andrew tate conspiracy theory misogyny rape sexual exploitation

Andrew Tate’s defenders are out in force after his arrest

The so-called “king of toxic masculinity” sits in a Romanian jail with his brother, detained for thirty days, accused of human trafficking and rape. The crimes Andrew Tate and his accomplices are said to have committed are heinous indeed. According to the authorities, the suspects recruited their

victims … by misrepresenting their intention to enter into a marriage/cohabitation relationship and the existence of genuine feelings of love (the loverboy method). They were later transported and housed in buildings in Ilfov county where, by exercising acts of physical violence and mental coercion (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and invoking alleged debts), they were sexually exploited by group members by forcing them [into performing in pornography]. …

With regard to the crime of rape, it was noted that, in March 2022, an injured person was forced, on two different occasions, by a suspect through the exercise of physical violence and psychological pressure to have sexual relations.

So far, six alleged victims have been identified; there may, of course, be more.

Naturally, he has his defenders, who are out in force today on Twitter and elsewhere—and they aren’t all his wide-eyed teenage fanboys. Conspiracy theorists of various types, some quite prominent in the far-right political milieu, have seized upon the arrest as an example of what happens when someone speaks up against the “globalist elite.” Some of those pooh-poohing the trafficking charges against Tate are the very same people who profess to be concerned about leftist “groomers” and pedophile rings.

Some of the defenders glorify Tate as a role model for young men. Never mind that there’s nothing radical, or original, about anything Tate says. It’s old-fashioned misogyny, and reactionary ideology, spiced with attacks on “the matrix” Tate insists his detractors are trapped within.

Other “defenders” don’t even particularly like him; they’re just there for the conspiracy theory.

Tate uses women for sex and (allegedly) for money. He uses young men for money and fame. Now his defenders are using him to push their favorite conspiracy theories. Wheels within wheels.

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2 years ago

The same morons screaming about groomers are the same accounts ignoring actual grooming. Makes about as much sense as any other nonsense these brainwashed conspiracy theorists promote.

Tabby Lavalamp
2 years ago

Greta Thunberg gets attacked on Twitter every day, by people more famous by him and by people less famous. He wrote about how many cars he has and she in turned burned him thoroughly and he responded with a variant of “I know you are but what am I?” and that made a pathetic “I’m not owned!” video. He was destroying his own brand so what possible reason would the “cabal” have to arrest him and not all the other people that try to tweet mean things at her?

I know conspiracy theories break down at the “why though” stage but this would be like arresting Sideshow Bob for stepping on rakes.

They are rich. There is no need to traffic humans.

Someone should tell that to the rich people who traffic humans.

Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
2 years ago

I’m utterly fucking confused, at this point. I’ve seen multiple claims that the bell-end’s been released already (mostly unsourced claims from his cult of personality, though), and other reports that he’s being detained for thirty days.
Also, claims that he’s only being charged with money laundering, which directly conflicts with David’s sources.

Which leaves me to wonder if someone is actively trying to muddy the waters, and why, or if this Tate asshole’s fanclub is just so deep in denial that they’re publishing their own AU fanfictions because if they believe it hard enough it’ll become reality.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
2 years ago

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Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

They are rich. There is no need to traffic humans.

Oh yes, the old “They’ve got enough money. They don’t need any more” argument. It’s similar to the “He’s got a wife. And he’s got several girlfriends. Also, he hire prostitutes. There is no need for him to rape” argument.

Show you support.

Yes, I will show myself support–by mocking this Andrew Tate person.

Today WE see who the fake creators are.

Uh, okay.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Also, he hires prostitutes.

2 years ago

Twitter isn’t working anymore where I am, so I only get blank rectangles where the quotes are supposed to be. Can somebody fill me in on what is said in there?

2 years ago

Everyone is a groomer except groomers it’s a Deep State plot
– alt right qanon terf

2 years ago

They are rich. There is no need to traffic humans.

But… *gesticulates at all of human history*

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
2 years ago

So now bragging about you fucking cars is “exposing truth?” What complete bullshit!

