incels mass shooting reactionary bullshit toxic masculinity

New crackpot theory: The Daily Caller argues that lack of testosterone causes school shootings

Incels: A lot less dangerous when they don’t have access to guns

Luis Ramirez has a new theory about school shootings: they’re caused by a lack of testosterone. The freelance journalist, writing in the Tucker-Carlson-founded Daily Caller, offers a confused and confusing theory of mass shootings as the result not of toxic masculinity or the easy availability of guns but of wimpy, testosterone-starved kids gone wrong. “[T]here seems to be a correlation between the diminishing of testosterone volumes,” he writes, “and rise in mass shootings.”

Unfortunately, all the “evidence” for this theory, such as it is, is pulled straight from Ramirez’s ass. Yes, testosterone levels have been dropping in men old and young in recent years. And yes, mass shootings are on the rise.

It’s when Ramirez tries to connect the two trends that he runs into trouble. He simply assumes that mass shooters have low testosterone because, he says, they tend to be

markedly weird, emasculated, depressed, or all three. [Orlando] Harris was self-admittedly miserable and complained he didn’t have a girlfriend. Robert Crimo wore women’s clothing, and sported grotesque face tattoos. Salvador Ramos was the epitome of a joyless goth kid.

First, three people do not constitute all or even a significant number of mass shooters. Second, there is no actual evidence that being a goth kid, or having face tattoos, has anything to do with the amount of testosterone coursing through your veins.

Moreover, it isn’t just school shootings by teenage incel types that are rising. Mass shootings in general have increased dramatically in recent years, and most of them are perpetrated by men who bear little resemblance to incel stereotypes, many of them older men angry at their loss of control over their wives or partners (or ex-partners) and taking out their rage on the women and sometimes children in their lives. In other words, men poisoned by toxic masculinity and empowered by their access to guns.

The fact is that the amount of testosterone coursing through the blood has very little correlation with violence. As one recent meta-analysis notes, there is only a “weak” (though statistically significant) relationship between higher baseline testosterone and aggression, and only in men; there is no statistically significant evidence that higher testosterone causes aggression. There is, however, evidence that winning a competitive sport (or even a chess match) increases testosterone, at least temporarily.

Of course, no studies that I’m aware of — or that Ramirez is aware of — demonstrate a causal relationship between a lack of testosterone and aggression.

By contrast, evidence shows that toxic masculinity is correlated with aggression and violence. The problem is that people hearing this assume that only big macho lunkheads are the toxically masculine ones who are violent.

But the real issue for many poisoned with toxic masculinity is the vast gap between the realities of their lives and the toxic masculine ideal — of dominance, power through violence, rampant sexual success with women, and so forth. Incels are acutely aware that they’re not Chads, yet they have internalized the notion that only Chads live up to the masculine ideal.

Thus their bitterness over their own celibate lives and lack of girlfriends. Hence their desire for revenge on the world that they think glorifies the unattainable toxic male ideal. Even those incels who don’t go on shooting sprees are often aggressive and threatening towards women; they talk about following women on dark streets at night just to scare them; they sometimes (like Elliot Rodger did) even physically assault Chads and Staceys.

Ramirez comes close to realizing this but attributes incels’ feelings of inferiority to a lack of testosterone rather than the incel ideology’s embrace of toxic masculine ideals.

And then there is the question of guns. Ramirez sniffs that “pointing fingers at an inanimate object is an oversimplification of the matter.” But his own analysis suggests that access to guns can make the difference between impotent rage and mass murder. He quotes psychologist Francis McAndrew, who notes that low-T men get a rush — and an increase in testosterone — when they pick up a gun. “In other words, the firearm was never really the problem,” Ramirez somehow concludes. “It was outcast, gloomy, and damaged young men getting their hands on one.”

Well, if that’s the case, why can’t we try to make it harder for “outcast, gloomy, and damaged young men” — or any angry men, for that matter — to get their hands on guns? By Ramirez’s own logic, this would help to reduce the number of mass shootings.

It’s not surprising that Ramirez’s crackpot theory falls apart on closer examination. But it is a little surprising that even the Daily Caller would allow such a muddled and self-contradictory mess of an argument into their virtual pages.

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GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

So how come women don’t shoot up schools regularly? And did any of those shooters ever have his testosterone measured? What if they were high-T instead?

I don’t think it works in humans, but in animals, their aggression is much reduced when all their testosterone is gone, which is why we put steers and not bulls to the plow.

The incel shooters still feel more secure about shooting women/girls, rather than their “actual” “enemy” of Chads. Don’t know how tough Chads are, but with enough bullets they’re gonna go down too. Your level of testosterone doesn’t affect how well you can survive multiple gunshot wounds to the head or torso; everyone’s got their vital organs in about the same place. As we should have learned from endless wars.

