mantrum schadenfreude

Republicans losers losing it over the Red Wave that wasn’t

No Red Wave for you!

I won’t lie: I was anxious as hell about the midterms yesterday. But that widely predicted “Red Wave” turned out to be a dribble. Here are some extremely unhappy Republicans reflecting on the results, courtesy of Twitter, which is still good for things like this.

Republicans truly live in a world of their own devising.

And while we’re talking delusions, here are some Republicans celebrating a little early.

She’s trailing in her race with more than 90% of the votes in; still hasn’t been called.

Surowiecki’s got a bunch more in this thread.

This result (and yes this is real) probably saddened some Republicans as well.

But there were a few bright spots for Republicans last night. For example, Young Boozer (not a rapper) won in Alabama.

The Repubs also picked up a congressional seat in Guam.

I’ll add more as I run across them.

But what a fucking relief.

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

Note about Florida: The state is centrist by demographics, but is very heavily gerrymandered and vote-suppressed in favor of Republicans. That’s the “discipline” and “leadership” that the repubs in a lot of other states lack.

2 years ago

There will be no questioning. There will be no soul searching. There will be no calls for Republicans to “reach across the aisle”. They’ll just double down on their hateful shit and refuse to grant any concessions.

2 years ago

With any luck the Trump and DeSantis cults will destroy each other.

2 years ago


I expect that the main conclusion they will reach is that democracy is to blame, and must be done away with sooner rather than later.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
2 years ago

Young. Boozer.

2 years ago

@ Mish

Certainly a contender for most ironic name in history…

Last edited 2 years ago by Gaebolga
Raging Bee
Raging Bee
2 years ago

Um…what the hell is a “vengabus?” Sounds like something from “Stranger Things.”

Em Zuli
Em Zuli
2 years ago

Dewey defeats Truman…?

2 years ago

Young. Boozer.

Years ago I saw mentions of some US televangelical preacher named Creflo Dollar, and I just thought, “How is that not a Discworld character?”

2 years ago

I hope this means the Dems will focus on helping youth voters instead of taking them for granted and letting the GOP get wins.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago


If you think that’s bad, here in Canada we currently have a Minister Champagne, and he’s every bit the friend-to-the-rich that name implies. :/

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

@Raging Bee: 90s dutch europop.

2 years ago

As of now, including Senators not up for election this year and counting the 2 left-wing Independents in the Democratic column, it’s a 48-48 split with 4 races outstanding.

Alaska is basically between two Republicans, Tshibaka and Murkrowski (neither got 50% so there will be an instant runoff after Thanksgiving; Alaska uses ranked-choice voting and allows multiple candidates from the same party), so one seat is definitely going to the repub side. (The realistic hope of getting +2 dems was Barnes beating RoJo the clown plague rat in Wisconsin, which didn’t happen.)

In Georgia Warnock (D) beat Walker (R) in terms of total votes, but failed to clear 50% due to the Libertarian Candidate (Oliver) pulling some of the votes. That one’s going to a runoff election in early December, but as Warnock won the runoff last time with worse odds there’s reason to be optimistic there.

Arizona and Nevada are still too close to call, though Kelly (D, Arizona) will almost certainly win. Cortez-Masto (D, Nevada) is currently favored to win, but by a razor-thin margin if so, which will definitely go into recount either way.

The House still has 27 races outstanding, with Republicans still favored to take control. The plus side is that we will no longer have to deal with a few loudmouth idiots: Cawthorn, who wasn’t even up for this election (he lost his primary) and hopefully not Boebert either (she’s one of the outstanding House races, and not favored to win). Gohmert will also be gone; he gave up his seat to run for Texas Attorney General but lost the primary. We will still have Greene, sadly.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Why on Earth is Warnock having to defend his seat already, after only 1/3 of the normal duration of a Senate term?

2 years ago

I actually slept well last night. I hadn’t realized that’s not happened in…a whole…until I finally relaxed.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

What the fuck happened to Truthout?!

2 years ago

It’ll take a while, and it’ll be boring.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Boo-hoo. Facts don’t care about your feelings.* Polls based on who still has a landline do not represent the vast majority of people anywhere in the US or even the world.

Young Boozer. You couldn’t make that up.

@Mimihaha: I did too! Couldn’t figure out why, I had the usual day, the usual meds and my asthma was acting up, but I think that’s what did it.

*The other night, Colbert actually said Cheeto Benito had gotten his “fee-fees” hurt. I so wish politicians had to be tested for emotional age.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

I… I know this isn’t the most important thing here, but why is that baboon-mammoth holding a flower in its tusk-trunk while its trunk-tusk is so curiously segmented? What was the input and search space?

2 years ago

Further update in case anyone’s still reading this thread: Arizona race called for Kelly (D). Arizona still too close to call; Cortez-Masto (D) is behind by 64 votes at last update, but the all the remaining uncounted votes come from two liberal-leaning counties, so a loss would be surprising.

Seth S
Seth S
2 years ago

Isn’t it telling how Republicans are now talking about raising the voting age.

Anytime they stop winning they change the rules, and I wish the Dems would wise up to that and put a stop to their nonsense. Anyone old enough to join the military should absolutely have a vote. Bad enough that kids can buy things and get charged sales tax or work and have to pay tax, since they get no representation through voting (wasn’t that ostensibly the reason for a rather famous war we had…? No taxation without representation?)

Last edited 2 years ago by Seth S
2 years ago

The only lesson the Republicans will learn is to bully and hate more.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Dems have kept the Senate apparently, which no doubt everyone knows anyway. But they won in Alaska. So even if the Georgia run off goes GOP the Dems still have the casting vote.

At least you have elections. Our current leader was chosen by a few old people with big lawns.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Seth S:

Isn’t it telling how Republicans are now talking about raising the voting age.
Anytime they stop winning they change the rules, and I wish the Dems would wise up to that and put a stop to their nonsense. Anyone old enough to join the military should absolutely have a vote. Bad enough that kids can buy things and get charged sales tax or work and have to pay tax, since they get no representation through voting (wasn’t that ostensibly the reason for a rather famous war we had…? No taxation without representation?)

That means they’re going to be raising the firearms sale and military draft age, too—right?…Right?