Many political publications demonize their opponents, but few do it as literally as Gateway Pundit. The fact-challenged, frequently hysterical, conspiracy-minded far-right site that has been known to get more traffic than USA Today just loves calling their assorted enemies, from Democrats to the media, “demonic.” And by this, they seem to mean that literal minions of Satan are infesting or at least advising all these antagonists of theirs.
I’ve found 185 mentions of “demonic” entities in GP articles over the years, and their use of the term seems to be increasing. Here are 12 people and things they’ve affixed the label to.
Nancy Pelosi
“Is Demon Pelosi the First Communist Speaker of the House?” Gateway Pundit asked in a headline in June, answering their own question by declaring in the article itself that the Speaker “is a demonic leader like all communists.”
Leftist protesters and leftists in general
GP habitually refers to “demonic leftists” when it talks about demonstrations, most recently in a post titled “Demonic Leftists Scream at Conservative Reading Holy Bible, Protester Steals His Bible, Rips it Up and Eats Pages.” Huh. I wouldn’t call that “demonic” exactly. Maybe the protester was just hungry.
The site also recently excoriated “the demonic left” for “blaming [the Paul Pelosi attack] on Republicans, and the media is running with this lie like every single media lie before it.” Uh, who just called Nancy Pelosi a “demon?”
In a post last year, the site denounced what it called the “demonic liberal establishment.”
“DEMONIC DEMS TAKE IT TOO FAR!” one headline blared. “Muslims, Christians and Jews UNITE To Demand Removal of Explicit Books From Dearborn, MI Public School Libraries.”
The only book title mentioned in the article is “This Book is Gay,” a nonfiction book for young adults coming to terms with their sexuality. It commits the ultimate sin of referring to gay sex.
A speech by Joe Biden
GP really didn’t like that speech Biden gave in Pennsylvania in which he was “bathed in demonic red and shaking angry fists.” They’ve referred back to this so-called “demonic speech” in 11 articles since then.
The “Democrat-media complex”
In a post last year, GP attacked “the demonic Democrat-media complex” for the crime of of reporting critically on Brazilian fascist (and big loser) Jair Bolsonaro. In that same post, they also got mad at FOX News for, er, not mentioning that Bolsonaro had treated one of his COVID infections “with hydroxychloroquine and a Z-Pac and recovered within days.” This is the sort of thing that really chaps GP’s hide.
Uh, the “godless globalist cartel” and their “demonic activities”
“Godless globalist cartel to target churches and mothers in final drive to impose technocratic beast system,” GP thundered in one headline, warning that the “cartel” will try to disrupt church services with “godless and demonic activities,” whatever that means.
The January 6th hearings
The site quoted “Trump’s “Top Pastor” Mark Burns,” declaring the hearings to be “a supernatural battle against good versus evil … a Demonic attack against the sovereignty of this nation led by Satan and his demons.” GP unironically called these “words of wisdom.”
The Department of Justice
“George Soros Attorney Prosecutes Jan-6er in DC Gulag on Made-Up Charges!” the site proclaimed in January.
We must help this man defeat evil and get him a Conservative Attorney before the demonic Department of Justice further traps him into incriminating himself, like they are known to do!
Those dirty Justice Departmenters, always getting guilty people to incriminate themselves.
The so-called “Deep State”
In a post two years ago, the site asserted, in bold type, that “President Trump is standing up against the demonic forces of the deep state and the New World Order.”
“Material Girl Looks Demonic in New Video – In Her Latest Desperate Public Display for Attention.” That seems a tad unfair. While her seemingly missing eyebrows were a little weird, she looked fine for someone in her sixties.
And last but not least:
Black Lives Matter
“Evidence Mounts That BLM Works With Demons,” proclaimed a headline from 2020, with the article itself asserting that “there’s mounting evidence that BLM’s founders consort with evil spirits. … Antifa/BLM rioters appear to benefit from preternatural (demonic) intelligence.”
See, I told you they take this shit literally.

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Oh, yes. I remember that. He suddenly started to sound like a tape recorder running backwards. And then Lucifer appeared! … and promptly fell asleep, because it was Joe Biden speaking, and he doesn’t do passionate and exciting.
Remember, for these guys the universe basically consists of the LORD and Satan, and human beings a little detail that matters only only worshippers or pawns of the other.
And yet, during all these events the only time I actually saw a guy with literal horns coming out of his head was on January 6, 2021, breaking into the Capitol carrying a Confederate flag and QAnon swag.
As always, every accusation with these goofs is a confession …
Well…isn’t that special…
What species are these technocratic beasts? My cats are occasionally fascinated by my iPad, but they’re not particularly internet-savvy.
I am guessing that a lot of what normal folks do every day seems like “preternatural intelligence” to GP readers.
Becoming a fascist means giving yourself absolute “freedom” from reality, and of course from any other “limit.”
Of course, you kill everything inside yourself that can even possibly lead to joy, insight, happiness, love…
It turns out that, if born with homo sapiens DNA, you really cannot become an ubermensch. To be a Xian must really, really be horrible.
So horrible I cannot wish it, even on people who would work for Gateway Pundit.
Wait, anti-fascists and anti-racists are so intelligent it must be supernatural? Now I’m conflicted, because I’d really like to not contradict that idea…
We wish Biden was this cool.