homophobia transphobia tucker carlson twitter

“Libs of TikTok” creator Chaya Raichik shows her face, spreads anti-LGBTQ hate on Tucker Carlson Today

The creator of the viral Twitter hate account “Libs of TikTok” appeared on Tucker Carlson’s daily streaming show on Fox Nation today. Unsurprisingly, Chaya Raichik took the opportunity to spread misinformation about, and spew hatred at, the LGBTQ community, which she characterized as an evil “cult” of pedophile groomers.

“The LGBTQ community has become this cult,” she told Tucker in an hour-long interview,

and it’s so captivating, and it pulls people in so strongly, unlike anything we’ve ever seen. And they brainwash people to join and they convince them of all of these things, and it’s really, really hard to get out of it. …

They’re bad people. They’re just evil people, and they want to groom kids. They’re recruiting.

Here’s a clip from the interview:

This was the first time Raichik had appeared on television. She remained entirely anonymous until recently, when the Washington Post, using public information, was able to uncover her identity.

As a result of her showing her face on Fox, anti-extremism researcher Chad Loder says he’s been able to locate footage and photos of her at the January 6th insurrection in Washington DC — revealing that she illegally trespassed on restricted grounds of the U.S. Capitol. (It’s unlikely she’ll be prosecuted for this, as there is no evidence she engaged in violence while there.)

Meanwhile, on Twitter, Raichik has gotten a little boost from Chief Twit Elon Musk, who “liked” one of her Tweets yesterday.

Musk has a trans daughter, so he’s being extra douchey here.

By the way, kids aren’t being shown porn in school. No one is sterilizing or mutilating them. It’s possible a few children have seen drag queens in somewhat scanty outfits–similar to outfits they might see if their parents took them to Hooters, as some parents do, and less scanty than standard beach attire.

With great hatred comes great hypocrisy.

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2 years ago


I’m sorry about your mom, but sweet gods above that does not excuse the level of oversharing you are doing here. A bunch of us here have recently lost someone close (TBQH I lost my own dad at the beginning of the summer and one of my exes last winter), and you don’t see us filling comment threads with smut florid fantasies worthy of AO3 weird sweaty sounding rants about the civilizational hazard of feminized AMAB people.

BTW, trans women are not the same thing as femboys. And we are well represented in STEM, contrary to your concerns about engineering decline.

2 years ago

I don’t normally put any stock into the stereotype that most homophobes and racists are secretly gay, but Seagull sounds gayer than Scar from Lion King. “Be prepared…”

Crip Dyke
2 years ago


Does anyone remember that Onion story which was headlined “why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock”? I was suddenly reminded of that by something, no idea why.

Oh, we ALL remember that Onion story.

Many of us even remember the Savage Love column where he responds to the man who self-identifies as “200% straight!” but went to get a massage from a gay guy and got a blow job he (insists he) didn’t ask for with a thumb up the butt for good measure. The way he told it, once the thumb went up his butt he couldn’t move and had to come in the guys mouth. He didn’t want to, but he was just forced to do it. …And then he went back 2 weeks later to the same guy and got the same treatment again.

His letter was asking if that made him gay.

Normally I’d be like, “Look, dude, stop being so insecure. Sexual orientation is complicated. Gay dudes bone girls sometimes, and do it much more often when there’s sexual pressure to do so. Being one thing means that’s your **orientation**, but not your entire capacity.”

But in this case he was being such an ass, I clapped when Savage just flat out told him, “Yes. Yes it does. You’re gay now.”

Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
2 years ago

Let me see, here:
“You’re NOT welcome if you’re: a racist, a misogynist, an antisemite, a homophobe, a transphobe or TERF, … an edgelord, an asshole, … or just a blathering dingus that no one wants to have to listen to.”

“Some things to avoid: slurs”

“Don’t attack anyone for their sexual preferences or kinks, so long as they involve consenting adults. Refrain from weird or creepy sexual oversharing.”

“Don’t post too much or try to make threads all about you. Try to avoid drama.”

That’s, what, four parts of the comments policy that Seagull violated just in the first post? Let alone everything after that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
2 years ago

Well, my dear Chaya, and here I thought that all I, pretty much everyone else in the community, wanna do is to live as ourselves. Good thing some self-projecting idiot sees clearer than me. Wait. The key here is self-projection. We indeed just want to live, you are the one trying to enforce her vile views on others even through unlawful means. My bad.

@Seagull and Schmear
Did you suffer a head injury or something? That was some of the fines bullscrap I ever read, and I had a phase when I visited AO3 regularly… but, hey. If you are oh-so worried about being sexualized, deprived of your humanity, and groped simply for your looks and dress-up. How about stopping being an utter piece of trash and start seeing to it that women don’t have to go through that anymore, either? You apparently realize how bad such a situation is for those involved. But then, there is too much misogyny – together with misandry – in your post for that extrapolation to happen, and your subsequent comments make it clear that you view women as below men. I have to agree with the posters before me, you should head back to AO3 with your fanfiction or whatever that waste of space is. And get a therapist. Maybe they can help you feel less afraid, though I feel sorry for them for having to deal with you.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
2 years ago

Personally I’d send seagull guy over to Literotica rather than AO3, since the later is more for actual fans of various commercial fantasy world smuts while the former is more for original smuts not involving fictional characters.

