evil sex-having women incels misogyny racism

Incel asks: “How can a man look a girl in the eyes and say ‘I love you,'” while imagining all the men she’s had sex with

Man contemplates all the dicks his girlfriend has sucked, probably

Incels devote a lot of their energy to imagining, in gory pornographic detail, all the sex they think women are having. Here are some reflections on the subject from someone called Inceldom Victim, one of the most prolific posters on

“How can a man look a girl in the eyes and say ‘I love you,'” he asks.

Thats cucked as fuck… unless she is a virign of course, imagine all the different types of dicks she has drooled and gagged on with HER MOUTH which the cuck will kiss, she swallowed all the sperm of course. She probably ate Jamals ass aswell

Incels probably spend more time thinking about dick sucking than the average straight woman. Not that they’re gay; they’re just obsessed.

they all stretched out her holes and ejaculated in them.. Then someone is supposed to love her? how disgusting and fucked up is that?

She is probably dreaming about tyrone gangbangs while being with her man and I wouldnt be suprised if she is actually fucking Jamal and his friends behind his back

Actually, the women you know are generally not having violent porno sex with groups of hole-stretching men. (Maybe a few of them.)

I’m a kissless virgin but at least I’m not a fucking cuck like many other men. Virgin or nothing for me when it comes to a relationship, It’s disgusting, your partner should be special not a whore.

While there’s nothing inherently shameful about having a lot of sex with a lot of different people — unless maybe if you’re really bad at it — the median number of lifetime sexual partners for women in the U.S. is 4.3. (For men it’s 6.3.) That’s not a lot of gangbangs, if you do the math.

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1 year ago

Given the implication of OP’s rant that no amount of time or cleaning can remove the “stain” of semen from a het-sex having woman, someone should point out that billions of fish have been fucking in every body of water on Earth for literally millions of years, so if they drink anything with water in it, they’re basically guzzling fish jizz.

You know, like a cuck….

Last edited 1 year ago by Gaebolga
1 year ago

Tyrone and Jamal? His real complaint is that white women may be having sex with non-white men.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

“Tyrone and Jamal? His real complaint is that white women may be having sex with non-white men.”

Usually they use “Pookie and Ray Ray” which they picked up from the Black Manosphere who picked it up from BWE (Black Women Empowerment), Swirler and Black Women Divestor content creators on Youtube. In those circles Tyrone is the successful “thug” archetype, maybe a rich rapper or something of the sort, while Pookie and Ray Ray are lower on the ” ‘hood totem pool”.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

Other than him being super-racist, I would like to add to @Gaebolga’s thought with the fact that seals, whales, and other mammals — even closer to people, and whales are extremely smart — have also been doin’ it in the water for millennia. Not to mention other humans gettin’ it on in the oceans and lakes and hot tubs.

So they’ve been drinking other men’s sperm their whole lives. Super-cucked!

(Plus, I betcha some of the incels are hot for some of those animals.)

@Love Is: Thanks for the explanations. It’s very informative for honkies like me.

1 year ago

I’m a lesbian. By this idiot’s logic, I should be horrified by the possibility that any woman I’m with has been with a man. But guess what? I do not care. I couldn’t care less. The past is the past and any woman I’m with has taken at least one shower and/or bath since her last encounter with semen. It doesn’t matter!

1 year ago

Great, I followed their line of reasoning and now I refuse to shake hands anymore. Can you imagine how many times any normie masturbated? How many times their hands have been up inside a pussy? Wrapped around a dick? Knuckle deep in ass? (Everyone does butt stuff, according to random people online.)

1 year ago

While I can’t speak for men because I’m not one, personally I’ve met some of my lover’s exes and have never imagined them together, let alone some randos who I might never even know about. I tried picturing my current boyfriend with his ex-wife just now just to see what that’s like, and it was difficult, and felt a little weird at first. After a bit I felt indifferent and uninterested. Who cares? He’s mine now, and that’s all that matters. If they wanted to get back together for any reason then I’d at least trust him to tell me about it, and I’d deal with the resulting feelings when it happens.

And I would trust him because we actually talk about our relationship in a serious, mature manner, including hypotheticals like “what if one of us wants to date someone else”. That’s something that incels wouldn’t ever imagine.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

fish have been fucking in every body of water on Earth for literally millions of years

Try half a billion:

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

I don’t think anyone thought quite like this before these incel internet forums. Now they are influencing people who otherwise would have never in a million years had such thoughts.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@.45 – Following your prompt, if this incel’s going to worry about what a woman’s mouth has been in contact with, what about

a) dentists’ and dental assistants’ hands? (gloved or not, some of those hands might have belonged to men! the horror!)
b) vomit? (that’s pretty gross! better try finding a woman who’s never thrown up!)
c) chewed-up food? (yuck! the ideal woman should swallow her food whole, like a boa constrictor!)

Mabret the Virile Maiden
Mabret the Virile Maiden
1 year ago

My literal first thought on seeing the title was, “Why would he?”

