So a Men’s Rights Redditor called ArgueLater is apparently quite impressed by the conversational prowess of OpenAI’s new chatbot, ChatGPT. This, combined with the increased sophistication of “bipedal anthropomorphic robots,” can only mean one thing: really chatty sexbots, which will bring about something close to a utopia for long-suffering men.
As ArgueLater sees it, technological advances will bring us “robots which out-perform pretty much any man or woman as a partner (barring the ability to reproduce).”
This, he thinks, will make us humans better people,
mend[ing] the gap [between men and women] through bots exemplifying (and thus teaching us) our ideals of emotional intelligence, with men and women later coming back to the table as the best versions of themselves.
Also, these new bots will fuck us without complaining, and for some, that will be enough in itself.
It may also be a filter for certain people who only want a slave as a partner, and will just stick with the bot.
Not only that, but the new ability of men to have sex with robots will also decrease their chronic thirstiness–and thus reduce the power human women now have over men.
the big giant flip here is that one of woman kinds greatest powers has always been the ability to manipulate thirsty males. Male thirst is an important part of the evolutionary process, seemingly inexorable. But it can be quenched, and — for the first time ever — men and women will be on a level field in regards to who needs who more: nobody, we’ll have bots.
So take that, ladies! See how you like having conversations with men who don’t spend every second of the day trying to figure out how to fuck you. I bet that will suck!
It’s on the horizon, and I think it’s going to be one of the biggest changes to the relationship between men and women in human history.
I guess we’ll have to see.
The Men’s Rights subreddit regulars find this a compelling vision of the future. Minus the part about going back to women as better human beings; they’re not into that at all.
“Why would I want to go back to women if bots became a real thing??” asks Ok_Influence7378.
AnFGhoster has a similar question, and an answer:
Gynoids would convince most guys to never go back to organic women. Which I think is why every time this topic is brought up feminists have a reeeee moment. It threatens their soft power base
And that makes ChaosOpen think it’s never going to happen.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they figure out a way to ban the use of robots as sex toys. There is simply too much money devoted to exploiting marriage and they will claim this will lead to a population crisis.
All these points may not seem terribly new to anyone who has ever looked in on MRAs talking about sexbots before. That’s because they’re not. AI may be evolving in leaps and bounds, but the MRAs sure aren’t.
I decided to ask ChatGPT itself if it thought sexbots would ever replace women, as the MRAs would have it, and it gave an answer that was a lot more thoughtful than anything I’ve ever heard from human MRAs.
“It is unlikely that sexbots will ever completely replace women,” wrote ChatGPT after thinking for all of a second.
While sexbots may be able to provide some of the same services as women, they are not capable of replacing the complex emotional and social interactions that are a fundamental part of human relationships. Additionally, the idea that one group of people should be replaced by technology is not a healthy or productive way of thinking. It is important for people to continue to respect and value each other, regardless of their gender or any other characteristic.
While I was at it, I also asked the chatbot to name three krautrock albums that would be a good starting place for anyone newly interested in the genre. It hemmed and hawed a little:
Krautrock is a diverse and vast genre of music that incorporates elements of electronic, psychedelic, and experimental rock music. As such, there is no definitive “starting place” for someone who is newly interested in the genre.
But it still managed to pick a few titles.
- Can’s “Tago Mago”
- Neu!’s “Neu! 75”
- Kraftwerk’s “Autobahn”
Not bad choices, though I might suggest Can’s “Future Days” instead.
These albums are considered to be classic examples of krautrock and are widely regarded as influential in the development of electronic and experimental music. However, there are many other great krautrock albums out there, and the best starting point for someone new to the genre will depend on their individual tastes and interests.
Good conversation, chatbot, good conversation.

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I was doing the Dartmoor Challenge one year and a team of Girl Scouts improvised cowshit for sunblock.
That was pretty organic.
In before Alan Robertshaw: if you’ve been involved in Krautrock, odds are good that you’ve done a stint in this band:
Top choice!
TG did the soundtrack for a terribly underrated Michael Mann film.
Nena is techncally “Neue Deusche Welle”; but that’s arguably a species of Krautrock.
Best single of the 80s anyway.
You learn something new every day – I had thought “organic woman” meant someone who spends too much money at Goop. Oh, and if these creeps ever do get their fembots, I’ll bet dollars to donughts they’ll shut off the speaker toot sweet, unless it only says “yes, Master”. 🤔
Yeah, these damn sexbots are muscling in on my territory. What ever shall I do.
ArgueLater and his pathetic ilk will be whinging next about the government failing to buy each of them a sexbot.
Wait till they discover someone has to clean them!
@Alan Robertshaw, re the stolen art cache on The Simpsons: How the house of von Herzenberger came by the art in the first place is an exercise left to the viewer.
If there ever is a robot/AI revolution, it will most likely come as a result of how MRA treat their bots. I feel sorry for any bots stuck in this role. Us women don’t want to fuck these misogynist abusers that sound one step removed from serial killers. Neither should bots be forced to.
The fact that you would have a much more intelligent and reasoned conversation with an AI sexbot than one of these desperately sad and twisted men is, of course, entirely coincidental.
I would like to point out that GPT-based systems are a stepping stone to useful AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), not something that could be used in anything like its current state as a basis for independent artificial companions like sexbots.
GPT-3, which is the basis of most of the currently-available-to-the-public, direct-language-based AIs, uses a carefully curated dataset and isn’t capable of learning from its interactions with the public. Even then, it does occasionally spout a racist or sexist joke (when talking about comedy) or suggests that the user should commit a crime (when talking about the best way to accomplish certain things). This is because it has no inherent morality, sense of propriety, emotional or practical boundaries, or personal experience with the real world. The curation is necessary to very heavily bias it towards responses which are useful and non-harmful. Truly unrestricted language-based AIs are prone to turning into schizophrenic, omni-bigoted sociopaths, and very quickly if sabotaged by interactions with bad actors. There are a whole host of issues involved here, including some which are not necessarily obvious.