It’s almost like these guys hate women and are terrible people or something.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@GSS ex-noob:

We have Tiresiases of a sort here. Attention, trans folks who’ve had hormone treatment and/or gonadal surgery and are willing to discuss the matter: what effect did it have on your aggression level?

epitome of incomprehensibility

“[T]here seems to be a correlation between the diminishing of testosterone volumes,” he writes, “and rise in mass shootings.”

To quote (paraphrase?) my Intro to Psych teacher: correlation doesn’t equal causation. You could come up with a bunch of random things that correlate, as in co-occur, that have shit-all to do with each other.

2 years ago

Hmmm… if a mere three school shooters constitute a study to this guy, I would point out I have little body hair, and am very skinny with difficulty gaining muscle mass, perhaps suggesting a lack of ye olde T.

Before getting older, I also fit in the group of “outcast, gloomy, and damaged young men” and have more guns than some small gun shops. Yet I have somehow failed to so much as behave aggressively toward Chads and Stacies.

Perhaps I am doing it wrong… or maybe he’s just full of shit.

2 years ago

When I happen, unfortunately, to hear about the Daily Caller’s take on… anything at all, I feel a bit of shame in the pride I have in the protection my Bodhissatva’s vow gives me in ever losing my temper and commiting acts of violence, however obviously they could be “justified.”

May the evil these people do, consciously and with a sort of bizarre stupidity, be halted, even should it result in a backfire in their own faces.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Personally, I blame the rise in school shootings on a lack of credible recycling — and it’s all due to a conspiracy (aka a business plan) on the part of Big Oil executives to mislead the public.

When the big guys flout the law with impunity, then some of the little guys decide that to become big guys they should also flout the law. Who knows? Maybe they’ll have impunity also. Worth a try.

Okay, my theory might not have been tested. But I think there’s something to it.

How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled

2 years ago

“Is it logical to get this worked up about a single line in a comic book about space aliens?” Is it logical to get worked up about someone who’s worked up about a comicbook? Anyway, maybe they’ll get new fans, I doubt it. So they should consider what current fans (if there are any left), want to see and read?

2 years ago

Yeah they did consider the fans, its just that most people dont have a tantrum screaming “woke” everytime something isnt bigoted enough for their delicate sensibilities

2 years ago

@Full Metal Ox A trans woman’s brain doesn’t react to hormones the same way a cis man’s brain does so it’s actually not that useful a comparison. I did have anger issues that went away when I started HRT but that had as much to do with mind fog going away as anything, and I’ve had similar emotional reactions when testosterone stayed stable but estrogen levels got too low.

2 years ago

@ epitome of incomprehensibilty

Yup that’s the one, and there’s even a website that makes ludicrous comparisons to drive the point home eg the rise in sales of organic food directly correlates with the increase in diagnoses of autism.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jazzlet
2 years ago

@ jbrell

Wrong tread, but funnily enough media companies don’t go on making series with no fans. Star Trek. There are five, yes five Star Trek series currently, with another in development. That is a lot of fans.

Ada Christine
Ada Christine
2 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

I don’t think my aggression level was really affected. There’s certainly much less anger and frustration in my baseline emotional state, but I don’t attribute that to HRT alone.

2 years ago

most of them are perpetrated by men who bear little resemblance to incel stereotypes, many of them older men angry at their loss of control over their wives or partners (or ex-partners) and taking out their rage on the women and sometimes children in their lives. In other words, men poisoned by toxic masculinity and empowered by their access to guns.

Huh? The incels have the same toxic masculinity as those older men, the same attitude of aggrievrd entitlement and desire for control. In many cases they’re mass shooters in the embryonic stage. Or at least, if they do have relationships with women, they’re just as likely to be abusive.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Then there was that website that had all sorts of correlations (with GRAPHS and STATS!) of various ecological/political/societal problems with the number of movies Nic Cage made each year.

Like, people drowned in pools more in years when # of Cage movies were n>whatever.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ gss ex-noob

Like, people drowned in pools more in years 

2 years ago

If testosterone can stop mass shootings, maybe Tucker should tell his buddies at Fox Sports to tell their buddies in the NFL/NBA/MLB to tell Congress to deschedule testosterone?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@bcb: It’s a crazy idea, so it just might work!

All my trans male friends and some of the cis ones would dig it. So would jocks, so appealing to the sportsball types is a good idea.

The Mr. was on foam applied to skin T for a bit to see if it would help some of his chronic health problems. It didn’t, but our best trans male friend was sure happy to get the free leftovers. Not sure if he used it himself or gave it to one of his friends.