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Probably nobody else here makes the muslim rounds on youtube but popular youtubers like Ali Dawah, The 3 Muslims, Gabriel Al Romaani, The Deen Show and countless other MEN are bending over backwards to make excuses for Tate and call for calm and “non-judgement”. Their comments sections are full of MEN saying that the “matrix” got him for his conversion to Islam. For his standing up to the “liberal world order” and for his display of Islamic masculinity. Also saying that Allah has forgiven him of his past sins so he shouldn’t have to pay for anything illegal he did before conversion.

Of course they are all disparaging muslim women for not swallowing the kool-aid.

Being a misogynist a-hole, religious conversion and using words like “elite” and “matrix” are the internet’s daily bread and butter, a dime a dozen, and totally mainstream. These are not things that are going to put one on the legal system’s radar – at all. His followers are saying the matrix is taking him down like they did Julien Assange but Tate is a nobody just spewing nonsense, not someone leaking sensitive, classified, top secret national and international intel.

Tate has said on numerous occasions that he lives in Romania because it is corrupt and unlike all other countries which only allow “the elite” to be corrupt, it’s a corruption that he can participate in. He has said that the Orthodox Church in Romania is very powerful and he gives money to it monthly to keep it in his hand in case he needs “help” in the future. He also said he lives in Romania because the rape laws are lax.

The thing is that Tate brags about being “the smartest person in the world” yet he completely tells on himself.

There’s a video of Tristan talking about how most of their “business clients” exclusively pay via crypto. One wonders what they are paying for. There’s money laundering going on and if they are brought up on charges it will be for that, amongst other things.

Last edited 2 years ago by Love is All We Need
2 years ago

The bit that gets me is Tate openly admitted to sex trafficking on his website. In a section talking about how he makes money, he says (paraphrased) I make women fall in love with me then put them in front of a webcam.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago


Oh yes, the old “They’ve got enough money. They don’t need any more” argument. It’s similar to the “He’s got a wife. And he’s got several girlfriends. Also, he hires prostitutes. There is no need for him to rape” argument.

But…there’s a woman over there who refuses to acknowledge his dominance and right to instant gratification in some fashion! That cannot be countenanced! What about second pussy? What about elevensies?

(Just as over there is a vacant lot or low-income neighborhood or biome or subculture that isn’t feeding him money by its mere existence! The effrontery!)

2 years ago


The thing that always amazes me about the “they’re rich, they don’t need more money” is that the rich keep showing us, over and over, that no amount of wealth will ever be enough for them.

In some Algonquian legends, when a person becomes a wendigo, they take on the appearance of a starving person and develop a craving for human flesh. But when they do eat someone, instead of theor bellies being filled, they grow in height, so that they are still emaciated and starving. As they eat person after person, they may become taller than a tree, but their hunger never diminishes.

Just a thought.

2 years ago

I notice that one of the tweets of Tate’s supporters that you showed come from Pastor Greg Locke. Now there’s someone that I hate with a passion, he’s one of those pastors from a Trump supporting church congregation and he’s anti-LBTQ.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ allandrel

“they’re rich, they don’t need more money”

“America’s wealthiest, and therefore most trustworthy, citizen”

(Sort of related; there was a minimum income requirement for admission to the Senate and judicial offices in Ancient Rome, precisely because they thought such people wouldn’t need bribes. Not sure how well that turned out.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Before I forget, Happy New Year!!! To all who celebrate this particular calendar and the current arbitrarily chosen day. Although as I go by where the sun would be if it wasn’t so rainy you can’t see it I can’t really say owt.

(For lawyers this is still 3 Ch I until the King clocks up a whole 12 months)

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Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Jono, I notice that one of the tweets of Tate’s supporters that you showed come from Pastor Greg Locke.”

I still don’t get why religious and/or sexually/socially “conservative” people are backing this guy. From Muslims to Christians to so called “traditional” women “influencers”, it boggles the mind. Tate openly brags about HARAM such as fornication, pimping the Only Fans industry. He uses the most foul language, displays extreme arrogance and rabid materialism, all things that religion is supposedly against. He’s doing all of this after his supposed conversion to Islam and yet if you peruse the Islamosphere, barely any men are calling him out on any of this. Some Muslim women are, but they get a lot of admonishment and accusations of “feminist” from both the men and women who support him. For every 100 male Muslim influencer praising him you might find 1 who’s holding him account. By and large they see it as a “win” for Islam and it’s global spread. Like seriously, it is not a good look that Tate chose Islam as his faith of preference. It does not reflect well and they may all end up regretting him attaching his name to the religion at all.