And then there is the problem that just putting a chatbot into a sexbot (which, incidentally, some sexbot manufacturers are working on) doesn’t accomplish anything but let the chatbot portion of it have conversations, and said conversations show limited-to-no awareness of anything you or the rest of the sexbot have been doing. You might be able to get it to say that it’s going to bend into your favorite sexy pose (or do your dishes) but it wouldn’t actually do it. Yeah, you can get some… interesting results when you link a language AI to an art AI, (David has been using one of those for some of the images on this blog as of late) but that’s actually far less complex than what it would take to create a fully-interactive sexbot even if all it could do is a limited range of sexual activity. (Also, side note, most art AIs use a carefully-curated dataset as well, because, among other things, they don’t want people trying to make porn with it.)
That’s not getting into the whole “at what point does a sufficiently complex and integrated system develop an actual ‘self’ even if it’s not conscious in the exact same manner that a biological being is, should we recognize that ‘self’ as a person with rights, and how would we even be able to tell for sure” debate which has been going on for over half a century.
What does the average AI (if one exists) think of Kraftwerk? Do they view the band’s performances as a form of cultural appropriation, or does the fact that they were doing this *before* modern Ais give them a pass?
Thanks, Alan. I am now having flashbacks of all the times the other kids at school (aka “the ones not in my German class”) would come up to me and say, “So, 99 loof balloons means 99 red balloons, right?” Luckily my German teacher had already broken Luftballon down for us, because why waste an opportunity to discuss the German tendency to make new words by smashing old words together?
@ Vicky P
There is a live version where she sings it in just about every European language. It’s very educational.
I just love the song though. Here’s a recent Nena gig. I think they must cryogenically freeze her between tours. She’s just so high energy. But just to make me feel really old, three of her kids are in that band.
Obviously robots are nicer than people. Whether that will prove to be an evolutionary advantage going forward remains to be seen.
“why waste an opportunity to discuss the German tendency to make new words by smashing old words together?”
Good question. Fascinating subject. Creative response to what was originally a rather limited word-hoard, if you ask me.
Time to dig out the old joke…
Four linguists were sharing a compartment on a train on their way to an international conference on sound symbolism. One was English, one Spanish, one French and the fourth German. They got into a discussion on whose language was the most eloquent and euphonious.
The English linguist said: “Why, English is the most eloquent language. Take for instance the word “butterfly”. Butterfly, butterfly… doesn’t that word so beautifully express the way this delicate insect flies. It’s like flutter-by, flutter-by.”
“Oh, no!” said the Spanish linguist, “the word for “butterfly” in Spanish is “mariposa”. Now, this word expresses so beautifully the vibrant colours on the butterfly’s wings. What could be a more apt name for such a brilliant creature? Spanish is the most eloquent language!”
“Papillon!” says the French linguist, “papillon! This word expresses the fragility of the butterfly’s wings and body. This is the most fitting name for such a delicate and ethereal insect. French is the most eloquent language!”
At this the German linguist stands up, and demands: “And what is wrong with ‘SCHMETTERLING’?”
Nena has gone off the rails in the so-called ‘Querdenker’ movement. She’s one of the cover girls of the whole sovereign citizen/vaccine sceptical/conspiracy theorist mess here in Germany. At the more dangerous side we have the people arrested the day before yesterday for their domestic terrorism plots. I recommend other neue deutsche Welle artists.
@ daugher
Oh, that’s a bit disappointing. Guess I’ll have to try that art/artist separation thing.
But to get back to Kraftwerk…
Actually, thats just reminded me of an old music biz anecdote; as told by the guys from Orbital. They found themselves in the same studio as Kraftwerk. They were huge fans of the band, so they were very chuffed when the Kraftwerk guys popped in to see them, and said they liked Orbital’s work. They were especially enamoured when the band started interrogating them about a particular snare sound they used on a song. Kraftwerk were obsessed with it. They were so flattered they offered there and then to give them a sample of it. At which point Ralf Hutter exclaimed: “No! We must have the process!”
To tie in with the other thread, this song has Madam Curie in it.
Speaking of songs and butterflies … well, this song is mostly about caterpillars.
every time this topic is brought up feminists
have a reeeee momentpoint and laughFTFY
@Alan Robertshaw:
Ew! Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. EWW.
Awful smell. Awful hygiene.
As for sexbots, there’s only two advantages partnered sex offers over solo, and sexbots would only be capable of one of those, and probably not yet.
That advantage would be “ability to reach awkward places, or stimulate more areas simultaneously than one person can alone”.
The one thing you can do with a sapient partner that you never could with a non-sapient sexbot, even in principle, is to be a participant in achieving their pleasure.
I recently read ‘Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?’ and one thing I definitely prefer from the book is that the worry about the Voight-Kampff test isn’t that it cannot detect androids, but that it could flag neurodivergent (old book, different terminology) people as androids.
@ surplus
The Dartmoor Challenge is full of stuff like that. It’s absolute torture so it can get a bit post-apocalyptic.
One year, on the second day, we were miserable and starving. It transpired though that one of our team had half a packet of hobnobs hidden away. So, given the choice between we eat the biscuits or him, he very kindly offered to share. He feebly tossed the packet towards us and managed to land all the biscuits in a cowpat.
We looked at them for about 2 seconds before deciding “Fuck it. It’s only grass.”
It’s all for a good cause though.