Another genius idea from the incel brain squad.

I can’t see any flaws in this logic.

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I just gotta say: They joined less than a month ago and already have a hundred and eight posts to their name? What do these people do with their time? Just live on these forums? Oh, right, they do…
Ugh. And stupid/ignorant. Also — and this will surprise boy loser– many women don’t have periods for varying reasons, but they still manage to look attractive.
In happier news, I really like today’s mammoth. Not sure how he types with those big feet; maybe his trunk would be better, or his employer should give him a larger keyboard. But he’s an adorable cartoon.
Okay so I was unfamiliar with ‘normiecel’ and spent 20 minutes in that rabbit hole and it seems that incels are realistically aware men’s attractiveness is highly relevant in the dating market and also furiously wanting that reality to go away,
Not everybody who has a period reacts the same way. I had weepy emotional periods, but I also had periods where I was willing to chew through steel if that’s what it took to get what I wanted. The daughter of a friend of ours was known to get on the schoolbus and growl at everybody. (Last I heard, she was still happily married to a man as tough as she is – a real battle couple.)
I checked my email and saw the title of this entry and just about died laughing. Today was the first day of my period and I can only imagine some mother*er trying to hit on me… and lemme tell you, I feel sorry for that hypothetical dude.
@Victorious Parasol You summed it up perfectly.
The thing I like about this (and by “like” I mean am gobsmacked by the sheer levels of dumb) is the combo of “less attractive” and “I don’t know the best way to tell”.
Didn’t you just claim (a mere two-and-a-half sentences ago) that there was a readily perceptible characteristic? So how come you can’t tell, pal?
Yup, absolutely flawless.
@opposable thumbs – it is alarming that even within their own hamster ball world, (having never spoken to a woman or knowing anything whatsoever about bodily functions) these incels still can’t think up delusional ideas that are internally consistent.
Weird. I don’t feel less attractive right now, just annoyed by the cramps…
D. Futrelle said:
Which is fair enough. I can’t see any logic in those flaws, so I guess we have some balance there.
Even if that stupid theory was true, how can you tell if a woman is on her period or not? Do they try to look into their pockets or purses to see if they carry tampons? Ridiculous!
Brocels, there is definitely a super secret way to ask a woman if she’s on her period without her slapping you or yelling at you or even glaring at you. Sorry, but only other women and Chads know this magic trick. No incel will ever find out. Cry me a fuckin’ river.
Hello, female who does not know her place. I see you are looking especially ugly today. Since I assume that means you’re on your period, will you give me the sex you owe me?
Even they admit they are low value men.
Truthfully, I do feel rather gross when I’m on the rag, but I’d be less receptive to come-ons from strangers, not more.
Also, I’m betting the incels wouldn’t want to have sex with a woman on her period, because periods are icky girl things and they don’t like icky girl things.
@Vicky P: This! Hitting on a woman who has her period can be hazardous to men’s health. Some women will be practically bedridden during their periods, so incels won’t even be able to see them.
The Mr. and I had only been together about 6 weeks when I was stricken by a surprise period. Without a protest, he went to the 7-11 next to his apartment and bought me supplies and gave me aspirin, chocolate, and a hot water bottle, and we watched TV.
No incel would ever do that, at least not without heavy whining and complaining and general unpleasantness. Not that that differs much from their usual mien.
(I’m here all week, don’t try the veal, it’s very cruel to the baby sheep.)
He’s got it all wrong. I get super-horny in the 2-day window between the rage and despair of PMDD and the intense pain and torrential bleeding of fibroids and endometriosis once my period starts. I quite possibly would have sex with any consenting adult who showed up at my door during that 2-day window. But am I attractive enough? Who knows! The incels are NOT gonna like my blue hair and pronouns!
@GSS ex-noob:
The Mr. and I had only been together about 6 weeks when I was stricken by a surprise period. Without a protest, he went to the 7-11 next to his apartment and bought me supplies and gave me aspirin, chocolate, and a hot water bottle, and we watched TV.
Yup—that one sounds like a keeper.
(And I’m reminded of this Steven Universe fancomic. If you’re not familiar with the show:
Steven is a superheroic hybrid being raised by his father, and then by agender but feminine-presenting sapient humanoid gems of his mother’s species.
Gems have the ability to fuse into a compound being—the embodiment of a relationship, which can be comradely, friendly, romantic, abusive, or a thousand and three other things. Steven and his human girlfriend Connie discovered quite by accident that they could fuse, into a tall, gorgeous, and athletic non-binary person they named Stevonnie. (Stevonnie is adult-appearing, looking older than their components’ ages of 14 and 12,)
Here’s how Steven undertakes to comfort Connie during Aunt Flo’s visit (scroll down):
I suppose “normiecel” are the incel who are only misogynist jerks, as opposed to the ones who are mass shooters, but I really have no idea.
When I still had periods (chemotherapy, radiotherapy and tamoxifen appear to have put paid to those) I was always extra frisky once I got past the first couple of days of cramps and pain. This feeling would not make incels any more attractive to me. Also GSS ex-noob hits the nail on the head – a messy leaking woman would just freak them out. Amazing how they can consistently mangle their own demented attempts at logic.
I had that super-horny thing right before the period too. Which was good for helping with cramps. That time is almost the least-fertile, so certainly women aren’t looking to get knocked up then.
@FM Ox: Aww, cute cartoon. The Mr’s extremely good behavior was after one of those pre-period super horny spells, but I wasn’t expecting the blood for at least another day.
I am on my period and less attractive coz I am in to much pain and discomfort to bother with doing my hair, makeup etc. But I also am in to much pain to put up with incelbullshit