homophobia transphobia tucker carlson twitter

“Libs of TikTok” creator Chaya Raichik shows her face, spreads anti-LGBTQ hate on Tucker Carlson Today

The creator of the viral Twitter hate account “Libs of TikTok” appeared on Tucker Carlson’s daily streaming show on Fox Nation today. Unsurprisingly, Chaya Raichik took the opportunity to spread misinformation about, and spew hatred at, the LGBTQ community, which she characterized as an evil “cult” of pedophile groomers.

“The LGBTQ community has become this cult,” she told Tucker in an hour-long interview,

and it’s so captivating, and it pulls people in so strongly, unlike anything we’ve ever seen. And they brainwash people to join and they convince them of all of these things, and it’s really, really hard to get out of it. …

They’re bad people. They’re just evil people, and they want to groom kids. They’re recruiting.

Here’s a clip from the interview:

This was the first time Raichik had appeared on television. She remained entirely anonymous until recently, when the Washington Post, using public information, was able to uncover her identity.

As a result of her showing her face on Fox, anti-extremism researcher Chad Loder says he’s been able to locate footage and photos of her at the January 6th insurrection in Washington DC — revealing that she illegally trespassed on restricted grounds of the U.S. Capitol. (It’s unlikely she’ll be prosecuted for this, as there is no evidence she engaged in violence while there.)

Meanwhile, on Twitter, Raichik has gotten a little boost from Chief Twit Elon Musk, who “liked” one of her Tweets yesterday.

Musk has a trans daughter, so he’s being extra douchey here.

By the way, kids aren’t being shown porn in school. No one is sterilizing or mutilating them. It’s possible a few children have seen drag queens in somewhat scanty outfits–similar to outfits they might see if their parents took them to Hooters, as some parents do, and less scanty than standard beach attire.

With great hatred comes great hypocrisy.

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Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

A generation of ‘men’ is being convinced that the highest, most lofty goal that they can aspire to is dressing like a slutty anime girl. Used to, men fought wars and did back-breaking work tilling the fields and putting their minds to work pulling feats of engineering and mathematical wizardry that was nothing short of mythopoetic. Nowadays, they mince about in thigh-high socks and slinky little outfits that leave their belly-buttons exposed as they ask you whether or not you’re ready for them to take your order. Do you know that recently, one of these little swishes had nail polish on him when he handed me back my change? Nail polish, poofy little goldilocks hair, and a dog collar. Clean shaven as my ass, it was insane.

What’s happening to us, these days? Have they estrogenized the water supply, among other things? It really confuses me. Just the thought of our society being invaded by some more classically masculine group, the sort of men whose skin has been bronzed by long hours in the sun as they’ve been performing labors on the earth and nurturing their masculinity from Day 1 on the vital milk that is the sweat of their own brows, coming up here expecting a fight and all we’ve got are these clean shaven boys who’d make better wives than half of the women in this country. They’d be downright confused, and I’m worried about what kind of “reforms” they’d demand of us. They’d probably pump us full of whatever it is that’s turning these boys into maid-outfit-clad elves that they’ve become as late, just because of how haggish most of the women are these days. Just the thought of being forced to sway about in a maid outfit, carrying pitchers of beer to these beasts with their prehensile, meaty hands groping about me, caring not one bit about the masculinity I’ve been deprived of, while some hags nearby point and laugh at my misfortune as they take in the “show” sends shivers down my spine…

2 years ago

Welp, time to set out the citronella candles, the gnats are buzzing again.

2 years ago

Is this you bby?

2 years ago

Seagull and Schmear out here just writing a whole fan fiction about his deepest, darkest, creepiest fantasies like they’re everybody else’s fault.

2 years ago

I know you saw a gay man and it made you really upset, but that’s no reason to make the rest of us read your meaty groping hands fantasy

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Oh look, the seagull guy once again has time on his hands. Must be the holiday break at his school. So he’s here to yank our chains. It’s become quite the holiday tradition for him. Yay.

2 years ago

If Seagull hadn’t been on here before I would have been LMAO at their parody, but since I know they are serious… well, I still laughed, just not quite for the same reasons.

Speaking of, I work in construction buddy. I am surrounded by big bearded men who pick up heavy things, play with power tools, drink beer, shoot guns, get in bar fights, and chase the chickies. If that’s your thing, consider a career change. Drag queens don’t eliminate construction workers, as they need buildings as much as the next person, so it’s a pretty good way to be constantly employed.

I mean, seriously, nobody is depriving you of your masculinity. You wanna be a manly man doing manly man things, I’ll see you on the job site. (I’ll be the skinny clean shaven boy type on the team, but if you need help figuring out the back-breaking labor part, I can show you the ropes.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

I went for a job on a building site. The foreman asked me if I could make tea. I said yes. He then asked if I could drive a forklift. I said, how big is your teapot?

(I’ll get me coat, or hi-viz vest)

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

It’s probably true, and it’s not a fantasy, but a vision, albeit a dark one, of things to come. It’s like a science of sorts, you can see the currents and threads and, should you possess visionary prowess good enough for it, you can see where each thread leads, all the possible realities where mankind might find itself should it follow one lead instead of the next.

Don’t act as if you all would not lead the charge on this. You’ve had this kind of Frankenstein’s Horseshit simmering in your deranged cookers for a while now. First, it’s “women’s lib,” then it’s landing on “women’s whims.” You’ve been attempting to render men obsolete for some time now, a goal that you hope to reach through the instatement of some form of technologically advanced communist utopia of the sort that Edward Bellamy would turn green with envy should he chance to see. Other than “pleasure objects for women’s scandalous peepers,” what use would men have to you? Turning men from “objects of action” to “objects acted upon.” All this frilly nonsense is being engineered by K-Pop agents to neotenize men into being delightful little housepets for you.

