The creator of the viral Twitter hate account “Libs of TikTok” appeared on Tucker Carlson’s daily streaming show on Fox Nation today. Unsurprisingly, Chaya Raichik took the opportunity to spread misinformation about, and spew hatred at, the LGBTQ community, which she characterized as an evil “cult” of pedophile groomers.
“The LGBTQ community has become this cult,” she told Tucker in an hour-long interview,
and it’s so captivating, and it pulls people in so strongly, unlike anything we’ve ever seen. And they brainwash people to join and they convince them of all of these things, and it’s really, really hard to get out of it. …
They’re bad people. They’re just evil people, and they want to groom kids. They’re recruiting.
Here’s a clip from the interview:
This was the first time Raichik had appeared on television. She remained entirely anonymous until recently, when the Washington Post, using public information, was able to uncover her identity.
As a result of her showing her face on Fox, anti-extremism researcher Chad Loder says he’s been able to locate footage and photos of her at the January 6th insurrection in Washington DC — revealing that she illegally trespassed on restricted grounds of the U.S. Capitol. (It’s unlikely she’ll be prosecuted for this, as there is no evidence she engaged in violence while there.)
Meanwhile, on Twitter, Raichik has gotten a little boost from Chief Twit Elon Musk, who “liked” one of her Tweets yesterday.
Musk has a trans daughter, so he’s being extra douchey here.
By the way, kids aren’t being shown porn in school. No one is sterilizing or mutilating them. It’s possible a few children have seen drag queens in somewhat scanty outfits–similar to outfits they might see if their parents took them to Hooters, as some parents do, and less scanty than standard beach attire.
With great hatred comes great hypocrisy.

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Most normal people don’t think about things they fear in such intense detail, and don’t share them online with such graphic phrasing. And thinking so deeply about imaginary scenarios is STILL a fantasy. Just like the people who were sure they were going to be Raptured a few years ago on the word of an AM radio host, or all the guys who thought they’d be Mad Max after Y2K, or the people who were sure Obama or Biden were going to imprison them for being Republicans. (Some of them still are, even living in red states! One of them, ironically, IS a fantasy writer.)
I recommend professional therapy for these fears; you’d be much less scared in public and in private. Seriously, they way you’re living can’t be good for your health — keep it up and you’re going to be Howard Hughes without the money. There are resources available in all price ranges — if you have no mortgage/rent, you might be able to afford something other than free, even. But start with the free ones, and work on making yourself less scared. And maybe consider getting things delivered; package handlers are pretty strong and don’t wear nail polish.
Sorry about your mother.
@Seagull and Schmear
1.Except you’re engaging in an outright consperiatorial and detached from reality delusion about a hypothetical future that isn’t actully that terrible. Because masculine men with big abs are still going to be around; feminine men wearing maid outfits and nail polish aren’t going to be the only kind of men who will now and forever exist. Hell; I’m only a mildly and blithly masculine man who wears hoodies and cmoflauge and am kinda a beanpole save for a puffy tummy and an unkempt beard I shave once it gets to damn itchy and I like hugging my Blaha Shark plusshie: and I’m comfrotable and content with that. Men are a diverse group of people and we are better when we are able to explore and express ourselves in a healthy manner of our own volition. We aren’t objects to control like you want us to, no more than a women is an object to control; because she isn’t. Men and women and any other configurartion of being; are people. I’ll say this again because clearly you need to get the memo: us men aren’t objects you can control and covet; we are people and you fail to treat us as such.
2.Stripped of and devoid of context; sure, maybe that doesn’t make anyone gay. But it wouldn’t also strictly mean that men are straight when they do so: given that bisexual men exist. Also; at least in my experiances; lots of straight men in fact don’t have a lot of gay fantasies. The closest I got is the rare time I think about Leon Keneidy being probably the only male charicter who I probably wouldn’t mind trying stuff with as a straight man. But a bit of a news flash: straight men don’t have the amount of “gay fantasies” (which is fine nd there is nothing wrong with that) or the clearly creepy obsession with the male form in quite the way as you do; in a denigrating and objectifying fashion (and thbis kind of teritoryy that you’re in: is deeply uncomfortable and sus by the standards of straight men, gay men and bisexual men).
