Is there nothing the right won’t call a “false flag”?
As you may know, yesterday, someone got hold of the New York Post Twitter account and website and used them to post crude political “jokes” as well as violent threats directed at female Democratic politicians. “We must assassinate AOC for America,” read one Tweet. Another one pointed to a fake headline “reporting” the untrue story that New York governor Kathy Hochul’s political rival Lee Zeldin had said that he would “rape and batter Hochul’s sorry ass pussy.”
After first claiming to have been hacked, the Post said that a “rogue employee” was responsible for the tweets and fake headlines.
Meanwhile, Hochul’s office quickly released a statement denouncing the Tweets and demanding answers from the Post.
And that statement, a writer for the Louder With Crowder website known only as “Brodigan” suggested, was the suspicious thing here. He went on to insinuate that the real culprit in this mini-scandal was … Hochul herself.
It seems odd that a Governor — albeit one who is currently nowhere to be found after a disastrous debate performance — would blame the victim.
The “victim” in this case being the New York Post.
Brodigan then implied that it was Hochul, somehow, who hacked or infiltrated the Post to … threaten herself with rape.
A rogue employee, presumably who lives in New York City (Hochul’s main base of support) posts fowl [sic] things on the Post’s Twitter account and website. And right away, Kathy Hochul has a statement ready to go victim-blaming the New York Post in a way that would rally and fire up her far-left supporters.
How long does he think it takes to write a one-paragraph statement?
AND it all happens at a time when Hochul needs a distraction from her governor’s race being rated a TOSS UP.
So suspicious! Was Hochul or one of her minions the “rogue employee” all along? Did she literally have one of her campaign workers get a job at the Post, becoming a “sleeper agent,” so that they could possibly pull something like this at some unknown point in time? JUST ASKING QUESTIONS.
It makes you think…
It makes me think that Louder With Crowder will stoop to anything to make Democrats look bad, even the dumbest conspiracy theory in the world.
Meanwhile, the right-wing BigLeaguePolitics, while not stooping to the level of a fake conspiracy theory, suggested that the real lesson of the whole affair was that “Media And Elites Are Incapable Of Taking Jokes,” as the headline to a post on the site declared. BLP’s Bo Banks wrote:
As expected, the mainstream media is pouncing to label these [fake] articles as “vulgar” and “sexist” that are guilty of targeting politicians.
No, these people cannot simply take a joke.
Somehow I suspect that rape and murder would seem much less funny to Bo here if the target of the “jokes” were female Republicans.
I would ask “what the hell is wrong with these people” except that I already know: they’re bad-faith actors with double standards and no ethics to speak of. That’s the MAGA way.

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@Crip Dyke: Already been done. Didn’t work too well and shut down after only a few years of slow sales.
@ redsilkphoenix
Ah, thank you for that.
I haven’t read any of the Left Behind books, but from your description I agree they’re missing a trick. With all of Revelation to source from, you should be in Heironymous Bosch territory. Having said that, I do like the structure of the Omen films.
Elon Musk just posted and then deleted a “news article” claiming that Paul Pelosi got injured in a bar fight with a “male prostitute” and then staged the home invasion to cover it up. So, no. There is no low they won’t go to.