In the wake of the Republicans’ anemic performance in the midterms — the “red wave” that wasn’t — white nationalist Nick Fuentes, leader of the far-right America First movement, is declaring that he’s done with democracy. In a livestream Wednesday, Right-Wing Watch reports, he delivered a rant outright calling for a right-wing dictatorship to take over the country.
You gotta recognize the fact that this is a godless country. I hate it. It’s immoral. It’s wrong. It’s heinous. … But this is an evil country, and this country will surprise you with how evil it is. And that’s why you’ve got to get this out of your head that there is some silent majority cavalry that’s going to come out of the woods and save us at the last minute. It’s not.
And that’s because the “silent majority” is actually a minority.
We are in the minority. There are not as many of us as there are of them. … That’s why they win the popular vote. … That’s why it is the way it is. And I hate to burst anybody’s bubble, but there is simply no evidence that there is a silent majority. … There are too many non-white people in the country, frankly, for that to be the case.
He’s got a point there:
A solid majority of Americans, he recognizes, oppose his agenda.
When you look at these things like abortion, it’s popular. And you can thank the Jewish media for that. Abortion is popular, sodomy is popular, being gay is popular, being a feminist is popular, sex out of wedlock is popular, contraceptives—it’s all popular … That’s not to say it’s good. That’s not to say I like that. Popular means that people support it, which they do.
The only solution is for like-minded “patriots” to take over and impose their will upon those who disagree with them.
It sucks, and it is what it is, but that’s why we need a dictatorship. That’s unironically why we need to get rid of all that. We need to take control of the media or take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe or force them to play by our rules and reshape the society.
It would be easy to dismiss Fuentes as a fringe character with fringe ideas, but he isn’t, and they aren’t. Republicans are as enthusiastic about minority rule — with them as the ruling minority — as Fuentes is. That’s why they defend the fundamentally undemocratic electoral College. That’s why they gerrymander the hell out of every state they control, leading to patently undemocratic results.
As linguist George Lakoff notes on his Substack, the Republican party has moved “so far to the right that it no longer believes in democracy. … Today, a large portion of the Republican base now sees autocracy as a potential alternative to democracy, and the ramifications of this shift could be severe.”
In many ways, the biggest difference between Fuentes and MAGA Republicans is that he says this shit out loud.
Here’s a portion of the rant on video:

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@full metal ox
Amazing concept. Women marry a partner with similar values and morals as them. Women married to Republican men vote Republican because they were already Republican. Wild.
Ok I am clearly missing something as I don’t get the link between his comment and the Zodiac killer!
The Zodiac killer was known to disable cars and then offer the intended victim a ride.
This is the same guy arguing he wants to take it back to the middle ages for women, gays, trans, etc. This is what happens when you get rejected by everyone including your right and left hands. He couldn’t be more incel if he tried.
“You don’t create a dictatorship to protect a revolution; you create the revolution to establish the dictatorship.”
I don’t know if that’s apposite; but it’s the only dictatorship quote I know.
@Raging Bee: But that might start a war with the other country. The US is hated enough as it is.
Really, if it weren’t for these guys being “Christian”, they’d be happiest in Iran or Afghanistan.
This is the same guy arguing he wants to take it back to the middle ages for women, gays, trans, etc.
And is smugly confident that he wouldn’t be a serf.
Full Metal Ox and SpecialFFrog :
It would be scant comfort in the event, but I sometimes mused on how if the ‘Moral’ ‘Majority’ ever took-over, the morning after the Protestants would suddenly remember that their only uncertainty about the Roman Catholic Church was whether it were the Whore of Babylon or the Seven-Headed Beast. Out go the Catholics.
Then they throw-out the Orthodox Jews from the ruling group, because ‘F-ck ‘em! They killed Our Lord!!!’. Then the Babtists and the Reformed start staring at each other and sharpening their knives….
@GF: indeed. It always amazes me that Christian nationalists assume their version of the most schismatic religion in history is the one that will be enforced on everyone.
@ specialffrog
@SFFrog: The White* Babdists can’t even agree amongst themselves, which is why in the US there’s Southern Baptists (thee worst!)**, and the many others.
No one should be surprised that the Southern Baptists split off in the mid-1800s when the northern ones said “Y’know, keeping slaves doesn’t seem too Godly.”
Those bastards are largely responsible for current evangelical hate speech.
And, Nick should know they haaaaate Catholics. Even the “good ones”.
*The Black ones are okay — see MLK and Raphael Warnock. And great music. Not supportive of LGBT+ though.
** Except Jimmy Carter.
Alternately: “Nick Fuentes Admits He’s Got No Good Arguments”.
—if he did, he wouldn’t need force. Of course, that goes along with his believing in Original Sin…I don’t see how you can believe in that and honestly believe in democracy, and that goes double for Calvinists, given the doctrine of Total Depravity.
EDIT: Actually I can: a democrat who believes in Original Sin could say that the choice is between rule by all (sinful) adults and one (or a few) sinful adults. The Calvinists are actually on firmer ground here than the Catholics, as Catholics can (and sometimes do) believe that being Saved gives you better judgement, so they might limit suffrage/government to the most religious; Calvinists, by contrast, believe that the Grace you get for no humanly-discernible reason does not make you a better person, just Justified and Covered, the LORD shewing his Might and Glory by saving a sinner who deserves nothing better than Hell. (Well, they could make that argument, but in Geneva and Boston they seemed to fall on the side of rule by the godliest.)
All Christians are Nick Fuentes at heart.
@The Phantom Cheese
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