The so-called “king of toxic masculinity” sits in a Romanian jail with his brother, detained for thirty days, accused of human trafficking and rape. The crimes Andrew Tate and his accomplices are said to have committed are heinous indeed. According to the authorities, the suspects recruited their
victims … by misrepresenting their intention to enter into a marriage/cohabitation relationship and the existence of genuine feelings of love (the loverboy method). They were later transported and housed in buildings in Ilfov county where, by exercising acts of physical violence and mental coercion (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and invoking alleged debts), they were sexually exploited by group members by forcing them [into performing in pornography]. …
With regard to the crime of rape, it was noted that, in March 2022, an injured person was forced, on two different occasions, by a suspect through the exercise of physical violence and psychological pressure to have sexual relations.
So far, six alleged victims have been identified; there may, of course, be more.
Naturally, he has his defenders, who are out in force today on Twitter and elsewhere—and they aren’t all his wide-eyed teenage fanboys. Conspiracy theorists of various types, some quite prominent in the far-right political milieu, have seized upon the arrest as an example of what happens when someone speaks up against the “globalist elite.” Some of those pooh-poohing the trafficking charges against Tate are the very same people who profess to be concerned about leftist “groomers” and pedophile rings.
Some of the defenders glorify Tate as a role model for young men. Never mind that there’s nothing radical, or original, about anything Tate says. It’s old-fashioned misogyny, and reactionary ideology, spiced with attacks on “the matrix” Tate insists his detractors are trapped within.
Other “defenders” don’t even particularly like him; they’re just there for the conspiracy theory.
Tate uses women for sex and (allegedly) for money. He uses young men for money and fame. Now his defenders are using him to push their favorite conspiracy theories. Wheels within wheels.

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Hasn’t he bragged for years about being (basically) a rapist and woman-hater?
So why is anyone surprised when he gets arrested for trafficking, rape, and so on?
Guess he’s not going to be leasing all those cars while he’s in jail and hopefully prison. Ferrari is probably sending guys to Romania to take them right now.
@milotha: It’s all projection with these assholes.
@Alan: ISTR there was a lot of back-stabbing. (I’ll get my palla)
@Love is All: Authoritarians are always (insert religion) in name only. Also, as vile as the people you mentioned are, they’re smart enough to realize his Islamic “conversion” was strictly for business. But I am a little surprised they aren’t using him as a bugbear example of their whole “Them Mooslims can’t be trusted and want to take our wimminz!” I don’t think Tate’s fans ever cared about what religion he pretended to be. But the word’s gone out among the Conspiracy Cabal, I guess.
He might have had all his previous sins forgiven by Allah, but since he just kept on sinning, they’re stacking up. He’s definitely going against what’s written in the Koran.
Maybe someone will issue a fatwa on him for besmirching the good name of Islam with his haram lifestyle. Iran ought to get on that, they’re still full-on “Western Devils/Great Satan”. And he’s White AF.
Smiting is in order here; don’t care whether it’s YHWH, God, Allah, Ahura Mazda…
@Alan: Love that photo. Kitty is ready to par-tay.
@ gss ex-noob
Over 60 people agreed to the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar; yet his body only had 23 stab wounds.
Remember that next time someone tries to sign you up to a group project.
@GSS ex-noob:
And he’s White AF.
White-passing, but no: he’s of mixed African-American and White British ancestry; his father was maverick chess prodigy Emory Tate.
Full Metal Ox
1 hour ago
@GSS ex-noob:
And he’s White AF.
White-passing, but no: he’s of mixed African-American and White British ancestry; his father was maverick chess prodigy Emory Tate.
He’s not “white passing” he is mostly white. His father is bi-racial, not black.
I am the walrus going to Scarborough Fair.
“I don’t think Tate’s fans ever cared about what religion he pretended to be.”
Well a few have already converted to Islam and more are planning to. LOL! These anti-social incels think all you have to do is say shahada and the imam has 4 young nubile brides-to-be lined up right there for you. They have no idea how difficult integrating into a muslim community is for converts.. Within the first year alone there’s a high turn-over rate. And most born-muslim parents are very wary about their daughters marrying converts. Some even forbid it.
