andrew tate cringe misogyny rape sexual exploitation

Between Greta Thunberg and a police raid, Andrew Tate doesn’t know what hit him

Andrew Tate: Sad clown

UPDATED: See end of story. Pizza box thing not true.

It’s been a rough couple of days for musclebound professional misogynist Andrew Tate. Yesterday, his attempts to troll environmental activist Greta Thunberg on Twitter backfired spectacularly, inspiring widespread ridicule. Then, today, his Romanian villa was reportedly raided by the police in connection with the alleged kidnapping of two young women.

We’ll get to that in a moment. But first, l’affaire Thunberg. Yesterday, for no apparent reason, the 36-year-old Tate decided to tweet at the 19-year-old activist, boasting about his enormous collection of cars. He told her he’d provide “a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions” if she sent him her email address.

Thunberg replied:

Some ten hours later, Tate reacted a bit like Margaret Dumont in an old Marx Brothers movie. “How dare you?!” he tweeted.

He then released this rebuttal video, in which he declared that she was the one with the small dick, not he. Yes, it apparently took him ten hours to come up with that one.

Today, he was more than just owned online: His Romanian villa was raided by the country’s Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, and he and his brother were detained for questioning, according to the Daily Mail

The raid is related to an ongoing probe into alleged human trafficking. According to Semafor,

the suspects allegedly used a “loverboy method” to lure victims into relationships and then sexually and mentally abused them to perform in exploitative videos, authorities said.

This was the second police raid on Tate’s villa. The first took place last April after it was claimed that a woman was being held at the mansion against her will. “As the probe continued,” the Daily Beast reported at the time, “it escalated to include ‘crimes of human trafficking and rape.'”

Tate said then that the original raid was just a SWATting attempt gone wrong. Seems like that might not have been the case. He also claimed he moved to Romania partly because the authorities there would be less likely to take rape charges against him seriously. Apparently, not so much.

I wish Tate only the worst. If he’s guilty of the crimes he’s suspected of–he has yet to be charged, much less convicted–I hope he rots in a Romanian prison.

UPDATE: The speculation about the pizza box giving away his location turns out to not have been true, so I removed it from the piece.

UPDATE 2: The cops are now holding him for 30 days.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

In the grand scheme of things this is only a minor point. But that Bugatti is actually so low emissions it’s exempt from London’s ULEZ charge.

So even his trolling is rubbish.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago


comment image

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

Greta did really good with that, and I bet it didn’t take her any longer to come up with that than it did to type it. *chef’s kiss* Not 10 hours to say a nonsensical “NO U!” I mean, AFAIK, she’s a cis girl, so of course she doesn’t have ANY dick energy — though she has more metaphorical balls than most men. (Also TIL one of her middle names is “Tintin”!)

I suppose he can sell off the cars if he goes to Romanian prison, where he won’t need them. Maybe they have a prison left over from Ceausescu’s days. He’ll have to be in solitary, since I presume, like other countries, the cons have the traditional attitude towards traffickers. Especially if some of the women are underage. Cons REALLY don’t like child molesters — even mass murderers and serial killers look down on them as scum. Even if the women are all adult, a rich foreigner isn’t going to be popular for raping their women.

Love that this stupid “NO U” video was what tipped the cops off to where he was. Hoist, petard, self-own.

Last edited 1 year ago by GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Alan: Brilliant comment! Rut-roh!

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

Tate has been living between Romania and Dubai for quite some time now. That’s a major sex trafficking route. Anybody here know what “Dubai port-a-potty” means? If not, don’t google it. There are some things you simply cannot erase from your psyche.

He “converted” to Islam in Dubai. This move pretty much divided the online Muslim world between people fanboying over it and others casting a suspicious side eye. Particularly Muslim women, some of whom said they would leave Islam over it, especially if brothers fanboyed over it, which they did. He continues to engage in HARAM behaviors but these fanboys refuse to call him out on it.

He’s made very disparaging remarks about Muslim women in older videos while also saying, “I’m gonna get myself an Islamic ass wife” and “four wives and 9 kids”. I don’t think Muslim women will be lining up for that. However it has recently been revealed that he has at least 1 wife and a few baby mamas and 4 kids. His fanboy Sneako is claiming all the women are his “wives”. I don’t think any of them are Muslim though since they had kids with him before his “conversion”. Unless they also recently converted.

The consensus is that since he got “cancelled” from platforms a few months back he had to find another “community” to grift and so he choose the Muslim community. Another theory is that he does “business” in Dubai and it’s easier to do business there if you are a Muslim and so he “converted” for that reason.

The only people in the Muslim sphere who are excited over his “conversion” and think it’s coming from a place of sincerity are Muslim men who were following and fanboying him for months and years before his conversion.

He’s haram.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

I was today year’s old (as the kids say) when I found out that a Romanian currency is called Bani; which means ‘money’. I just love the ‘does what it says on the tin’ element there.

And it’s relevant to the thread as it was research for a snarky Tate tweet.

Seth S
Seth S
1 year ago

It’s delicious.
All he had to do to stay out of jail was not goad her.
And after she roasted him, all he had to do was keep his damn mouth shut.
And he couldn’t do it. He just couldn’t resist posting the “I’m totally not owned, actually, it is you who are owned by me” video with the pizza box that tipped off the authorities….

