disgusting women incels misogyny

Living the good life, incel style

“She’s not all that,” he said to himself

Living life to the fullest, incel style.

I’ve found a way to not like women
 Thread starterBroly  Start dateDec 11, 2022
try lock that lil bitch down she got her own momma
JoinedApr 6, 2021
Online226d 7h 57m
Dec 11, 2022
If I see a woman I find “attractive”, I analyze her face and look for imperfections and things that are off and then she looks less attractive in my eyes and don’t like how she looks anymore. Honestly I’ve been doing this for the past few days and it works. My body is filled with disgust instead and shudder at the thought of going near them. I think of myself as above them and them as subhuman and I smile to myself knowing that I’m not them. Honestly boyos, it feels amazing and gives you a sense of confidence. YOU FEEL LIKE THE MAN. YOU ARE THE NIGGA. YOU ARE HIM.

Congratulations on this impressive victory over … women just going about their business and not giving you a second thought.

Some commenters in the thread had their own ideas of how to think less of women.

“I imagine them pissing all over their roasties,” wrote gangrenemax,

and bleeding every month and taking pills for thyroid shit and iron deficiency and also I imagine them running for some odd reason the way they run with tits just cracks me up

Broly replied:

I don’t have to imagine their nasty periods and the pills they have to take for the cum inside them and the mental illnesses tbh. Just looking at them is enough. But yea that’s based too tbh. I do that as well.

“Remember she’s wearing a ton of makeup and takes big smelly dumps and farts often,” added UnwantedVirgin.

Not everyone was convinced. “Cope,” wrote nice_try.

The urge to squeeze those jiggly busty mommys milkers will never go away. The want to spank that juicy bouncy ass cheekcs that are almost hypnotizing. The need to stick your rock hard penor into a warm, moist, caressing, soft pair of labia minora …. that shit will never go away, mang.

Thanks for sharing, I guess. Seriously, though, using the phrase “mommys milkers” should bar you from ever having sex.

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Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
2 years ago

So basically it boils down to remembering women are human beings is a turn off?

2 years ago

…..wait why is taking thyroid meds a ‘women are bad’ stereotype and since when. I inherited hypothyroidism from my father, not my mother. 🤷‍♀️

Last edited 2 years ago by freneticferret
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@freneticferret: The fact that you exist proves he’s not an incel. They’d probably think he’s sub-human too.

If we can just get more of them to actually GTOW, everyone will be happier. Ignore all the women, please!

Crip Dyke
2 years ago

I like how this guy thinks that men being hypercritical about women’s appearance is something completely new, and that calling women ugly in order to make himself feel superior is something that he’s invented (or, at least, that is a trend of which he’s on the leading edge or something).

Dudelet, sexist assholes have been hypercritical of women’s looks since before the invention of soap. And every girl everywhere knows it. So you running to the internet to announce your huge, new discovery is just you saying you’re too stupid to realize what’s been going on around you since before you were born.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Crip Dyke:

I like how these guys assume that women aren’t taught from the cradle to run that sort of hypercritical self-inventory (with periodic new criteria dropping, such as the Thigh Gap and the Bikini Bridge—the latter having originated as a malicious 4chan prank (“let’s see what we can persuade those gullible (slur) to make themselves miserable over!”)

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Incels use mind tricks to convince themselves that women are disgusting.

Women don’t need mind tricks to know that incels are disgusting.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
2 years ago

The fable about the fox and the grapes comes to mind.

2 years ago

Whenever I read incel posts, I see massive mental health issues and body dysmorphia. Incel think is the biggest turn off.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

Huh. I didn’t know thyroid pills was a thing now. Well lucky for me I’m past the age where I could be persuaded to care about stuff like that.

@Full Metal Ox: What is a Bikini Bridge?

Crip Dyke
2 years ago


Absolutely. Should have been more explicit when I was saying that “every girl knows” — she knows b/c she’s been taught to do this to herself. Ugh.

And then this schmuck thinks he’s a brain genius? I can’t figure out whether this guy is more sexist or more stupid, but he’s a whole lot of both.

2 years ago

ISTR that some monastic traditions taught devotees to fight lust by remembering everyone’s mortality and picturing the object of lust as being dead and rotting and thus undesirable. This kind of approach has been around a long time, and these dudes are amateurs

Crip Dyke
2 years ago

@Big Titty Demon:

What is a Bikini Bridge?

I had to look it up myself (FMOx is full of good stuff today), but it turns out that when your lower abdomen is so hollowed out that your pants or bikini or whatever goes from your right hip to your left without touching the skin of your lower belly/pubis, that’s a “bikini bridge”.

FMOx was also correct that this was started deliberately by 8Chan or whatever as an effort to make women more insecure and to increase feminine self-loathing and body dysmorphia. Unfortunately some news outlets reported on it as an actual trend that teens cared about, thus forcing teens to consider caring about it and, I’m certain, furthering body dysmorphia and self-hatred in at least a few (because that’s how large numbers work).

epitome of incomprehensibility

Re the “bikini bridge”: wouldn’t that just mean your pants/underpants/whatever are too loose and you should get new ones? Ideally, I’d want pants that don’t fall off!

(Okay, I am ignoring the more disturbing part, that for a lot of body types you’d have to be underweight to get that effect. But even then – elastics exist.)

2 years ago

This philosophy is seen sometimes in Buddhism, but of course the objective there isn’t to literally dehumanize and cultivate active loathing. If these guys really wanted to ‘free themselves’ from the horrible fact that women exist, they might actually be happier if they tried for detachment instead of this really demented sour grapes mentality.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

@Crip Dyke:

Thanks for the info, I was reluctant to look it up after Full Metal Ox said where it came from on account of being in a fragile place at the moment. Thought it might be even worse.

My bikini bridge is a full-on tankini tunnel and I’m waaaaaay past the point of being shamed about it. 🙂

2 years ago

… Isn’t this how Japanese Buddhist monks would resist sexual desire? By imagining the female body all icky and gross? You didn’t invent that concept. At least the monks were doing productive things.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

About the Buddhism, I often thought incels should join a monastery. But then they would probably ruin the religion of any monastery they joined. I hear that white supremacists are joining Orthodox Christian Churches now brining their far right American politics with them and it’s causing some distress amongst those congregations. I think a few even got kicked out.