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Mail Call! More missives from unhappy readers

Like many of my correspondents, this fellow pulls his mail straight from his butt

I get mail, some of it nice, some of it not so nice. And people try to leave comments that are insipid or vile, which I don’t let through moderation.

But once in a while, I like to share some of these with you all because they are quite special in their own way.

So let’s look at a few recent messages in a couple of different genres.

First, there are the Deniers, who assure me that whatever evil shit I’ve written about really isn’t that bad, if you think about it.

Like, say, Tucker Carlson, the subject of a missive from “eah.”

Tucker Carlson isn’t instigating a ‘race war’ — he just responds to rhetoric he sees on other media outlets, much of it rather explicitly and undeniably anti-white.

You should stop acting like a hysterical woman and get a real job.

Then there’s Tristin, on the topic of gamers:

[A]s a gamer myself I can say with absolute certainty that 99% of gamers who use slurs aren’t racist, In fact its quite the opposite. Slurs have become apart of gamer culture, the language of gamers is shit talking and all slurs have kinda lost their meaning. …

Its almost become a way for the community to bond and make new friends. Its also funny to watch people who don’t realize it’s all joking get really upset so most gamers will double down if you get upset, its almost a way to weedout the weak and unworthy. 

Ah yes, the “weak and unworthy” who don’t want to hear the n-word blasted in their ears every three seconds.

Then there are the straight-up Delusionals, like the guy responding to my recent observation that “It’s getting harder to tell the MAGAs from the Nazis.”

Here’s a clue for you: secret state police, phony elections, cancelling opponents, and forced medical procedures. Now who does that sound like?

Well, no one. This is all stuff you’ve made up. I mean, there is the FBI, but it’s not being used to round up right-wingers aside from literal fascists planning murders and the like. Meanwhile, the “phony elections” thing is a flat-out lie, and the main people promoting it know that it’s a lie because they’re the ones who came up with it in the first place; the “forced medical procedures” are pure transphobic fantasy; and as for canceling opponents, how is it that so many of the so-called canceled end up on Fox News, the most widely watched news channel in America, to complain about how canceled they are?

And then there are the BWAHAHAers, who don’t deny the evil shit that’s going on but who think it’s actually good, at least for them. Not so much for us.

This one’s from someone called TheTrunchbull, and it came in today in response to my post yesterday about all the rampant slur-mongering in Elon Musk’s Twitterland.

The time is coming. You thin skins will all be smashed out. They will crush you, take your women and enslave your children. Well most of you don’t have either so you’ll just get smashed out. Not long now and it’s going to change for a generation with no way you can do anything about it. Glorious.

I get a lot of messages like this. These guys just love to monologue like cartoon villains.

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Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

And then there was James Burt, the surgical Female Genital Mutilator wreaking quiet havoc in my hometown for over twenty years; he considered it his mission to correct the unfortunate fundamental design flaws in the human vulva, and the patient’s consent was frequently optional—someone would come in for a C-section or hysterectomy and awaken to discover a surprise thrown in.

The anatomical specifics are detailed here:

(Burt‘s victims have been understandably reluctant to come forward, but he had an office in an affluent white suburb and also did pro bono at a hospital with a poor, predominantly African-American clientele; I’d lay serious money as to who suffered the lion’s share of his predations.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Full Metal Ox
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@FM Ox: Me too. I love all the names he’s gotten from his Twitter followers for the Criminal In Chief.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ .45

You could just say it’s a reference to this…

Tabby Lavalamp
2 years ago

I’ve gotta be fair and “forced medical procedures” isn’t about transphobia, where they’re all about forced medical inaction. That’s just pure anti-vaxxer whining about mandates. Because vaccine mandates haven’t been around for decades or anything, they just don’t want to have to care about Covid.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

May I crave a favour from all the smart people here.

I need to simulate a series of text messages. As if someone had screenshotted an ongoing conversation. So I need to be able to put the messages in there with specific dates and times.

Is there a way of doing that?

It’s for educational purposes; nothing nefarious.

Although if anyone can suggest some criminal potential I’m listening.

Crip Dyke
2 years ago


There are programs on the internet. I don’t know if this one is better or worse than others, but it’s one example. I just searched “text message mockup”

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Ah cheers for that Crip Dyke. That’s exactly what I needed!

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@David: Is that “Mr. ZIP” from an alternate universe?

(Kids, ask your grandparents.)

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

GSS ex-noob:
@David: Is that “Mr. ZIP” from an alternate universe?

(Kids, ask your grandparents.)

Ah yes—the promotional mascot of the US Postal Zip Code, when it was introduced in the 1960’s:

Also promoting the snazzy new service were a band called The Swingin’ Six:

(Fun Fact: Charles Schulz’s disgruntlement with what he saw as the dehumanizing numbering of the American populace—that was also when telephone area code use became widespread—inspired the character 555 95472 (5 for short.) Note that 95472 was Schulz’ own ZIP code.

5 may have been a one-joke character whom most people have forgotten, but he and his identical twin sisters 3 and 4 took part in one of Peanuts’ most iconic moments: in the big impromptu Christmas Jam Session, the Zip Code Siblings were the three liveliest dancers on the floor.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

phony elections, cancelling opponents, and forced medical procedures”
Soooo. Like fake slates of state electors, beating your opponents (or their spouses) bloody, and mandatory ultrasounds for women seeking certain medical procedures? As always, every accusation from these people is a confession.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@FM Ox: That’s the one!

I remember measuring my height against the plywood Mr. ZIP every time I got dragged to the PO when my mom was running errands. I didn’t get as tall as him till after the cutouts were gone. He was a whole 4 1/2 feet tall and I was in single digits age.

2 years ago

Regarding “Tristin”: See, this (apart from personal preference) is one of the reasons I stick with Nintendo- they’re more openly oriented towards family-friendly stuff and wisely cut out the voice chat completely. Might I suggest Splatoon’s community, they’re very open in their support of LGBT+ rights.