2 years ago


No, no, when I say ‘fantasy,’ I mean that you are describing a gay gay gay gay gay phantasm that you derive sexual enjoyment from, and if you didn’t have a history of hanging around here being a jerk I’d think it was intentional parody. Heck, I still kind of do.

2 years ago

@seagull Were you a laxative in a past life, cause all you do is give people the shits.

If your manly, bronzed barbarians (laughable considering how the Russian army is being turned into mincemeat thanks to Western doctrine and training) you’d be the first to hot foot it across the nearest border.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Lizard Brain thought: Now everyone knows where to find her IRL and online, so…

Cortex: STOP THAT. We don’t act like her and her evil ilk.

LB: but…!

C: Hush. WaPo has already done that work legitimately. Now everyone knows she’s a hypocrite.

Righties don’t seem to have a cortex that can override their LB.

@Nequam: I’d set out tiki torches, but they like those. Gonna need some sort of fogger anyway to cover the whole area. Might have to step up to OFF! and our chemically sensitive friends will need to leave the WHTM party for a bit.

@magnesium: He’s writing fanfic about other men and what he’d like them to do to him. Which is fine, but we shouldn’t be forced to read it. Keep that on AO3, kid. I swear the incels etc. have fantasies that would gross out all my gay male friends. Like, TMI dude.

Also I bet he’s not one of those strapping lumberjack types himself. I guess he’s only into bears? I know for sure he isn’t cute or talented enough to make it as a K-pop boy, he’s just jealous (she said, looking at her K-pop calendar which is about to run out! Must buy new!).

@David: We’ve had our fun, now it’s time for him to go.

2 years ago

Clean shaven as my ass, it was insane.

Eh? Not going to judge your life choices per se, but are you saying you shave your ass?

Anyway, you think you have some sort of special powers of prophecy? Please, you clearly don’t even have a good grasp on history, specifically the part where every generation has a bunch of weird people ranting and raving about how men are turning into useless wusses and society is doomed to collapse over it

Last edited 2 years ago by .45
Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


2 years ago


No Judge Claude Frollo, I really didn’t, between your lovingly vivid descriptions of the beasts groping you with meaty prehensile hands and the shivers you say run down your spine when you think about them

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago


Ooh, nice reference there.

Beata Maria

You know I am a righteous man

Of my virtue I am justly proud

2 years ago

Listen, you’re either a closeted gay man (with a possible denigration kink), or you’re an intentional parody of one. Those are literally the two possibilities here.

Either way, it’s late, so. I’m done with this. Figure some stuff out about yourself I guess? Goodnight!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Aren’t all hands prehensile by definition? It’s the ability to grasp that distinguishes them from paws.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

men fought wars and did back-breaking work tilling the fields and putting their minds to work pulling feats of engineering and mathematical wizardry that was nothing short of mythopoetic.

It always astounds me that you think men dying, and breaking their backs, which, you know, also kills them, is a good thing. Do you hate men?

Clean shaven as my ass, it was insane. What’s happening to us, these days?

Well, you surely wrote that you shaved your ass, and now you can’t understand what happened. Sounds like a you problem.

2 years ago


I thought that was curious wording on his part, but I figured he just really likes to imagine the emphasis on those grasping, gripping hands…


Love that movie! Wish they weren’t making a live action adaptation of it, but I guess that’s what Disney does now

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ freneticferret

I wondered if it was because it’s associated with primates so it’s an attempt to suggest less evolved. Even though our ape cousins are just as evolved as us; what with the common ancestor thing.

(The gibbon is the only ape that isn’t also a great ape; they’re the only ‘lesser’ ape. That really seems like picking on them.)

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@freneticferret: Good comment all around. He’s probably still living at home and doesn’t have the guts to come out, or even realize he’s gay. Sooo much denial and projection, just like all the RW.
(But aren’t ferrets usually frenetic?)

@BTD: Definitely a you problem. So just to irritate and/or turn him on further and provide everyone else with a little non-seasonal music, I give you:

(These guys have abs for days, and of course all South Korean men must serve 2 years in the army. Pretty manly, I’d say.)

Last edited 2 years ago by GSS ex-noob
Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

@GSS-ex noob

  1. As I have stated previously, IT IS NOT A FANTASY. It sends SHIVERS down my spine, because such an outcome would be undesirable to one such as myself.
  2. Even if it was a fantasy, that doesn’t make anyone gay. Straight men occasionally have gay fantasies, and it is not uncommon for such men to partake in the viewing of gay pornography. 25 percent of straight men admit to having watched gay porn.
  3. I live in the house I inherited from my mother after her death – complications of Covid. So technically, I do in fact, live at home.
2 years ago


Just to be clear, we’re not dragging you for being gay. There’s literally nothing wrong with being gay. We’re dragging you for masking it with highly dramatic revulsion and for posting weird smut where the rest of us have to see it. Honestly, if you’re genuine, I’m feeling sad for you. Like… what do you even hope to accomplish here? Genuinely. What is the outcome you are attempting to reach here?

2 years ago

Quick question: does anyone know how to post up a photo in the comment: I had this really nice photo from my time at last summers Anirevo’s Anime Convention where one of the Airsoft/Military cosplayers was rocking full battlerattle while also wearing a maid outfit

It was at the time an amusing thing that I as an airsofter and tactical cosplayer got a kick out of… but in retrospect I also have grown to like haiving it in my back pocket so to speak to send to ilk like Seagull and Schmear given how out to launch they are and how the dichotomy between “Masculine Military Aesthetic” and “Feminine Maid Attire” existing together at the same time: would end up giving dinguses like this the “Cannot Compute” just to show that men can and should be able to emrace both masculinity AND femininity in a healthy manner.

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