So Men’s Rights Redditors are complaining about being called incels again.
“One of the most common responses to hearing that someone supports men’s rights,” the OP sniffs,
is that they are an incel in hiding, shrouding their true beliefs about women behind the guise of caring about men.
Because, as you see, of course a man caring about other men has to be about women, just like everything else in the feminist’s mind.
This is just a tad ironic in that the favorite insult that MRAs like to heap on male feminists is that they’re “simps,” “pussy beggars” whose desperate entreaties never lead to actual sex. (In fact, a recent study found that male feminists have more sex than non-feminists, probably because women prefer to have sex with men who don’t hate their gender.)
Anyway, here’s the top response in the extensive thread, with more than 100 upvotes.
“incel” is a go to insult by women because women all agree that the measure of a man is how many holes he’s fucked.
Women know they’re sex objects and trophies and bed post notches.
Every time they call someone an incel, that’s all they’re screaming. Is that women are nothing but moist holes to use.
And if a man doesn’t use a woman as a flesh light, then he’s not a real man. Women specifically are saying this with the “incel” insult.
Yeah, that guy’s definitely not an incel.

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yeah that’s what they are saying. No need for introspection at all!
How many of them have we seen call themselves incels?
@Victorious Parasol:
How many of them have we seen call themselves incels?
Maybe they’re trying to claim the equivalent of an N-Word Prerogative? (And never mind that the word was coined by a lesbian who just wanted to start a lonely-hearts support group—these guys have long since snatched it up as their identity banner and battle standard.)
Most incels wouldn’t know introspection if it were staring them in the face.
I mean, while it’s wrong to sneer at a man (or anybody else) for being a virgin, or for any other perceived “deficit” of sexual experience, the term “incel” is not at all equivalent to “virgin”.
Inceldom, according to the way self-identified “incels” deliberately present it, is characterized by bitter spiteful misogyny, antisocial resentment, and overwhelming feelings of inferiority and entitlement regarding sexual activity. That’s what people are condemning when they use “incel” as an insult.
So… all the guys calling themselves incels are…
Nope, not letting my brain go there.
I seem to recall that, before the term “incel” saw any real use, there were some proto-incels running around speaking out against “creep shaming”. Some of them insisted that “creep” was a code word for “ugly”; others insisted that autistic men are unable to learn how to act appropriately and should be cut a lot of slack.
Fixed that for him. Still disagree, but at least remotely more plausible, at least for all the men (?) on that website.
Okay, I am convinced that there is a certain contingent of utterly clueless human beings who have perhaps heard of social and psychological analysis, but only by rough description, and are totally convinced that they can engage in it because…reasons!
I am forever shocked by the kind of scattered thinking that some people consider to be logic.
Logic: It is a formal science investigating how conclusions follow from premises in a topic-neutral way.
Yes. It’s definitely women and not at all incel-MRA types who judge others and themselves by the amount of one night stands they had.
Dude has issues. Should probably try to talk to other people that aren’t incels.
“Issues?!” Dude has SUBSCRIPTIONS!
Dude has complete archives!
No, we call them incels because they have a deep hate and loathing of that which they desire. They view they are not men without getting validated by sex from women, but being rejected they just turn to hate. If you ever read any of the former PUA, they all say they were miserable and lonely but getting laid. Personally I’d like a guy that didn’t validate himself by his number of partners.