Even Freud, as obsessed as he was with the darkest aspects of human desire, would have an aneurysm reading through the posts on Incels.is.
Take this recent thread, in which a number of forum regulars vent their fury at being deprived of the “right” to fuck their mothers and sisters.
“Incest should be 100% legal,” writes an incel called BlackPilledOverdose in a post starting off the thread.
There’s really no reason for why it should not be apart from inbreeding, Which I agree with. Inbreeding should be illegal.
Inbreeding creates ugly babies who have genetic deformities.But if it’s just two consenting adults having sex and being in a relationship, There’s nothing wrong with it.
His reasoning, such as it is? Well, in his mind, incest is no worse than “trannyism and faggotry,” both of which are widely accepted in society (except, I should add, when they’re not).
People will freak out if you suggest legalizing incest but at the same time they support trannyism and faggotry which are far more gross and unnatural, Faggots go around spreading diseases and pushing their ideology onto children and also trying to recruit more people into their “Lifestyle” While trannies mutilate themselves and demand everyone accept their mental illness as “Normal”
Well, that’s certainly a slur-filled bunch of words. Not sure it counts as an argument, exactly.
Incest is … just a man being in a relationship and having sex with his sister or mother, It’s no where near as bad.
It’s more acceptable for a man to be a faggot or a tranny than it is for him to date and fuck his sister or mother, Such clown world logic.
If you ever wonder to what degree the far right has colonized the incel world (and vice versa), the usage of such far-right catchphrases as “clown world” is a good clue.
Naturally, BlackPilledOverdose thinks that his plan would be good for the incels.
Legalizing Incest could also help Incels ascend because our own sisters and mothers would be more likely to help us ascend than other foids.
Not so sure about that one, buddy.
The case for incest is especially strong, in his view, if the women in your family are hotties:
If you’re own sister or mother was a Stacy you would want to fuck her.
And won’t you think of the children?
I also think legalizing Incest would be good because it could give unwanted babies and children a chance at getting adopted a lot easier because Incest couples would be banned from inbreeding.
At long last, he concludes by restating his thesis.
Governments around the world should just legalize incest already, There’s no excuse.
Of course, this being the cesspit that is Incels.is, virtually everyone in the thread agrees with him, except for one fellow who thinks incest should only be allowed between cousins, not immediate family members, and another worried about inbreeding “creating more incels.”
One commenter agrees with the OPs’ homophobia and transphobia, declaring rather illogically that “soys are hypocrites for being anti-incest when their pro lgbt.”
Some other commenters go beyond advocating the legalization of incest; they want mothers and sisters to be required to have sex with sons and brothers.
The first responder to BlackPilledOverdose’s, er, argument declares that
your mom and sister should be obligated to lend you their pussies if you’re horny
In a follow-up comment, he adds,
moreso your mom because she is the reason why you cant get laid. she decided to give birth to an ugly incel so she should at least be mandated to give it up
Like the OP, he gets applause from the crowd for his brave stance. Incels tend to love the idea of having women compelled to have sex with them.
Were he still alive, Freud would be slowly banging his head against his desk.
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That’s the fundamental conclusion of the incel topic sentence, isn’t it. ALL YOUR PUSSY ARE BELONG TO ME. ALL pussy. Everywhere.
Children. Relatives. Exotic women from Otherlandia (as part of the spoils of conquest.) Animals. Mythical creatures. Robots. Space aliens.
It’s not as if it could belong to the individual it’s a part of or anything.
Two. Sharp. Bricks.
Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!
I would’ve thought that any potential enthusiastic intimate partners among the mothers and sisters of these blokes have ample opportunity to do or say they’re up for it.
So it’s not any external rules or controls forbidding it. It’s the women themselves.
My analytical brain is with Full Metal Ox.
My emotional brain is with Em Zuli.
All my other brains are simply running away as fast and as far as they can.
So if inbreeding is illegal (but not the incestuous sex that can lead to inbreeding), then the unwanted noninbred babies and children wouldn’t have to compete with the unwanted inbred babies and children for a chance to get adopted.
He doesn’t discuss how to make inbreeding illegal. Mandatory contraception for those committing incest? (Committing doesn’t seem like the right word for the girl or woman involved, because it implies that her actions are voluntary.) Mandatory abortion if it fails? Prison for those who evade these laws? (And evade also seems like the wrong word for the girl or woman; she’s a survivor of incest, not a participant.) The bureaucracy involved in enforcing these laws would be mind-boggling.
And as always with these guys, their argument is that only they should get to have rights.
Inbreeding should be illegal.
Inbreeding creates ugly babies who have genetic deformities.
Ooh….does that include royalty?
Boys, just because your mother’s pussy is the only one you ever came out of doesn’t mean you get to do it again.
I’m also not sure of his claim that it’s illegal in the first place. I mean, it’s obviously illegal when there are minors involved. But a consensual sexual relationship between a brother and a sister in adulthood? I’m not aware of any laws against that. They’re probably not allowed to marry though.
It’s a good question. IIRC there’s one in Germany, and at least some states have one, but it’s actually more common to simply ban close relatives from legal marriage rather than ban sex between two adults who are closely related.
I could do some research on that tonight, maybe, but I have some other things to do as well, so… don’t fully trust the above except to the extent that I know that sex between closely related adults is criminalized SOMEWHERE on planet earth. I just don’t know how much of it, and what little I remember isn’t enough to say how much of the world’s population lives under such laws.
If I can get more info on that, I’ll come back later and post it here.
Ooh, you can start with this, though:
I was sure at least some states criminalized it, but this article states
I don’t know the author, but if they’re credible, that’s that.
