In the wake of the Republicans’ anemic performance in the midterms — the “red wave” that wasn’t — white nationalist Nick Fuentes, leader of the far-right America First movement, is declaring that he’s done with democracy. In a livestream Wednesday, Right-Wing Watch reports, he delivered a rant outright calling for a right-wing dictatorship to take over the country.
You gotta recognize the fact that this is a godless country. I hate it. It’s immoral. It’s wrong. It’s heinous. … But this is an evil country, and this country will surprise you with how evil it is. And that’s why you’ve got to get this out of your head that there is some silent majority cavalry that’s going to come out of the woods and save us at the last minute. It’s not.
And that’s because the “silent majority” is actually a minority.
We are in the minority. There are not as many of us as there are of them. … That’s why they win the popular vote. … That’s why it is the way it is. And I hate to burst anybody’s bubble, but there is simply no evidence that there is a silent majority. … There are too many non-white people in the country, frankly, for that to be the case.
He’s got a point there:
A solid majority of Americans, he recognizes, oppose his agenda.
When you look at these things like abortion, it’s popular. And you can thank the Jewish media for that. Abortion is popular, sodomy is popular, being gay is popular, being a feminist is popular, sex out of wedlock is popular, contraceptives—it’s all popular … That’s not to say it’s good. That’s not to say I like that. Popular means that people support it, which they do.
The only solution is for like-minded “patriots” to take over and impose their will upon those who disagree with them.
It sucks, and it is what it is, but that’s why we need a dictatorship. That’s unironically why we need to get rid of all that. We need to take control of the media or take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe or force them to play by our rules and reshape the society.
It would be easy to dismiss Fuentes as a fringe character with fringe ideas, but he isn’t, and they aren’t. Republicans are as enthusiastic about minority rule — with them as the ruling minority — as Fuentes is. That’s why they defend the fundamentally undemocratic electoral College. That’s why they gerrymander the hell out of every state they control, leading to patently undemocratic results.
As linguist George Lakoff notes on his Substack, the Republican party has moved “so far to the right that it no longer believes in democracy. … Today, a large portion of the Republican base now sees autocracy as a potential alternative to democracy, and the ramifications of this shift could be severe.”
In many ways, the biggest difference between Fuentes and MAGA Republicans is that he says this shit out loud.
Here’s a portion of the rant on video:

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Not for nothing but at one point “the silent majority” meant “the dead.”
Thanks Cuomo and Cuomosexuals for making things worse.
Fuck him sideways with rusty rebar.
The sad thing is, I’m sure a lot of the people he considers “evil” here would mostly if not completely agree with and relate to this sentence, just not in the way he means it.
Then he should stop waving the American flag and start talking about taking on the constitution directly as his target.
So. Under the order Fuentes espouses, how long before the definition of “White” gets gerrymandered out from under a fair-complected Catholic Latino, as the leopards get hungrier?
I know that this is irrelevant, likely ableist, and if you saw me having a conversation, I would not be able to claim the high ground, but what is he doing with his arms and shoulders? He doesn’t believe in man-spreading I take it?
Then whyn’cha renew your passport, pick somewhere you feel would be more congenial, and go? I hear Saudi Arabia is nice this time of year.
Wouldn’t recommend Iran, though. It looks like it might not be a functioning theocracy for very much longer.
Overt racism and antiSemitism. OK, forget the passport. What this guy needs is a time machine so he can go back to the Middle Ages. Say, 1340s France. (Don’t let him bring back any antibiotics.)
Or perhaps 1940s Germany would be more to his liking. Definitely no Jewish media there. Though the Allied bombs might be cause for him to lodge a few noise complaints …
Yes, let’s resurrect fascism, along with the moldering body of Generalissimo Francisco Franco.
“Fuentes” isn’t a very WASP-sounding name. Like @FMOx said, it might not go so well for him in his dream Reich.
@.45: He’s either got a weird way of gesturing, or some sort of chronic condition; the latter of which isn’t approved of by fascism either.
@Kat: Still dead.
Fuentes earlier described the government he wants for the US as “like Taliban rule in America, in a good way,” so I don’t think this is a reveal of anything. He’s in love with the idea of controlling other people’s personal lives by force. Only if there were an American Christian Taliban, he might find that he is the first against the wall…
@Cypress Butane
The original US Constitution enshrined chattel slavery, prohibited 95%+ of the population from voting, and lays out the Senate and Electoral College to ensure that even those votes didn’t count too much. It’s already on the side of fascists.
Meanwhile, Fox Newscaster Jesse Watters has a “flawless” plan.
1.) Single men are disproportionately conservative, and single women are disproportionately liberal.
2.) Women married to conservative men usually vote Republican.
3.) Therefore, get all those single liberal women married to those conservative men and they’ll vote Republican. Boom! One-party rule forever!
The amount of people who support removing the democratic vote from those who don’t vote the way they want them to is disturbing.
This is similar to those conservatives who dream about removing the right to vote from women because they vote the “wrong way”.
I also would love to think liberals / left-wingers are above this but I can’t given the sheer number of people I have seen in the UK argue (as a response to Brexit) that there should be an old age cap on voting.
It’s like they cannot fathom that it’s on them to explain to people why they should be voting for them.
Yes I saw his deluded take. He does not explain how to get people with fundamentally different values to marry each other!
@Snowberry; @Steph:
2.) Women married to conservative men usually vote Republican.
Might that be because conservative women tend to marry conservative men? Or is Watters postulating that Magical Corrective Conservative Cock has the power to effect political as well as sexual conversion?
And here’s a passage from Watters’ Wikipedia page, describing his approach to courtship:
On April 11, 2022, during an episode of The Five, Watters said that he duped his now-wife, Emma DiGiovine, into spending time with him by intentionally letting the air out of her car tires and then offering her a ride in his vehicle.
When asked if that was the first time he had used that deception, Watters indirectly answered the question by saying “It works like a charm.” When asked if his wife knew about this, Watters said “Now she does”. It has been reported that Watters was married to his first wife when this occurred.
I just read his Wiki. It’s funny how this man who cheated on his first wife, thinks it’s “Democrat policies” that keep women single.
As if it’s not the fear of landing a cheating man like him that may lead to women being wary of marrying! It’s always conservatives who are the worst examples of marriage who are the biggest proponents of it.
But Nick, the white guys don’t think you belong to their club.
Most Christian Nationalists don’t think Catholics are real Christians so I think this could go badly for Fuentes in a variety of ways if it came to pass.
On an unrelated note, a Scottish court has ruled that Nicholas Rossi is Nicholas Rossi and that the NHS did not surreptitiously give him a tattoo and alter his fingerprints:
The other guy on Fox News when Watters was describing this asked him if he was the Zodiac Killer, and Watters seemed utterly oblivious as to why the other people at the table were suddenly uncomfortable.
@Dave: That’s darkly funny. So rarely do Fox “news” hosts push back like that.
@Frog: good news for a change.
Does this guy ever specify any country that he thinks might be less evil or more godly than the USA? Has he considered moving to a less evil place, and maybe taking some of his like-minded friends and family with him?
@Dalillama I support the constitution. I don’t support an originalist reading of the constitution. I don’t support fascism. I don’t support slavery. I am a feminist. I am anti-racist. I support a 2022 interpretation of the constitution.
Thanks for posting this. I heard the fuentes clips in Stephanie Miller