN climate summit when she was only 16. All she ever did was tell the truth.

1 year ago

Insulting Andrew Tate and reacting the way he expects to his stupid comments about his cars is great. Greta Thunberg is a role model in terms of her activism. But at the same time, insulting anyone using innate physical characteristics (especially with regard to genitalia) is not cool.

Using penis size as an insult harms good people who happen to have small penises.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
1 year ago

@Elaine: she also told him to get a life. Which might have actually hurt him more because his entire brand is all about how cool and amazing his life is.

Andy, dude, if you have to fucking brag about your stupid cars to a teenager, she’s right, you have no fucking life.

Tate reminds me of this guy who was in his 50s and used to cruise up and down our main drag in his green Dodge Viper trying to pick up women in their early twenties. He did this every Friday and Saturday night. I have no idea if it worked but I hope it didn’t, guy was really creepy.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ yutolia

Tate reminds me of this guy who was in his 50s and used to cruise up and down our main drag in his green Dodge Viper

We’re just discussing Tate’s latest vehicle…

comment image

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

Tate wanted to go to Thailand. For a Vipassana retreat? Here’s his illegal journey to “Old Siam”.

1 year ago

the issue is more that the two things aren’t remotely comparable, and that these men are villifying her more for a mere insult than him for literally raping and trafficking women.

Raging Bee
Raging Bee
1 year ago

Where did you get that pic of Greta in the OP? Is it one of those things generated by an AI that scours the Web for pics to imitate? In this case, there’s a LOT of very unflattering pics of Greta out there, thanks to all those haters we talk about here. Couldn’t you just, maybe, you know, find an actual decent photo of Greta instead of having an AI draw such a crappy composite?

Oh, and one of the MRAs called Greta “fat?” That just shows how little actual thought goes into their reactions.

Raging Bee
Raging Bee
1 year ago

Also, “small dick energy” is a perfectly appropriate insult when it’s directed –once in awhile — at men who think that sort of thing is a relevant character-trait. And in Tate’s case, his reaction kinda justifies the insult. It’s not the kind of thing anyone (including Greta) would want to be heard spouting every day, but once in awhile it’s the right thing to say.

Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

@Love is All We Need :

Considering the source, I don’t presume to know how reliable an account of Emory Tate or the KGB’s involvement in competitive chess that was—but Andrew has just told us pretty eloquently what he is. Note that he just has to work in that final dig in hopes of intimidating his audience—I’m studying disarming mannerisms the better to lull people into a false sense of security and be all the more unpredictable when I LASH OUT AND WHOOP YOUR ASS!

1 year ago

I don’t think using dick size as an insult once in a while is that much better than using it constantly. The issue is not hurting Andrew Tate’s feelings. The issue is the splash damage. Just like it’s not ok to use ableist language once in a while when insulting people who act in irrational ways because it inadvertently harms neurodivergent people, or just like it’s not ok to use homophobic language once in a while, or just like it’s not ok to use fatphobic language once in a while, it is also not ok to use language that denigrates and insults men for having small penises once in a while. It is harmful to men who have done nothing wrong to use their bodies as an insult against someone like Andrew Tate.

1 year ago

Unsurprisingly, it looks like the Republicans cannot pick a Speaker of the House, and they will not be able to ever pick one in the foreseeable future. So what now?

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
1 year ago


I’m taking bets on if he’s going to give up the country to alt-righties or if he’s going to have to negotiate with Democrats. I’m giving it 1 in 1,000,000 odds on negotiating with Democrats, get your bets in now.

@small dick splash damage conversation

Mm, I do like how the very day a woman was attacked, the conversation instantly turned how she imperfectly defended herself from the attack. There was definitely no splash damage from that, guaranteed, nobody here was ever assaulted and had that exact experience and was reminded of it.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Big Titty Demon – I mean, it did make me second-guess my own attitude – at first, I just thought it was funny because the thing about “huge emissions” could be taken as a stupid double entendre and Thunberg was mocking that. But I guess saying “small dick energy” is close enough to mocking small penises in general that it can be body shaming. So, fair point.

But yeah, it’s nowhere comparable to what Tate actually did (not the car tweet, that was just silly, but the abuse and human trafficking).

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

I beg to differ, last dude: if it walks like an incel and whines like an incel… many of the boys in your little MRA club are incels.

Real men ignore insults/snark from teenage girls. They don’t spend 10 hours coming up with a “NO U” video in a bathrobe and then getting busted (possibly because of it; pizza box, you will always be my hero whether or not you helped). Real men also aren’t sex traffickers and rapists.

Like @Yutolia said, bragging to a teenage girl about your many (leased, stolen, gray market or just tacky) cars is Big Perv Energy. All he had to do was not tweet at her and he’d probably still be a free creepazoid.

And “get a life” is a remark that doesn’t insult anyone’s gender, body, disability, ethnicity, religion. Just their behavior. But the MRAs and incels are so worried about their dicks that they didn’t even notice that part!!! Again, if you think a big part of showing how manly you are is by attacking a teenage girl through bragging about your car collection, you DO need to get a life.

Greta DGAF if these boys call her fat, and wouldn’t care even if she was overweight. I’m giving her a pass on SDE just this once — the perfect is the enemy of the good, after all, and she’s a force for good. What BTD said, also. And also, as we see by the reaction from the manosphere, it was the most damaging insult for this particular douchebag and his followers. Also x3, she wrote the tweet as if it was her email address, not his.

PWNED in one line.

And now he’s sitting in a cargo van on the way to jail. Possibly on a toilet.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

@GSS ex-noob:

And “get a life” is a remark that doesn’t insult anyone’s gender, body, disability, ethnicity, religion. Just their behavior.

Arguably, it does splash damage to people like me who, for mainly class and geographic reasons, can’t afford to go out and buy one. :/

@Crip Dyke:
Have you stopped blogging? Pervert Justice has not had a new article in months, after usually getting about one a week.

What happened to that email offer?