See also:
I’ve read the entire CCC (criminal code of Canada) so I must have known the Canadian bit at some point, though I’d obviously forgotten in. The US bit is interesting, particularly in that the Rhode Island situation seems to have come about due to a recent repeal of the law criminalizing adult, consensual incest.
> Amtep and Crip Dyke
That is indeed the stance in France : incest per se is not illegal. What is illegal is sexual abuse of a relative on another, especially if one is a minor and not the other (althought abuse is abuse, whatever the age of people involved), and marriage (for direct relatives only). However, as incest is often seen as the first case (an adult abusing a child) – plus the risk of genetical problem of inbreeding -, it has obviously a bad image. Paradoxically, “faucest” is a well browsed porn genre… Maybe this is where those incels get those ideas.
JFC. Buy a Real Girl. Masterbate. Leave your relatives alone.
@ amtep & crip dyke
In England, incest is illegal per se. Marriage status is irrelevant.
Fun fact. The term ‘in-law’ as in sister-in-law and brother-in-law, originally had the meaning that we now call ‘step’. As in for example stepmother. That was to reflect that incest was illegal regardless of whether the parties were actually blood relatives.
So they only want to have sex with 14-year-olds UNLESS it’s their mum?
I don’t think this guy is capable of thinking this one out, but he just advocated for legalized pedophilia too. Talk about an incentive not to have kids if this was legal.
Here’s something new and scary. The other day, AOC and a bunch of other progressive Dems (20 in total) co-signed a letter to Biden urging de-escalation of the Ukraine war. The very next day they retracted it and sounded kind of freaked out, when they didn’t sound like they were all reading from a script someone had handed to them.
It looks an awful lot like someone is blackmailing members of the U.S. House of Representatives, which is no minor matter given how powerful the latter generally are. And whoever is behind the blackmail (Northrup-Grumman? Lockheed-Martin? Boeing?) evidently loves the war enough to be willing to risk getting vaporized … along with everybody else.
I’m pretty sure a guy I went to school with (who went to jail for raping and impregnating his under age sister) wrote this.
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
12 hours ago
So if inbreeding is illegal (but not the incestuous sex that can lead to inbreeding), then the unwanted noninbred babies and children wouldn’t have to compete with the unwanted inbred babies and children for a chance to get adopted.
I thought he was implying the “incest couples” would become adoptive parents.
Fuck all these guys straight to fucking hell. If they don’t already abuse their sisters, they’re going to. I hope the sisters can qualify for the insurance to pay for the hours and hours and hours of therapy and meds to come back from that, even if it’s later in life. I’m leaving before I break the comments policy.
I recently read, “The Weirdest People in the World.” It’s a fascinating book. Henrich claims that most of our anti-incest and anti-familial marriage laws sprung out of the Catholic Church and served as a way to consolidate power by weakening familial and tribal networks. The result was an increase in intellectualism, innovation, individual rights, stranger cooperation, etc. I highly recommend it.
P.S. Eww! Eww! Eww!
The moral argument against incest is that, for all intents and purposes, consensual incest doesn’t exist. Even when it doesn’t involve an adult assaulting a minor relative, it still involves one relative using the emotional familial bond to exploit another. Those incels definitely want to exploit their female relatives like property, almost like they’re borrowing their dad’s car.
Of note is that some medieval cultures considered there to be no meaningful consent in the case of priest/parishioner or aristocrat/commoner, and these were lumped together as “incest” along adult/child and among people who grew up in the same household, regardless of actual biological relationship. Obviously they had no concept of DNA and didn’t always have a clear idea of inbreeding (as the majority of people in a village will be related to each other going a few generations back) so the concept was more about the danger of one person having excessive or inappropriate influence over another.
“Excess” and “inappropriate” being relative, anyway. Back in the 1960s Simone De Bouvier used similar thinking to argue that, unless full equality was achieved, women couldn’t meaningfully consent to relationships with men. That went to the dustbin of history – regardless of its merits, society would have a really hard time functioning if that were treated as morally correct. Likewise, relationships between step-siblings who only lived together for a few years isn’t too squicky for most people, even if some of us might look a bit askance – but at the same time, if they did spend nearly all of their childhoods together, that’s a clear violation of the moral argument, yet I doubt that it’s actually illegal in the vast majority of the world today, if anywhere.
Then there needs to be some justification for the moral argument for how it’s “inappropriate influence” beyond “it’s squicky”, otherwise that’s a justification to ban same-sex relationships. Also at some points in history it was considered inappropriate for spouses to be friends, and there are still people today who seem to act as if that were true. Maybe such arguments exist, I haven’t seen any. But they’re not commonly used as a basis for law, the law normally goes by inbreeding instead, so a bit of inconsistency there. That’s something which will need revisiting if we ever go the path of “children sterilized by default, fertility restored if you want children” (which would solve a lot of issues, though we’d probably need to conquer STDs first) because the inbreeding argument will be a lot weaker… and nonexistent if major genetic flaws are easily correctable.
Just throwing out a bunch of random thoughts. Not trying to justify anything.
Your mothers and sisters have known you the longest and thus know WAY too well how repulsive you are. They’re the LEasT likely to want to sex an incel. Your sisters are probably denying you’re any relation; your mothers are too busy doing your laundry and bringing you Hot Pockets in your basement hovel.
@Nequam: How about a pneumatic press?
@Crip Dyke: All my brains are running with yours.
@Rabid Rabbit: LOL.
Same in Finland. However, I have a hunch that authorities are rather reluctant to enforce the ban if there’s no obvious coercion/child abuse or reproduction involved.