Because you view and treat men the same way that a Miysogenist man views and treat women. It’s not okay when the Miysogenist man views and treat women; and it sure as hell isn’t okay when you the same with men.
What I have written hardly qualifies as ‘smut.’ In regards to those who are referred to as ‘femboys,’ one must express their fears that such ‘men’ are failing to uphold their end of the deal as men; in order such that men can be of sufficient quality, one must be willing to call out and discourage behaviors in other men that are degrading to those that would call themselves such. In return, we ask that they do the same for us, so that the necessary civilizational structure known as “masculinity” can proceed unabated. Should they fail to demonstrate sufficient preference for masculinity in themselves, it is hardly the case that they should care if other men around them demonstrate proper masculine behavior, leading to a general decline in masculinity as such, seeing that no one calls anyone else out of their slip-ups as they should if masculinity is to exist. Over time, this means that those of us who have struggled and have through trial acquired a hard-won masculinity will see the value of our own masculinity depreciate. Men must be willing to call one another out and watch out for each other, for otherwise, there will be little to encourage us towards masculine pursuits that are necessary for greatness.
Sounds like part of the problem is your rigid concept of what constitutes human quality and masculinity. A piece of fabric and smear of colour on someone’s nails are not inherently gendered things. Actually, throughout history, men have worn all sorts of clothes that some modern day individuals would deem un-masculine. Clothing is what you make of it.
The other problem is that you imply that for a man to do something that you personally associate with women is degrading – a calling card of misogyny, and why you will find that so many people here do not respond kindly when you show up.
The simple fact is that your screeds here are not going to have the effect that you claim to want them to have. They will not make gay men stop being gay. They will not make men who like wearing revealing clothing stop wearing revealing clothing. They will not make women hate themselves or see themselves as lesser to men. They will not sway anyone in your favor. Not ever.
I haven’t posted a comment in awhile. Nice to return to a fresh, piping hot troll just waiting for me. Of course, all his comments are making me think of is that annoying theme song for 2 1/2 Men. “Men, men, men, manly men, men meeeeeennnnn”
Anyway, Tesla’s stock tanked again today. It’s not troubling at all that Elon spent $44 Billion and is destroying all the businesses he’s associated with just so he could impress LOTT and CatTurd. Dystopic fiction didn’t prepare for just how stupid the unraveling of a society would be.
You sound terminally online at best, paranoid to delusion at worst. So I have two suggestions. The first is that you go out and touch some grass. Find a hangout where you can socialize with strangers. That way you can see that typical men still are the norm for men. The second is to find a good therapist, because you sound like need one. Someone to talk to and bring you back down to earth.
Girly guys and trans women like me aren’t the norm. We never will be. That’s just fact. Your fears are totally unfounded. Also quite a lot of trans women, feminine guys, and oddly enough furries, have made huge contributions to STEM fields and projects. So it’s not like looking like you fell out of a cosplay closet of the girliest kind is all there is to even just feminine guys. Where as with trans women, that sort of style is pretty uncommon. Since the overwhelming majority of trans women want to and usually blend in.
Either way men are still largely the same as ever. Men aren’t being made obsolete, or feminized out of existence. Your fantasy, and it is a fantasy, just isn’t helping. It doesn’t help that your ideas of manhood and masculinity are shaped through a warped and romanticized version of a past, that didn’t really exist. Media back then was just as warped and unrealistic as today. Probably even more so, since it was loaded with government propaganda to an unprecedented level in the US from the 20s to the 70s.
So you can stop panicking. Instead ground yourself better in reality. Not some bizarre fantastical “potential future” which isn’t going to happen. Seriously it reads like bad femdom erotica.
One last thing. Things are tough for feminine guys, especially in dating. Most straight women and gay guys want a traditionally masculine man. They generally intentionally shun feminine guys regardless of sexuality on both sides. The people, usually men, who are interested in feminine guys? Well they’re likely to beat the fem guy out of a sense of personal shame. This is a similar issue to what trans folk of all stripes face. It’s really depressing and limiting on one’s dating pool. It’s an issue, rooted in misogyny, that we as a society should be addressing. Not to force gender nonconforming and trans people into everyone’s dating pool. But instead to erode toxic standards and insecurities in general.the world would be a much better place for it.
