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Mail Call! More missives from unhappy readers

Like many of my correspondents, this fellow pulls his mail straight from his butt

I get mail, some of it nice, some of it not so nice. And people try to leave comments that are insipid or vile, which I don’t let through moderation.

But once in a while, I like to share some of these with you all because they are quite special in their own way.

So let’s look at a few recent messages in a couple of different genres.

First, there are the Deniers, who assure me that whatever evil shit I’ve written about really isn’t that bad, if you think about it.

Like, say, Tucker Carlson, the subject of a missive from “eah.”

Tucker Carlson isn’t instigating a ‘race war’ — he just responds to rhetoric he sees on other media outlets, much of it rather explicitly and undeniably anti-white.

You should stop acting like a hysterical woman and get a real job.

Then there’s Tristin, on the topic of gamers:

[A]s a gamer myself I can say with absolute certainty that 99% of gamers who use slurs aren’t racist, In fact its quite the opposite. Slurs have become apart of gamer culture, the language of gamers is shit talking and all slurs have kinda lost their meaning. …

Its almost become a way for the community to bond and make new friends. Its also funny to watch people who don’t realize it’s all joking get really upset so most gamers will double down if you get upset, its almost a way to weedout the weak and unworthy. 

Ah yes, the “weak and unworthy” who don’t want to hear the n-word blasted in their ears every three seconds.

Then there are the straight-up Delusionals, like the guy responding to my recent observation that “It’s getting harder to tell the MAGAs from the Nazis.”

Here’s a clue for you: secret state police, phony elections, cancelling opponents, and forced medical procedures. Now who does that sound like?

Well, no one. This is all stuff you’ve made up. I mean, there is the FBI, but it’s not being used to round up right-wingers aside from literal fascists planning murders and the like. Meanwhile, the “phony elections” thing is a flat-out lie, and the main people promoting it know that it’s a lie because they’re the ones who came up with it in the first place; the “forced medical procedures” are pure transphobic fantasy; and as for canceling opponents, how is it that so many of the so-called canceled end up on Fox News, the most widely watched news channel in America, to complain about how canceled they are?

And then there are the BWAHAHAers, who don’t deny the evil shit that’s going on but who think it’s actually good, at least for them. Not so much for us.

This one’s from someone called TheTrunchbull, and it came in today in response to my post yesterday about all the rampant slur-mongering in Elon Musk’s Twitterland.

The time is coming. You thin skins will all be smashed out. They will crush you, take your women and enslave your children. Well most of you don’t have either so you’ll just get smashed out. Not long now and it’s going to change for a generation with no way you can do anything about it. Glorious.

I get a lot of messages like this. These guys just love to monologue like cartoon villains.

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Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
2 years ago

I love the mail bag blogs. Entertaining, funny and scary all at the same time.
They didn’t disappoint with the denigrating remarks about women in one message, and the reference to women and children as property in the other.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katherine the Adequate
2 years ago

Ah yes, the sacred moral duty to keep the “weak and unworthy” from… playing video games. What a profound cause.

Gerald Fnord
Gerald Fnord
2 years ago

> Ah yes, the sacred moral duty to keep the “weak and unworthy”
> from… playing video games. What a profound cause.

…especially given what the guys closest to their masculine ideal tend to think of most gamers. Sorry to risk the Godwin Alarm, but it reminds me of when the tall, blond, ultra-fit ideal was promoted by Club-Foot, Obese, Assistant Manager Moustached Chicken Plucker, and Ol’ Monorchid, all below 1.8m, hypochondriacal, often drug-addled, and nary a light-haired among them.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

Off-topic: since Sunday has been Tiny Mammoth Concert Night, here’s Louie Zong’s ghost song for Halloween 2022:

Last edited 2 years ago by Full Metal Ox
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago


I’ll see you, and raise you Broken Peach.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

And then Zong’s Ghost Riders charge past—there are horses in the hospital!

