Me-e-e-e-rry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing. Otherwise, enjoy this very cold day if you’re in certain parts of the northern hemisphere.
Here are David Bowie and Dolly Parton holding impossibly large rodents.

One of these days, Stable Diffusion will learn how to do hands.

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Cappy Christmas!
@Alan I think you mean Cappy Holidays. 🙂
Speaking of rodents and Christmas, my guinea pigs had a fine Christmas was more treats than usual. Pipsqueak was even more dramatic than usual when dinner time rolled around, screaming at me that she was starving and on the verge of death, so great was her hunger.
Then she turned up her nose at carrots, but snatched the brussel sprout out of hand hand faster than I could see.
Pippin was less dramatic, but once he got his treats he fluffed out into what I’m sure was a most intimidating ball, so as to scare other piggies away from his food.
3:22 PM on 12/26/2022 Central European Standard Time, and the goat remains intact:
@ g I joel
When you’re a carpincho it’s all one big holiday.
(No wonder Argentina won the world cup if even their giant rodents can play football.)
Glad to see the GNC lorry driving community are out and proud,
Pretty sure that’s Brazil, the sign’s in Portuguese
TERFs/gender-critical/whatever the anti-trans brigade call themselves now are trying to argue that being “gender critical” is a protected philosophical belief under Forstater vs CGD Europe case law. Which, yes, the case law did say that it can count as a protected belief* but it also made clear that TERFs can’t express those beliefs without facing consequences from employers. They’re forgetting that bit as they cry about being made unemployed or rejected for job postings/rental applications.
*Alan correct me if I’m wrong but apparently the report states that a belief which doesn’t lead to Nazism can count as a protected belief, which seems rather sweeping.
@ sunnysombrera
You got it pretty much spot on as far as I’m aware. This site has really good commentary though for more detail.
But yeah, the fifth limb of the test for protection is “worthy of protection in a civilised society”. So Nazi type beliefs aren’t protected. Some of the decisions have worthy doing a lot of heavy lifting though. To me, and I’m not an expert in human rights law, the test more seems to be ‘a lot of people do think that’.
That’s not an uncommon test in law. Law very rarely says there’s only one objectively correct view. There’s a thing called Wednesbury unreasonableness. That’s basically, something is only unreasonable if no reasonable person could hold that view. And when it comes to defining a reasonable person we talk of ‘the man on the Clapham omnibus’. So it’s your hypothetical average citizen.
So it’s more an amalgam of where society is at that particular moment; rather than where it might ideally be one day. There’s a huge debate in jurisprudence as to whether the law should lead societal attitudes, or follow them.
Incidentally, that test crops up all over. Even in stuff like medical negligence. It’s a defence that at least some doctors might use a particular technique or procedure, even if the mainstream majority don’t. So you have to get into real Andrew Wakefield territory before you cross a line.
As to protected views; there’s three elements.
The right to hold a belief. That’s a pretty low bar.
The right to express that belief. Generally you are allowed to say you hold a belief. But that can cross the line into the next category.
The right to manifest that belief. That’s where the law is most likely to intervene; as this is the area where conflicts of interest arise.
So you can hold GR beliefs. You could probably generally indicate you did in the abstract. But you wouldn’t have a right to misgender an individual. The mere fact you are manifesting a protected belief isn’t a defence.
That though isn’t special treatment for trans people. That’s just no-one is allowed to harass anyone else. And obviously misgendering someone, especially to their face, would amount to harassment.
Even at first instance Forstater (the case) made it clear that there was no new principle here. It’s just that calling someone something you know they don’t want you to can amount to harassment. The tribunal said the same rule would apply where someone used terf or even cis to describe someone who had asked you not to.
Interestingly the tribunal said that describing someone as AMAB/AFAB couldn’t amount to harassment as assigned could be synonymous with observed, and that was just a neutral fact.
I needed to share my excitement with someone, but I’ve spent the last 2.5 months working on knitting a sweater for my husband and I actually finished it, wash and dry it completely just in time to get it under our tree (meaning I literally stealth folded this thing on christmas morning and placed it while he was brushing his teeth…).
That’s my second sweater done and it fits!
@Alan Robertshaw:
That heavy lifting wouldn’t happen to include a certain hammer? 🙂
Meanwhile, this is interesting and disturbing (and long):
The apparent emptiness of their city, aside from occasional rescuees, combined with this:
leads me to hold a certain pet theory.
The Paw Patrol city is a training mockup! The rescuees are employees testing the trainees.
And that just makes it even creepier.
Carpinchos! It’s been too long since we saw those ROUS.
I am somehow disappointed that the goat is still whole. Are there cops surrounding it? Does it count if it burns before Epiphany?
Went to friends’, ate lots, played with cats, watched Dr. Who Xmas episodes reruns. About to have lefovers.
@GSS ex-noob:
I am somehow disappointed that the goat is still whole. Are there cops surrounding it? Does it count if it burns before Epiphany?
I think the deadline is New Year’s; the current weather (steady rain, as of 2:22 PM 12/27/2022 CEST) isn’t going to help the goat’s flammability—although the rain and the warm holiday lighting, plus faux-Guaraldi jazz piano Christmas carols, make for a pleasant found relaxation video.)
Congratulations! Finishing a sweater is always cause for celebration, but getting one done in time for Christmas? That’s AWESOME.
My husband and I have adopted a new kitten. His name is Romulus kittius Maximus
I needed to share my excitement with someone, but I’ve spent the last 2.5 months working on knitting a sweater for my husband and I actually finished it, wash and dry it completely just in time to get it under our tree (meaning I literally stealth folded this thing on christmas morning and placed it while he was brushing his teeth…).
That’s my second sweater done and it fits!
Bravissima (hope I gendered you correctly?) You scraped right under the wire, but now your husband won’t have to go through life with a swan’s wing for an arm!
Continuing the theme of Rodents of Unusual Size: presenting the public-access puppet adventures of the North Pole Nutrias and the strings attached to their romantic getaway vacation.
Viktoria Apanasenko’s costume theme to represent Ukraine in the 2022 Miss Universe pageant, designed by Lesya Patoka, is “Warrior of Light”:
Cappy New Year!
@Full Metal Ox:
Square Enix may want to have words with her.
Not sure what those words might be, but words nonetheless.
@ gss ex-noob
You can never have enough of them…
@ Full Metal Ox and Victorious Parasol
Thanks!! It was a mad rush to the finish, but I’m super elated.
And you’ve got the right pronouns (though I’m happy with either she or they)
@Bumblebug: Congrats! Well done.
@Elaine: Also congrats. In this life or the next, he will shred your furniture.
I’ve got another night’s worth of leftovers.
@Full Metal Ox
That’s a wonderful costume!