So one of those Red Pill accounts on Twitter decided to gin up some engagement by asking its readers a question:
The men who responded, by and large, thought that they were speaking truth to the powerless, delivering a harsh dose of reality to deluded women. You never saw such a parade of male insecurity disguised as strength. The fellas want their women weak and inexperienced and preferably half their age; they’re scared of women with real careers and education and, even worse, with sexual histories of their own. They want women barefoot and pregnant, with the pregnancy part optional for now.
Let’s take a look at some of the many replies.
Post Truth wants his women to be ignorant and isolated with no thoughts of their own.
Also, no fatties!
This man who doesn’t know what a sentence is wants a teenager who won’t compete with him.
This guy wants a woman who speaks softly and doesn’t carry a big stick.
They really want women to be ignorant and inexperienced, huh?
Well, at least this guy stopped at twenty on the way down.
This man makes my skin crawl.
Here’s a real romantic.
Nothing to see here, just a couple of male supremacists trying to convince themselves they’re better than women.
Here’s another man terrified of being manipulated by … makeup.
Dude, if five is average, then yes, the average woman is average. That’s how averages work.
This guy is almost a poet, except that he doesn’t quite rhyme.
Apparently, smelling like fish is ok, though.
Apparently, in the post-apocalyptic future, women will have a lot of plumbing problems.
I have no fucking idea what this dude is talking about.
Meanwhile, Lou here is lost in his own thoughts, which are very stupid.
Lou, Lou! It’s WILMA, Lou, not “Woman.”
There’s a really good reason why no women want to hear any of this nonsense. Not because “they can’t handle the truth.” But because it’s just creepy as hell. I hope there aren’t too many men out there who believe this bullshit.
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I see that Post Truth has two lightning bolts in his name, symbols of the Nazi SS.
Post Truth, here’s some true truth: the Nazis lost, lost, lost. It was an ignominious defeat, with your main man, Adolf, committing suicide.
I checked. Apparently it’s “TERRAIN. PULL UP.”
And how long did the nazi thousand year reign last? Twelve years.
“The Nazis kept talking about a thousand-year Reich, but they couldn’t think ahead five minutes.” ~ Paul Schmidt
I’ve got socks that have lasted twice as long as the Third and Least Successful Reich did.
Lou is gonna get his ass kicked by Fred Flintstone, lol
This line says a lot. My partners treat me as a partner, not a competitor in whatever games (dominance?) that exist in their heads. And I treat them likewise. Sure, I’ve dated a few men who were only pretending to be like that, but that always came out soon enough that they never graduated beyond being “a date” to become “a partner”. Men like those featured here get screened out before even reaching the “date” level.
For that matter, I never got the impression that any of my male partners were “settling” for me because they couldn’t get the meek, ignorant 20-something of their dreams, so it’s fairly obvious that there are plenty of men not like this and no one needs to settle for them. (Also I’m bisexual, so I don’t even need to date *any* men if they’re all terrible or so scarce that they’re best left to give straight women a chance, but that’s besides the point.)
So, they want someone who’s definitely not independent, doesn’t want a career, didn’t go to the college, acts like a kid and wears no makeup at all.
Why don’t they just adopt a poodle?
@happy cat:
Because they draw the line at bestiality.
Actually I want to hear all of this. It makes it easier to know which ones aren’t worth my time.
Isn’t that the awesome pair of mother and daughter pilots? They are so cool, I’m rooting for them ever since I learned they exist!
@Mimi Haha
It also actually gives me a good laugh. Especially the part about never being independent of men. Yeah, well, neither will they ever be completely independent of us… but that’s not what they mean of course. They are simply incapable to understand that we can support ourselves just fine.
I really want to send the idiots who think that education is detrimental for finding a partner my boyfriend’s way… and the way of my exes, for that matter. Oh, they will tell them something. Pretty much sure most of them liked me because I’m smart and educated, not despite of it. I did meet all of them minus my boyfriend during my university days after all, and I know of at least one case of unrequited love directed at me by one of my study friends that lasts to this day, and I’m way past my prime in those shit’s eyes as age 33. Basically a crone. Oh, also, I was over 30 when getting together with my boyfriend. He is kind, supportive, makes me feel completely save, doesn’t pressure me to have sex with him ever (unlike those people), and is able to reign in my little hobby-related rampages before they out of hand while accepting them for what they are. Those people would never, ever do that, they would try to control me and my hobbies. He also understands that im not well mentally, how that expresses itself, and how to (re)act about it. That’s a lot and I appreciate him very much for all he does for me. So much that I go on random tangents about it, as you can see…
And even if that wasn’t the case… I’m panromantic. I can choose.
That account is continuously promoting that women are weak children that want to be dominated and abused/beaten, but the feminists have been brainwashed into believing that this isn’t the truth. Really sick incel cult like shit that is getting pumped into the minds of young men.
Honestly that last comment by “LouBlanco” is reasonable, self-deprecating and almost cute compared to the garbage most of those other posters were spouting.
A guy saying, in effect, “Honey, I know you may find this hard to believe, but sometimes I really am just thinking about nothing at all, or at most idly fantasizing about cartoon characters, rather than lecherously staring at another woman’s body”? Yeah, I’ll give that a pass.
*happy dance*
Guess who just got some really great job news that involves getting more money?
ETA: And if I end up making more money than Mr. Parasol again, I am certain that his male ego will not suffer.
There’s a new Excel breath mint ad going around lately with a lesbian kiss in it. How long until the Fox and Friends meltdown, do you think?
They did get one thing right — women don’t want to hear this winy misogynist blubbering from a bunch of insecure manbabies.
@ Victorious Parasol
@Ruslka (with a capital R)
Yup, who wants to listen to a bunch of whiners whinge about how hard done to they are?
Look, I’m not in the market to date 18 year olds and I haven’t been for a LONG time, but, and I’m just saying here, but if I were in that market, I don’t think whether they were a “young 18 year old” or an “old 18 year old” would enter into it. Even 18 years 11 months and 4 weeks would be fine with me if they were the right person.
I know.
Maybe that’s just something men don’t want to hear?
Thank you, bace, for informing us that women have never experienced hardships. Every woman up until now has lived life on easy mode. Yup.
@Victorious Parasol – congratulations!
@Vicky P: Huzzah! I am sure Mr. P’s male ego will be just fine with having more money coming into the house.
What incels aren’t ready to hear: that they’re whiny losers. Which is supported by fact and their own testimony too.
I’ve often thought that what they want in a woman sums-up to pædophilia.
@Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile):
The Nazi ideology prized victory in war for their ‘race’ above everything else, which is why they had to be overwhelmingly defeated in a war to be stopped.