Toxic masculine hubris, a play in 4 acts.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
1 year ago

It is kind of delicious that there’s now a pizzagate that’s actually real. Or pizzatate as people are calling it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
1 year ago

It’s ironic that he hates socialism so much, since he’s now publicly owned.

Seth S
Seth S
1 year ago

May he be known as “PizzaTate, the human trafficker who got roasted to a smoldering ashen cinder by Greta Thunberg” for the rest of his existence on this planet. I want that to be his legacy forever.

Last edited 1 year ago by Seth S
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
1 year ago

My boyfriend just now broke the news to me about Andrew Tate’s arrest. I laughed and laughed. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. Thanks, Greta T.!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ buttercup

Mind if I steal that? Please say yes as I already have.

Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

A Wikipedia gremlin’s handiwork, thoughtfully screencapped by Matthew Thiessen:

1 year ago

Did you feel the disturbance in the manofear? As hundreds of thousands of incels cried out at once as Tatertot was hauled off to rot. A whinging on this scale has never been seen before.

I say the trash took itself out in a giant self own of his over inflated ego and toxic narcissism. Go Greta. Tate got beat so bad ( by his own logic) she owns him and he should now be paying her a portion of his income.

1 year ago

To reply to any criticism online (at least) with any laugh emoji is the complete and total indirect admission of having been both wrong and stupid.

This is even more embarrassingly, obviously true if it’s accompanied by either of the (only) two basic “conservative” strategies, usually as disguised as well as two ten-year-olds trying to get into an R-rated movie by having one stand on the other’s shoulders and wearing a raincoat to cover the fact:

1. “I know you are, but what am I?” — In this case, I’d say “Bingo!”

2. “I’m rubber and your* glue, [etc.]!”

Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

Thunberg has some further commentary on the instrument of Tate’s undoing:

this is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes

1 year ago

The term “small dick energy” can be harmful to trans men and nonbinary people. I have to throw that in while congratulating Thunberg and celebrating Tate’s downfall.

1 year ago

@Trying: Understood, but it’s kind of like fat-shaming and Donald Trump. I’ve been the target of insults about my weight and yet I am utterly incapable of feeling bad when someone points out that the TFG is built like a Hefty bag full of Dinty Moore stew.

1 year ago

@Trying: While that’s a valid point, Thunberg’s joke is really the equivalent of mocking the numerous homophobes who turn out to be gay, like Ted Haggard. The premise behind the mocking is not that it’s shameful to be gay, or to choose to remain in the closet, but that it’s shameful to promote hatred of gay people while concealing one’s own gayness. Similarly, Tate deserves shame not for (presumably) having a small dick, but for using his feelings of inadequacy to justify oppression of women.

1 year ago

I just gotshown this after reading this article. This is simply amazing.

1 year ago

I must admit to skepticism about the pizza box story. You’re telling me the Romanian police have been investigating this piece of shit for months, but the only way they had of knowing he was in the country was spotting the pizza boxes in his video? I want it to be true, because it’s always good to see a creep hoist by his own petard, but it seems doubtful.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago
Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

For all the money he claims to have, did anyone take note of how small, barren and non-Top G his house looked in the raid videos?

For someone who claims to have it all and be wanted and beloved by so many people why was he holed up with his brother during “the holidays”?

He may be Muslim and not celebrate Christmas but his brother is still claiming to be a “Christian”. And he still has his mom and sister and brother-in-law and nieces and nephews. And oh yeah, he supposedly has kids and baby mamas too. So why wasn’t he with any of them enjoying love, warmth, family and togetherness at a beautiful resort somewhere in an exotic locale?

1 year ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
Buttercup for the win 🎆🎉

@Alan Robertshaw: truly awesome tweet. In fact, it was so awesome, I had to share it with my mom–along with info on the manboy involved (so she’d have some context).Thanks for sharing it.

Wishing my fellow Mammothers a safe & happy New Year’s.

I may not post much, and, right now, I’m typing this with my arm in a sling (recovering from rotator cuff surgery), but I always check in.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ love is all we need

I do wonder about his car collection. There are some very expensive ones; but I wonder if he owns outright or they’re leased or on finance.

Had he not vanished from social media as soon as I heard of him I was going to ask him about his Ferraris. Ferrari are very fussy about who they sell to. You have to be on their ‘preferred customer list’; and that is mega hard to qualify. Merely being rich is a necessary but not sufficient qualification. You essentially have to hang around at Ferrari events for years. Then you have to buy multiple second hand ones from them; of the undesirable models. It’s basically like joining an outlaw biker club. You have to prove yourself before they let you in as a full member.

So most Ferraris are bought on the unofficial second hand grey market. From dodgy people (If Ferrari are willing to sell to you they put tight controls on resale. Sometimes they insist you have to give them the profit. That’s basically to stop people speculating or investing rather than owning them for the love of the cars)

Doing that though is considered a bit ‘nouveau riche’. You may impress people on Facebook; but to proper Ferrari owners you’ll always be ‘Non U’ in the Nancy Mitford sense.

ETA: Bit more on that from Jay Leno

Last edited 1 year ago by Alan Robertshaw
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