Unfortunately for WHTM readers, Literotica and AO3 can’t offer him the same thing this site does: unwilling readers for his smut. The other two sites are set up so potential readers generally don’t have to read what they don’t want to; the set-up here makes that much harder to pull off. (Not complaining about the formatting here; just pointing out a flaw being exploited here.)

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
2 years ago

@ Redsilkphoenix:

 Literotica and AO3 can’t offer him the same thing this site does: unwilling readers for his smut. The other two sites are set up so potential readers generally don’t have to read what they don’t want to; the set-up here makes that much harder to pull off.


If you’re into a small fandom, or a rarepairing, Ao3’s search function is likely to turn up only three stories and one of them is in Finnish or something; but that’s a supply issue and not Ao3’s fault.

2 years ago

Re: head injuries, being off meds, and whatnot

Can we please tone it down with the casual ableism? Please?

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

Because seagull somehow wrote an unwanted dick pic. Anytime I talk about sex or my kinks I put a warning a head about what I’m talking about because I understand not everyone once to see it.

A lot of people like the look of a dick. No one likes it when the guy on a bus pulls out his dick got everyone to see

2 years ago

As a Canadian I am maybe a little ignorant of U.S., broadcast standards, but how does Fox News get away with broadcasting this shit without getting nailed for propagating hate speech? They can’t even claim that this is an objective journalistic interview, not with Fucker Carlson sitting there agreeing with her and egging her on. He’s just giving her a bully pulpit to label a specific segment of the population as evil.

2 years ago

There’s no hate speech laws in the US.

2 years ago


As Dalillama notes, there’s no hate speech law, nor any law against broadcasting disinformation of any kind; the closest you could get would be defamation, and even that has a pretty high bar to actually stick.

in some recent defamation lawsuit (can’t remember which one off the top of my head), Fox claimed that “any reasonable viewer” would know that Carlson was lying, which down here can actually be a defense against such lawsuits.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@BTD: Monsta X are my most favoritest K-pop group. They have the usual amount of albums, mini-albums, and singles, but 2 whole entire albums are completely in English, which is extra-nice for us word nerds.

@Nequam: Love that song, but couldn’t remember it! I once saw an in-house blooper reel from a project that hit all the stereotypes of Seagull’s blather… and it was set to that! Much LOL from everyone.

As for LGBT and furries, I’d say most of the ones I know are in tech. Some of them pretty high up. Proper tech, too, software and hardware, not just buying them with Daddy’s blood money. And never forget Danielle Barton Berry,

Last edited 2 years ago by GSS ex-noob
The Stop Sign at the Corner
The Stop Sign at the Corner
2 years ago

I can see the shape of things to come. They still refuse to close the patent office on my say-so, though.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Chaya Raichik falsely accused Representative Katie Porter of saying pedophilia is an identity. That is very dangerous. Is it libel? There’s got to be a law.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ love is all you need

It would be very difficult to bring a defamation claim in any US state on the back of that.

The politician is a public figure; and moreso a public official. That means it’s very hard to establish defamation as, apart from all the usual elements that have to be proved; the Plaintiff must also show the Defendant made the statement ‘with malice’.

Malice here doesn’t have the colloquial meaning. In defamation it’s a term of art for a statement made knowing it is false, or being reckless as to whether it is true or false. It’s all a bit technical; but if you want to bore yourself with more detail, I ramble at great length on that here.

The other problem for a claim, is that the person linked to the video. Where you make a comment based on material; but reference the material, it’s really hard to establish defamation as people can see for themselves whether you have a point or not. More on that here from around 10:00.

2 years ago

@ Redsilkphoenix:
They do have a section for original works there, though. So I guess both sites kinda fit.

@GSS ex-noob
Not quite tech, but I got a geology degree and currently maintain and develop databases and work with geospacial data. That should be close enough I think? It is definitely STEM. AFAB agender panromantic ace here. It’s cool to know there are quite a few LGBTQIA+ in tech, though. It always feels so male-dominated.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@KMB: Techie enough! Although you also have the pure science background. But if you’re wrangling data and writing databases, that be tech. Your very existence would make the RW’s heads explode. (May I inquire about your pronoun?)

Have always loved geology, though I only had one semester in college. I can still spot a strike-slip fault when I see one, though. And identify many kinds of rocks. My college roommate was a geology major so I picked up more by osmosis. She was a great roommate except back then, surveyors still used the heavy chains and rods. Before dawn on Saturdays. Clank, clunk. Luckily I got a boyfriend who lived off campus to spend weekends with.

Greta The Destroyer
Greta The Destroyer
2 years ago

Shed’s got serious issues. I’m not being facetious. I wonder if she ventured out in the community and got rejected. Maybe she just telegraphed her awfulness. Because she spends all of her time in Captain Ahab mode trying her level best to destroy the white whale. We all know what eventually happens to Captain Ahab. Watching her was just, plain painful. She looked extremely uncomfortable and something is absolutely eating her up inside.