Bowing to public pressure, and perhaps also cognizant of the latest plunge in Tesla’s stock price, Elon Musk has restored the accounts of the journalists he impetuously banned on Thursday night. Well, most of them. He’s left behind several smaller lefty outlets, including It’s Going Down. And he’s newly banned the account of another journalist, Business Insider’s Linette Lopez, evidently for no other crime than writing critically about Musk.
Meanwhile, though it’s getting far less attention than the drama over Musk’s journalist bans, the Chief Twit has also been continuing his crusade to restore the accounts of basically every terrible person who’s been banned on Twitter for perfectly good reasons–because they were engaging in hate speech, deliberately spreading disinformation, or doing something else equally nefarious (or worse).
The latest batch of terrible people includes MyPillow CEO and election disinfo spreader Mike Lindell, Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe, insurrectionist and general buffoon Baked Alaska, hate preacher Greg Locke, and former QAnon influencer “Tracy Beanz” (who has apparently broken with QAnon in favor of … other unhinged conspiracy theories).
It’s a perpetual Old Home week on right-wing Twitter, and the mood is celebratory.
Many of those celebrating the return of the terrible people were, of course, the same people also celebrating the banning of liberal journalists for no good reason. Because, of course.
These latest reinstatements come on top of a number of earlier reinstatements of other terrible people, including Daily Stormer founder and harassment organizer Andrew Anglin, Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler and the lovely Roosh V.
You see what I meant about the devils.

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It’s pretty grim! Although it’s kind of horribly entertaining, seeing daily evidence of what a loser Musk is. Today’s new weirdness was seeing that he constantly replies to an account that posts his own quotes
At the moment Twitter is just spiraling around the black hole that is Elon’s management style. Either Elon gets booted out of his CEO position and the hateful idiots are banned again in order to lure advertisers back. Or Twitter dies, the shitheads have to go back to Parler and Telegraph where their reach to the ‘Normiess’ is decidedly less.
I was at Rutgers when James O’Keefe became infamous there for demanding the elimination of the Evil Liberal cereal Lucky Charms from all the dining halls. We are all still waiting for the day he ends up in prison, and it seems like that day is soon coming.
I’m reminded of that scene common in superhero/action films where a whole rogues’ gallery of Decepticons, or evil mutants (Mystique, Juggernaut, and that multiplying guy), or just plain criminals (in The Dark Knight Rises and Con Air, for two) get unleashed by the Big Bad.
Meanwhile, more horrors emerging in the US, and this time from a Dem:
If that sort of shit starts up here, I’ll jump off a bridge or something before I’ll let them do that to me.
I thought devils were supposed to sound coherent and convincing…
It’s certainly circling the drain; we can all hear the flushing.
Lucky Charms??
The devils may all be amok, this old Angel has still never been a twit. Grace, dignity
Not from Hell proper, though; the outer limits …
Where do you get these pictures from? That demon image looks like it was generated by Stable Diffusion or something similar.
@GiJoel, I don’t know. Maybe there is something that we can do about it though. I wonder if we can start a community of “community notes” people that tag the tweets of the haters with links to RationalWiki pages or something similar to debunk their conspiracy theories and expose their hate speech.
Each and every day, I’m increasingly glad I never made an account on that shithole of a website and barely ever get in touch with anything on it. It should just be nuked to oblivion already and done with.
That is truly horrifying. I hope it never comes to that where you live, but I also got friends in NY State and start to fear for them…
This makes me increasingly grateful for having been born in Europe. It’s by no means paradise or perfect here, but still a lot better than the horrifying crap I hear from the US practically every day.
@David: not all of the devils. Some of them are in Ukraine serving in the Russian army.
Don’t know where to post this so its going going here. Queercels are a thing now. “Lesbians who have previously cohabitated with male partners make 9.5 % less than those who haven’t.” I’m not surprised.
@GSS ex-noob:
Lucky Charms??
Since 1992, they’ve contained rainbows.
He owns it. There’s nobody to boot him out. Tesla shareholders though, I believe, hold more leverage so I’m perplexed why he hasn’t been booted out there yet consider how much damage he’s doing.
Nah, there’s actually a lot of good stuff on Twitter – or there was, anyway. A lot comes down to who you follow and engage with. I’ve made a lot of good friends and learned an incredible amount, and although I’m sure it’s cringe to say so, I sincerely hope that the site survives the current nightmare.
Re the above, today’s weirdness is that Musk announced no-one is allowed to promote or link to other social media sites anymore – then started backtracking as soon as right-wingers complained about it… and followed it up with the most embarrassing public poll in history, asking whether or not he should resign. I swear he makes Trump look mature and self-possessed.
Mish, my latest crackpot theory: So Elmo is teasing us with this poll about stepping down as CEO. Earlier today he was hanging out with Jared Kushner. Is he going to make Jared CEO?
That would be weird and unexpected but then again this is Elmo we’re talking about.
jono, the pic is from midjourney, tho I tried the prompt on stabledffusion too, so you were very close.
Poor Boss Baby Muskrat. No one’s changing his diapers and people aren’t worshipping him! It’s almost like other people and countries aren’t his daddy’s emerald mine slaves!
@FM Ox: They hadn’t gotten that far by the time I quit eating them. But I think there’s been a rainbow on the package forever, along with the pot of gold and the Irish stereotype. I remember when there were only 4 types of marshmallow (and I ate them every morning. Hearts last. Also I’d still never turn down Lucky Charms flavored milk).
@David: Jared’s gotta find a new grift now that he’s distancing himself from Mango Mussolini.
Tesla simply needs to boot his ass out. He’s having to sell his stock as it is, so why not make it so he can’t keep driving down the price?
@GSS ex-noob:
I remember when there were only 4 types of marshmallow (and I ate them every morning. Hearts last. Also I’d still never turn down Lucky Charms flavored milk).
But did you pick a side in one of the most heated controversies of the late 60’s through early 70’s? I’ve had fun telling Americans of a certain age that I used to be a Quaker…pausing before adding that my brother was a Quispite. (Which is probably not how you’d expect an Air and Earth sign, respectively, to align—there’s probably a Pirate-versus-Ninja pop personality test in there somewhere.)
When they were banned they went over to Gab and Rumble but were bored and fizzled out because there was a dearth of “libs” for them to “trigger”. Now they’re back on Twitter in hopes of triggering “libs” again (they live for that)
but many libs are leaving Twitter. So maybe this is the end of an era. We can hope.
“At an end your rule is, and not short enough it was!” — Yoda
@FM Ox: My brother and I were Quisp all the way. As were most people. I also voted for letting the poor Trix Rabbit to finally get some cereal.
But mostly I was all about the magically delicious.
Thanks for the memory!
@Surplus: So he’s doing what he already planned to do, as usual. Eventually. Here comes CEO Jared to finish it off! Or the guys who want to monetize everything.
I’m not sure where they’re going to get all the thousands of new employees they’re going to need after the layoffs. Without Muskrat to attract the fanboys, they’re not gonna sign up, and only the most desperate ex-employees are going to come back. Move outta SF to save money, kids, and get a job with a better work culture that doesn’t make you sleep there.
Hopefully it’s just finish going bankrupt and we’ll all be safer. I’m following Jorts the Cat wherever he moves to and that’s it.