candace owens drag panic homophobia mass shooting satan transphobia

Right-wingers double down on anti-trans hate in the wake of the Club Q shooting

Matt Walsh, anti-trans propagandist for the Daily Wire

Right-wing transphobes aren’t letting a little mass shooting get in the way of their continuing vilification of trans people as “groomers” and “mutilators” of children.

Without bothering to express even nominal regrets for the deaths of five people at the hands of a 22-year-old grandson of a Republican politician, the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh came out swinging at those who have linked the shooting to the hyperbolic rhetoric of anti-trans crusaders like, well, Matt Walsh. On Twitter, he played the victim, declaring that he wouldn’t let leftists

blackmail us into accepting the castration and sexualization of children. These people are just beyond evil. I have never felt more motivated to oppose everything they stand for, with every fiber of my being. Despicable scumbags.

In a followup tweet, he more or less equated drag shows with the “castration and sexualization of children” and called his enemies “soulless demons.”

On the Daily Wire, he blamed the violence on those holding drag shows (as Club Q has done), adding that parents taking their children to Drag Queen story hours were “disgusting freaks.”

Meanwhile, the Daily Wire’s Candace Owens suggested in a Tweet that puberty blockers were a form of “experimenting on children’s genitals.” On air, she added that “giving puberty blockers to children” was evil “because we understand that ruining a child’s body is satanic. … You guys are monsters.”

Right-wing podcaster Tim Pool also blamed Club Q for holding what he called “a grooming event,” by which he apparently was referring to a family-friendly drag queen brunch scheduled for the morning after the shooting. (but not, obviously, held).

On Twitter, talk of “groomers” abounded, with the catchphrase “ok boomer” trending after the shooting.

Others echoed Walsh’s rhetoric about “castration.”

Ok, “Anti White Watch.”

I suspect within a few days we will find out that it was rhetoric like that seen above that led directly to the shooting in Colorado Springs. (We already know that the shooter was fond of anti-gay slurs, at least according to a neighbor.) And it is abundantly clear that rhetoric like this will lead to more anti-LGBTQ violence in the future.

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1 year ago

The pictures of the shooter aren’t pretty. But I suppose in the world of glamorizing shooters having his face be known as “the guy who got beat up by a veteran and a trans woman” is a way to make it a mark of humiliating him.

Mimi Haha
Mimi Haha
1 year ago

Those who scream the loudest have the most to hide.

1 year ago

I’m non-binary and go by both they/them and she/her, the latter mainly for people not too close to me. That alone is no indicator of gender identity, since pronouns are up to the individual and nobody else. If an enby is fine with the pronouns of their birth sex, then that is that, end of story.

That said. I highly doubt that shitter is actually non-binary. Yes, some of us are shitty people, but come on. By all evidence, this is not such a case. Bloody piece of horse dung…

Also, man, right-whiners sure love to project themselves unto others, don’t they? And ignorant as ever about just about everything and anything. Disgusting.

Last edited 1 year ago by KMB
1 year ago

“Hopefully we discover the shooters motives”

Yeah, hopefully! — as if we didn’t have an army of explainers eager to let us in on what they are.

1 year ago

Wasn’t he literally shouting homophobic slurs and calling people groomers as he fired into the crowd?

1 year ago

Well, looky here. The founder of a group that promotes the idea that drag queens groom children has a past that includes inappropriate relationships with children. It’s always projection with these people.

Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ loucpurr

comment image

1 year ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

The last time I was this unsurprised was when Milo briefly tried to play the “I’m Christian and ex-gay” angle.

1 year ago

@LouCPurr I wonder how long it’s going to be before we learn of Matt Walsh’s inappropriate interactions with teenage girls. Those Alt_right creeps love ’em young.

1 year ago

With how much time Matt Walsh spends talking unprompted about how it’s not immoral to forcibly impregnate a 16 year old I’m pretty sure we all know exactly what revelation about him is coming.

1 year ago

Wasn’t he literally shouting homophobic slurs and calling people groomers as he fired into the crowd?

I didn’t see anyone report on what he was shouting into the crowd. But neighbors report he complained all the time about groomers and said f**got very often, frequently with threats of violence. So the evidence that this was a hate crime against LGBT seems fairly straightforward. Not that there would be any other motive for the choice of venue. Maybe if he worked there, you could argue he went postal. But otherwise, it’s obviously a hate crime.

Even if he’s an enby himself, it’s a hate crime. But he’s probably not enby.

Also unsurprisingly, him and his mother were filmed being incredibly racist and threatening violence in an airport just a few months ago.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave
1 year ago

Can anyone name a trans person or drag performer that’s been indicted for chasing children?
Me either.
Right wing politicians? Priests and pastors?
Oh yes.

And I never hear them complain about child beauty pageants. Sexualising small children is apparently fine as long as it’s done for the benefit of straight men.

And I strongly suspect that Matt Walsh knows perfectly fine well that nobody does surgery on children.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sheila
1 year ago


Can anyone name a trans person or drag performer that’s been indicted for chasing children?

Me either.

Transphobes probably consider this evidence that we’re in charge. If she floats she’s a witch, and if she drowns she’s innocent…

1 year ago

Another thought: assuming that the shooter isn’t non-binary, my guess is that he’s pretending to be in an attempt to dodge hate crime laws, and the trolling is just a bonus.But I agree with @Dave – even if they are enby, it’s still a hate crime.

Nathan Tyree
1 year ago

This is actually terrifying. They are gonna speed run stochastic terrorism and right into pogroms.