Natsume makes a very good point. You may be seeing more gay dudes or transdudes or dudes dressing in ways that don’t suit your personal standards, but it’s not because of “recruiting” or a “war on men,” it’s because society has become somewhat safer for people to openly be who they already are. It’s still not ‘easy’ for them, though.
I’m saying this with all sincerity: Try engaging people from a place of good-faith curiosity and willingness to let yourself like them, instead of judging them and devaluing them and yelling at them, and you’ll learn very quickly that the world is not out to get you.
@GSS ex-noob
I hadn’t heard it either, as it turns out, love it! 🙂 I’m a sucker for k-pop. Sad that the industry is even worse than our music industry, but one day, probably not in our lifetimes, these things will get sorted out.
I’ve gotta go finish me some feminine pursuits necessary for greatness, thanks for the new playlist. 😀
I see performative masculinity has entered the chat. The masculinity police have arrived to enforce their narrow and self limiting beliefs on others.
My experience with guys like this has always been it is a projection of their own self hate and insecurity. A terror of change and a fear of the other that is not exactly them or thinks exactly like them. Their beliefs are so weak and fragile that they are triggered by seeing someone not conforming to their beliefs such as men wearing nail polish.
A manufactured moral panic and spoon feed hate. Throughout history these people have always been terrified of change or difference. Socrates was corrupting the youth with dialogue. Poetry corrupted the youth. Novels and plays corrupted the youth. The waltz corrupted the youth. Comic books corrupted the youth. Rock and roll corrupted the youth. D&D corrupted the youth. There are undoubtedly more of these silly absurd moral panics.
Men were the first to wear make up. Men wore wigs and ruffles and stockings. Men have performed in drag since Shakespeare’s time. Men wore skirts in Scotland. Go look at how heavy metal bands dressed in the 80s. Androgyny was king. No one cared. Why? Because the manosphere wasn’t spoon feeding this hate and insecurity and radicalizing their cult followers.
Do you have a site where you post your fic? If so, please tell me where it is.
Except, and correct me if I’m wrong, except that not a single pre-born soul ever made a deal promising anything at all in exchange for getting the ol’ twig & berries.
There is no deal.
It is also telling that you present a narrative of “objects of action” and “objects to be acted upon”. It’s even more telling that you think this comes from liberals, who wish to keep the same number of persons of the world in the role of objects and the same number as actors, but reversing past dynamics such that past objects are now actors and past actors are now subjects.
But this isn’t what we’ve articulated or envisioned at all. We look forward to a world where everyone is an actor and none are mere objects to be acted upon.
The entire idea of a future with human beings treated like objects is antithetical to our vision.
So when you paint this picture, the vision isn’t coming from anything you’ve heard from us. It’s coming from inside your own brain. These are your ideas that you’re desperately attempting to attribute to someone else, anyone else. And yet they persist in your brain. What terrible fate is this? you ask yourself, concluding that someone else, some evil, must be acting upon your thoughts, transforming you into that cute, slender thing placed in the service – literally and figuratively – of the macho ideal who sexually assaults all around him while sweating from the inner heat of his own masculinity.
But no. We know that this isn’t your analysis of what we’ve said because we’ve never said such things, never advocated such things, and such things cannot even be truthfully described as a painfully twisted extension of contemporary advocacy into its possible future forms.
We know this because it is literally the antithesis of that which we advocate.
And yet! it is a twisted extension of someone’s contemporary advocacy, the advocacy of people who wish to see a world maintain the idea that cock and balls are so precious that to be born with them obligates one to a certain code of behaviour, a code designed to portray these fleshy dangles as heroically strong, radiantly enviable, infinitely valuable, while those born without such (sadly non-prehensile) divinities are reciprocally obligated to worship Priapus in all his awe-inspiring incarnations, to the point of deference to less competent humans merely because of their possession of such anatomical miracles.