And this Tumblr post (although I don’t know how to embed the video directly) brought you to mind: Mrs. Jingles and friend lunching on bread and tomato soup.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago


horses in the hospital!


2 years ago

@ Gerald Fnord

“How easy it was, thought Winston, if you did not look about you, to believe that the physical type set up by the Party as an ideal – tall muscular youths and deep-bosomed maidens, blond-haired, vital, sunburnt, carefree – existed and even predominated. Actually, so far as he could judge, the majority of people in Airstrip One were small, dark, and ill-favored.”

-George Orwell, 1984

(I am assuming most people on here have read it anyway)

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Here’s a clue for you: secret state police, phony elections, cancelling opponents, and forced medical procedures. Now who does that sound like?

It sounds like you, right-winger. Every accusation is a confession, as always with you chucklefucks.

secret state police

phony elections

cancelling opponents

forced medical procedures

Got any more confessions you’d like to make now?

Michael Suttkus
2 years ago

the “forced medical procedures” are pure transphobic fantasy;

Unless you’re one of the immigrants that the Trump administration forcibly sterilized.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Gerald Fnord: Co-sign.

And I don’t think it’s Godwin Alarm time when the people you’re talking about are racist, sexist, homophobic, and go around wearing symbols of Ol’ Monorchid. It’s just… recognizing when one thing is exactly like another.

Thanks to the music providers!

Last edited 2 years ago by GSS ex-noob
Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Michael Suttkus:

Unless you’re one of the immigrants that the Trump administration forcibly sterilized.

That’s been going on waaay before Dolt 45:

And apparently gender transition surgery is okay as long as it’s to cover up a surgeon’s oopsie, and who needs a little kid’s consent? (Although this case, to be fair, happened in Canada):

2 years ago

@ Full Metal Ox

Dolt 45? I never even thought… damn, I hope nobody thinks my username has anything to do with Trump. I mean the period in .45 kind of makes it obvious it is a reference to the caliber, no?

*existential crisis*

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ .45

FWIW, I’d always assumed it was a reference to the ammo.

You could change your name to .455? That was a classic Brit calibre.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago


No slight intended—trust me: you’ve long since established that you’re not that 45. I think I got the epithet from Stephen Colbert, who refuses on principle to refer to His Petulancy by name.

2 years ago

They will crush you, take your women and enslave your children.

I note that this one assumes that women are possessions and not participants. If the came for me and my current boyfriend when we were together, I’d most likely end up protecting him; of the two of us, I’m much more of a fighter. That being said, I hate violence and would rather not if I didn’t have to.

2 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw & Full Metal Ox

I just never put two and two together and noticed the coincidence is all

Lakitha Tolbert
Lakitha Tolbert
2 years ago

the deplorables love to delight in these fantasies but never seem to take into account (or maybe they actually do, I’m not sure that once a person starts some shit with another person (especially someone whose assets are unknown) they now have just as much skin in that fight as the person they started it with.

Since they have not actually started any pogroms of Jewish, Black or queer people I can assume they do in fact understand that the US is a massive plot of land and there really aren’t enough of them to pull off what they want to achieve. The logistics of doing so are astronomical and we’ve already seen that Americans are quite possible some of the most intractable people on the planet. There’s also the idea that they’d pretty much be waging war against all of the US since it would be impossible to tell which white people would actually be on their side.

I know people keep making comparisons to 1930s Germany but “we ain’t 1930s Germany” in a whole bunch of ways. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen her, I’m saying it wouldn’t play out on any way they think it would. Some of us like to worst case scenario things like this and we actually do make plans for it, just in case. These people are so caught up in their delusions and power fantasies they don’t think real hard about implementation. Al they got is once again the unoriginal idea of pulling off their victory in the same manner the Nazis did, which is not how it’s gonna be.

For the record, Black and Indigenous people have already survived their completely unoriginal f*ckery once and ain’t looking to relive it. Unlike them we paid attention in history class, and forewarned is forearmed. Hoping for the best while we plan for the worst is a practical strategy.