Seth S
Seth S
1 year ago

these guys take sour grapes to a whole new level. Aesop got nothing on them.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Snowberry: No lie, the woman my husband broke up with less than a month before me got us our wedding invitations wholesale as a gift. Her eventual-husband didn’t care either.

The markup between retail and wholesale is always pretty damn big, so that came out to be worth more than most of the presents we got!

Mr. xn is a nerd and a late bloomer; I think I met probably half of the women before me. They were all very nice. The last-but-one and I started having a conversation about a mutual interest and hubs and her next boyfriend were all, “So… let’s go to the kitchen and have some beers and snacks while they’re at it.”

My boyfriend before him (we broke up amicably 3 months before I met the Mr., 6 weeks of which I was in a leg cast and not dating!) came to the wedding and also gave a useful gift (which I still own, and have used) and was fine with it.

At no time did any of us wonder about the sperm possibility, and neither did anyone else back then. Or at least we didn’t hear about it.

Keep your cuck fantasies to yourselves, incels. You’re grossing out the decent people — which is probably one of the MANY reasons why you can’t get laid.

@epitome: I hope someone tries out that reasoning on them. Stale semen isn’t pleasant-smelling, but it’s not as bad as stale vomit. Or even fresh vomit.

Last edited 1 year ago by GSS ex-noob
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
1 year ago

[T]he median number of lifetime sexual partners for women in the U.S. is 4.3. (For men it’s 6.3.)

A guy who’s had .3 of a sexual partner? That would be a deal-breaker for me.

Crip Dyke
1 year ago


1 year ago

On other internet forums, I have raised the concern that it’s not great that kids have such easy access to porn these days because they’re probably getting wrong ideas from it, that maybe being repeatedly exposed to unrealistic depictions of sex before actually having sex isn’t a good thing. On those other forums, I was swiftly told every time that teenagers are smart enough to know that porn isn’t reality. And, well, I suppose there are kids who understand that porn sex is fiction, but then there are people like Inceldom Victim.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

“On those other forums, I was swiftly told every time that teenagers are smart enough to know that porn isn’t reality. “

The thing is that porn is reality in the sense that the actors are actually doing those things.
And some of those things are unhealthy, dangerous, violent, abusive and disturbing, so I hear/read about. And they never show people using condoms, which is another serious issue.

1 year ago

6.3 is actually higher than I would have guessed. I think this is a case where the average is being boosted by a small subset of men who have way more partners than most. I don’t mean that in a Chad or Tyrone way. Just different people have different feelings about how much sex they want and with whom.

Crip Dyke
1 year ago


Your concerns have been validated by some other people in position to know (for instance at least one doctor in a university student health clinic) and have been written up in both professional articles and articles for more popular consumption.

While I think the framing of some of those articles is shit (e.g. feminism = rape porn = the death of western society), there clearly is a problem with adolescents not understanding that you don’t learn “how to sex” from porn any more than you learn “how to drive” from a Transformers movie.

1 year ago

I’ve told my kids that porn is like kung-fu movies; it’s created to look effective rather than to be effective.

If you try to learn martial arts by mimicking kung-fu films, nothing you learn will be useful in an actual fight; likewise with porn and sex.

Crip Dyke
1 year ago

If you try to learn martial arts by mimicking kung-fu films, nothing you learn will be useful in an actual fight; likewise with porn and sex.

but…but… JACKIE CHAN jumped through the runs of a metal folding ladder and then swung it around to defeat 6 enemies at the same time!!!!!

1 year ago

@ Dave

I do know a few guys who, if even half their claims are true, definitely skew the average

1 year ago

@Crip Dyke

Yeah, but he learned to do that training for the Chinese Opera. Those motherfuckers don’t play….

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago

I’ve met a few of the women Mr. Parasol dated before me, and his first lover ended up being my matron of honor. (My bestie from uni couldn’t make it, so we declared she was matron of honor in absentia.) All of them told me how happy they were for us, and one gal said she was so glad she hadn’t broken his heart for good. Mr. Parasol was rather bemused by this as he didn’t remember being that hurt by the break-up – they were incompatible for a long-term relationship, and he’s an adult.

I don’t get the idea that you should only and always marry a virgin. If that’s what you want for whatever reason, fine, whatever. But if you’re lucky, your spouse’s past lovers left them a better person. If you’re unlucky … well, one of Mr. Parasol’s past girlfriends was apparently not a well person. He’s refused to divulge details, and the only other mutual friend who could talk to me about it declined to do so, other than to say, “You’re good for him and she wasn’t.”

In the end, that’s the only metric worth using for a relationship – are you good for each other? Or not? Regulars know how I’d answer that question about Mr. Parasol.

Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

@Crip Dyke:

but…but… JACKIE CHAN jumped through the runs of a metal folding ladder and then swung it around to defeat 6 enemies at the same time!!!!!