You, Seagull, you and your ilk are the source of this idea, and if this twisted future ever comes to pass it will be because we here were defeated, and your spiritual brethren have taken new power in a post-straight world, where the facts of gender diversity are too well documented to be denied, but too frighteningly liberators to contemplate.
In that future, you are the one who would bring about that scene, so desperate to cling to Manichaean gender that you would group billions of men with women rather than face the terrifying prospect of a world where billions of women, billions of men, and millions of others all respect each other equally, treating none as an object.
You are the source of this fantasy, and whether you fight it or embrace it you can only do so effectively when you admit to yourself this truth.
One of my favourite bits of insight was this one:
You are clearly ambivalent about this fantasy of yours, indulging yourself in imagining the scenario in ever more detail and lovingly realizing it in words, yet also clearly repulsed by it as well.
Smut could not possibly be a more apt description for your gender-reactionary masculinity manifesto.
If the “code” of masculinity has to be “enforced” by those who have agreed to the “deal” to keep it in place, it sounds like no one actually likes it much and it would go away on its own without policing to keep it in line?
A) I don’t think that applies to manly men doing manly things. Many people enjoy “manly” activities and I’m sure will continue to do so in the future as in the past.
B) If that were the case, then maybe the whatever-it-is sucks and should be allowed to fade away. We’re not talking about criminals attacking other people here; just everyone living comfortably. If the only thing keeping all the men terrified and behaving “correctly” is fear of punishment, then it sounds like a lot of men are unhappy and maybe we can let them just be themselves for a bit instead.
Time to adjust your meds?
I haven’t posted a comment in awhile. Nice to return to a fresh, piping hot troll just waiting for me. Of course, all his comments are making me think of is that annoying theme song for 2 1/2 Men. “Men, men, men, manly men, men meeeeeennnnn”
I’m imagining something more along this line:
@ Alan Robertshaw
Heh. The job I’m on requires high-vis, but it isn’t being enforced. Brown insulated bibs are in when it is below the freezing point, and half these guys haven’t a hint of high-vis. I know I don’t.
@ Crip Dyke
Yeah, I was going to say I don’t remember signing any legally binding paperwork. I suppose that’s part of the Righty free speech, where men should be able to just be men without all this femininity dictating how they should be behave. Don’t let the feminists force you into acting a certain way, be free and conform to our views on masculinity!
Edit: @ Full Metal Ox
I have never seen the movie, but I weirdly like that song
Or maybe
He posts his fic right here on WHTM.
Damn, the edit function didn’t appear in time for my previous comment.
The first time I watched 2 1/2 Men, I had never even heard of it. It was a Halloween show, the one in which Charlie gets a girlfriend who turns out to be a witch. She was incredibly powerful, and the whole episode was just over the top in its comedic look at men’s fear of women. Based on this one episode, I got an entirely wrong impression of this show. I thought it was funny and outrageous and feminist in a sly sort of way. Wow, was I disappointed to find out that it was just a tired old rehash of tropes about men’s fear of women and commitment.
Also quite a lot of trans women, feminine guys, and oddly enough furries, have made huge contributions to STEM fields and projects.
Scientists have recently mapped 10,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, thanks in part to seven trans men who—with their knowledge and consent—donated genital tissue in the course of their phalloplasties. (The prior conventional figure of 8,000 had been extrapolated from cows.)
I was not expecting to open this and then the first comment be seagull spilling out his sexual fantasy about punishing men wearing revealing clothes. That was like a kick to the face
Does anyone remember that Onion story which was headlined “why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock”? I was suddenly reminded of that by something, no idea why.
Wow. I’m well aware of the problems with the “the homophobe is secretly in the cloest” argument, but reading our troll’s posts, I honestly can’t come to any other reading. Amazing that he was able to type such purple prose one-handed.
@Chaya Raichik:
Thanks for the confession, QAnon coup-attempt participant! Now go get yourself banned from Twitter and arrested or something.
Elon owns twitter and re twittered Her. I Doubt they’ll be getting banned anytime soon .