“But the word’s gone out among the Conspiracy Cabal, I guess.”
It’s very weird how they are side-stepping his conversion. Almost like he tells them I will go on your show but the topic of my conversion is off the table. Anyway, there’s a growing coalition in the USA between conservative Christians and Muslims against LGBTQ. No more “us and them”. It’s now both of us and them.
Good riddance to 2022!
It’s probably for the best that Emory Tate died before he could see the monsters that his children became.
@Love is All We Need:
He’s not “white passing” he is mostly white. His father is bi-racial, not black.
And thank you for pointing out my own biases in the matter (the US notion of the One-Drop Rule came from post-Confederate segregationists, and would be a plot point in the movie “Show Boat”—but I’m sure I’m preaching to the Imam.)
These anti-social incels think all you have to do is say shahada and the imam has 4 young nubile brides-to-be lined up right there for you.
The presumed Pussy-to-Me Pipeline (and how do they assume birth ratios work among Muslims?)
Dave, “It’s probably for the best that Emory Tate died before he could see the monsters that his children became.”
Tate has bragged about how is father was a “player” who cheated on his mom regularly and was basically never home and kept the family in poverty.
hon none of this surprises me and it wouldn’t surprise me to find out he was trying to be a combination of Jeffrey Epstein and Richard Speck rolled into one. The guy is a dangerous sociopathic creep
@Love is all you need Thank you. That was delightfully informative.
These poor women got involved with Tate because he promised a bunch of things that he never delivered. The relationship was all for Tate’s benefit, His defenders have been promised a wonderful life if they follow Tate’s example, but I wonder whether they’ve got it. He’s taken their cash and their work to boost his profile, but I suspect that he hasn’t delivered much to the fanbois either.
@Sheila: I read somewhere one of his “courses” were videos that told the fanbois how to make money by drop-shipping. Um?
@Alan: That’s the way group projects ALWAYS go, at least in my experience. Fewer pointy things, though.
Tate also claims that his father never studied chess books and never used a chess engine, something that is utterly laughable considering he was an IM actively playing after the year 2000. Whether or not he liked looking positions up in tables vs figuring out everything on the fly, he would need to in order to compete. So I think it’s pretty clear Andrew is a liar who wanted to craft his father in his own image as the genius misogynist outlaw.
That said, I can well imagine that with the constant crisscrossing of the US and Europe to play in penny tournaments, Emory was very much an absent father.
@Love Is All We Need
“My dad was a shit dad” doesn’t seem like something to brag about but I often misread social cues. 🤔
I wonder if the elder Tate is being slandered, or if he really was shit. I just don’t see the younger Tate as being the most reliable source of information.
@GSS ex-noob
I had to do several group projects right before Covid, presumably to teach us how to run research paper groups, and they went extremely smoothly.
… because we took classes together on purpose to have the same group every time. The professors started to laugh and mark it down before we could even confirm. And the one time I did a group project with someone else everyone flaked until it was down to two people and the other fella legitimately thought one diagram plus one paragraph was an equal contribution to all of the research and all of the rest of the paper. He literally wrote we had equally contributed to that paper in the work split. I concede your point.
“Tate uses women for sex and (allegedly) for money. He uses young men for money and fame.”
Yes, well, at least he has to pressure the money out of the women. The young men hand theirs over to him voluntarily. He’s open about the extent of his scorn for the women, but close-mouthed about the extent of his contempt for the young men; which is why I don’t think most of them realize that it exists or understand how deep it has to run.
Tate also claims his dad worked for the CIA. Regarding drop-shipping. Yes, he teaches people to “escape the matrix” by …….. selling plastic stuff. And the reviews for his course are bad. It’s a total scam.
You are missing the fact that Tate is a misogynist and a con artist. He thinks the dream is impregnating a bunch of women, and then spending no time and money on the resulting kids and instead doing something fun. If that’s what his father did to him and his mom, then his father showed he was a real man who put a woman in her place.