But more surprising than this is the silence of “conservative influencers” (grifters) like Patrick Bet David, Jedidiah Bila and Just Pearly Things who, in their recent interviews with him and overall coverage of his story, carefully side step his conversion and the beliefs of Islam which strictly forbid all of his behavior. You would think that they would be like, “Hold on. You are Muslim now. Aren’t you supposed to carry yourself differently and feel shame over your previous sins, not continue committing them?” Wouldn’t that be the natural “conservative” response? I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s paying all these people off.

I guarantee you if Tate were a women all of the above would be holding her account for every transgression dating back to her first birthday.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

In other words: less than three hours (GMT) until the Doyle family have to get real jobs!

2 years ago

@Love Is All We Need

It does not surprise me at all. Conservatives have one real, genuine belief: “Us Good, Them Bad.” And the highest Good that Us can do is to hurt Them.

2 years ago

@Love is All We Need- wow, thanks for flagging that. That’s indeed really depressing.

I don’t know a huge amount about Greg Locke, but the little I do know has me completely unsurprised that when I just googled “Greg Locke”+”Islam”, the top results are all Locke saying OTT Islamophobic things, and implying that even very small low-effort gestures of tolerance towards Muslim neighbours put Christians at risk of going to Hell. But when it comes to Andrew Tate, Locke can put such minor ideological differences aside in order to band together for the common cause of hating women.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Aww, this is a lovely start to the year.

There’s a seaside town in Yorkshire called Scarborough. Many happy memories of there.

But anyway, a walrus showed up there the other day. He’s proved quite a hit with the locals.

There was of course meant to be a firework display tonight. But they cancelled it so as not to upset the walrus.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

It’s 2023 in Gävle, and there is still a goat.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Zero-sum thinking. For them, all the world’s a soccer match and one’s highest aspiration is to kick in a goal against the other team.

Meanwhile, I’ve had a possibly-interesting thought regarding the phenomenon of “bad money drives out good”.

The usual context for this is debasing precious-metal currency (the modern, paper-money version would be the fractional-reserve system of the 20th century). Once this begins, “good” money (pre-debasement coins with high gold or silver content) become more valuable melted down and sold as ingots of the metal rather than spent as coins, or else as collector’s items, so the actual money supply quickly becomes dominated by the newer, debased coins. Furthermore, to the bankster class, the ability to print money seems to have an addicting quality (see also: quantitative easing, hyperinflation, etc.). So, usually it’s forbidden to debase coins until there’s a liquidity crunch and it’s permitted in the name of expediency; then follows a rapid slippery slope of increasing debasement until it’s full-blown fiat money (see also: what came after fractional-reserve banking, and the accompanying roller-coaster of “the business cycle”; the depressions of the 19th century into the early 20th seem to have been more liquidity crises in genesis than akin to the modern “business cycle”).

With that context established, it occurred to me that the “bad money drives out good” mechanism does not require that the “money” involved actually be formal legal tender. It just has to be something with significant exchange value independent from its use value. That includes, say, gold and silver, but it also includes other things, typically at least somewhat dependent on time and place. Any non-depreciating store of value that is widely recognized as such will work, and in particular any so-called “positional goods”.

Notably, this includes real estate (often a vehicle for speculative investment, as well as a positional good).

I think this then explains the phenomenon of poorly-constructed “McMansions” in middle-of-nowhere tracts. “Bad money” in this case would be the housing equivalent of debased: not convenient to amenities (so lower land costs and lower property taxes), shoddy lowest-bidder construction, expensive to heat, cool, and clean, etc.; “good money” would be actually livable accommodations scaled to a reasonable user’s needs and convenient to amenities.

So, those endless rows of inconveniently-located vaguely house-shaped lumps of plastic-coated plyboard? They’re giant, immovable, debased coins, the title deeds to which the hoity-toity swap like baseball cards in their ceaseless game of dollar-value one-upmanship.

Of course, this has been done before and better. You can always trust Americans to reinvent something while making their version horribly tacky … and then China to copy it on a ludicrously grand and downright ecocidal scale.