That said, it is incredibly heartbreaking to think this could happen, that these people learned nothing at all from the past, and the US could actually find itself fighting itself again!

Seth S
Seth S
2 years ago

Am I being censored now?? Posted messages in two discussions and they’re not showing. I don’t understand.

edit: well, I see this one. Not really in the mood to retype everything though.

Last edited 2 years ago by Seth S
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

[T]he language of gamers is shit talking and all slurs have kinda lost their meaning. …

Its almost become a way for the community to bond and make new friends. Its also funny to watch people who don’t realize it’s all joking get really upset so most gamers will double down if you get upset, its almost a way to weedout the weak and unworthy.

“Kinda,” “almost.” Got it. Your community sounds like a thoughtful bunch of people. Also fun.

The time is coming. You thin skins will all be smashed out. They will crush you, take your women and enslave your children. Well most of you don’t have either so you’ll just get smashed out. Not long now and it’s going to change for a generation with no way you can do anything about it. Glorious.

When, when, when? I’m gonna need dates.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

I got ninja’d by Michael Suttkus hours ago, my instant thought was, “but actually, there are forced medical procedures, on women and minorities…”. Looking at the Tuskegee syphilis infections as well, and all sorts of bad shit. People say I have a double standard in my patience for minorities with a conspiracy-like gripe against a medical technology vs white people, and I’m like… well when you’ve belonged to a class of people that have declassified government documents proving the government DID do experiments on your people… I’ll cut you more slack and be more patient with you as well, too. But white people ain’t it.

@Seth S.

That sometimes happens to me if I type my email wrong/use a new computer, could that be it?

2 years ago

Y’all, don’t forget mandatory surgeries to “fix” intersex babies. Sometimes done without the parents’ consent as well. There’s a significant overlap between the trans and intersex communities too.

They have been mutilating people like us for decades. They just don’t care because it’s “normal”, and why would anyone want to be other than normal?

Last edited 2 years ago by Cyborgette
2 years ago

To be fair to the Reimer parents and others involved, John Money was considered the uncontested expert in the field, and he insisted that a boy absolutely needed to have functioning tackle or else suffer dire psychological consequences, and also that you could simply impose a gender identity on a young child, so, according to him, if the dangling bits were missing (or even undersized) it was better–nay, a moral imperative!–to raise the child as a girl. And the parents felt guilty and felt that they had to do something after the botched circumcision.

Unfortunately, Money had pretty much pulled his theories directly out of his ass, with no supporting evidence and in often spite of conflicting evidence, and refused to take criticism from anyone. And though the clinicians and psychologists working directly with the child can perhaps be forgiven for going along with this initially, it should have been obvious early on to anyone willing to acknowledge it that no, this experiment was unequivocally NOT working and needed to be halted before the child (not to mention the rest of the family) were further traumatized.

Worse, these same theories of Money’s led to the widespread practice of “normalizing” ambiguous genitalia in infants, which has since been recognized by the UN as child abuse. There’s no telling how much damage he’s indirectly done or to how many people.

Do I have a name
Do I have a name
2 years ago

The Republicans are also making sure that the bills banning gender care for trans children still permit cosmetic surgeries on intersex infants. These can cause a lifetime of pain, sexual dysfunction and health issues, along with denying the child any chance to consent. And surgeons can guess wrong about the gender the child will have when they are older. So surgeries on non-consenting infants are endorsed! By Republicans!

For examples, look at TX and FL.

What will this mean for children with issues like hyperandrogenism? Which I grew up with. Would they have required tampering with my hormones to ensure cosmetic femininity and fertility? It’s quite obvious that the Republicans oppose trans people because white girls are destined to be brood mares. This mentality will affect many people.

The same people who would deny birth control hormones and transition are perfectly willing to force intersex children into Christofascist gender roles.

The same people who still forcibly sterilize immigrants who are not white.

2 years ago

Another one of those “I’m not racist; I just say racist things to show what an ass I am.” You keep telling yourself that.