evil sex-having women incels misogyny racism

Incel asks: “How can a man look a girl in the eyes and say ‘I love you,'” while imagining all the men she’s had sex with

Man contemplates all the dicks his girlfriend has sucked, probably

Incels devote a lot of their energy to imagining, in gory pornographic detail, all the sex they think women are having. Here are some reflections on the subject from someone called Inceldom Victim, one of the most prolific posters on

“How can a man look a girl in the eyes and say ‘I love you,'” he asks.

Thats cucked as fuck… unless she is a virign of course, imagine all the different types of dicks she has drooled and gagged on with HER MOUTH which the cuck will kiss, she swallowed all the sperm of course. She probably ate Jamals ass aswell

Incels probably spend more time thinking about dick sucking than the average straight woman. Not that they’re gay; they’re just obsessed.

they all stretched out her holes and ejaculated in them.. Then someone is supposed to love her? how disgusting and fucked up is that?

She is probably dreaming about tyrone gangbangs while being with her man and I wouldnt be suprised if she is actually fucking Jamal and his friends behind his back

Actually, the women you know are generally not having violent porno sex with groups of hole-stretching men. (Maybe a few of them.)

I’m a kissless virgin but at least I’m not a fucking cuck like many other men. Virgin or nothing for me when it comes to a relationship, It’s disgusting, your partner should be special not a whore.

While there’s nothing inherently shameful about having a lot of sex with a lot of different people — unless maybe if you’re really bad at it — the median number of lifetime sexual partners for women in the U.S. is 4.3. (For men it’s 6.3.) That’s not a lot of gangbangs, if you do the math.

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Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

It gets even worse: be she as pure as snow, as chaste as ice, that girl is going to have been made using some other man’s semen!

(Although Craster from Game of Thrones had a solution to that…)

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago


6.3 is actually higher than I would have guessed. I think this is a case where the average is being boosted by a small subset of men who have way more partners than most.

Might be more useful, in cases like this, to use the median rather than the average. Are there any statistics on median numbers of sexual partners?

1 year ago

The guy is just over-thinking (and not in a good way). He should consider his own mother, sisters, etc. Unless he has some sort of Howard Hughes-like phobia, he sounds very immature. These “dark thoughts” he’s having are a coping mechanism to explain in his mind his failure with women. Thinking: “I can’t have a woman, what’s wrong with them?” and “no woman is good enough for me anyway”. So, he’s trapped in a vicious cycle, leading him into further hatred of women. Maybe he’ll figure it out, the sooner the better

1 year ago

Dave and Surplus – it is actually the median, according to David in the OP.

1 year ago

Well, if that is the median, then I guess I was just off in my assumptions. Fair enough.

Nicholas Kiddle
Nicholas Kiddle
1 year ago

A guy who’s had .3 of a sexual partner? That would be a deal-breaker for me.

Does that mean he only put the tip in?

I was going to say that my recent partners being bisexual explained why they don’t have this nonsense going on, but then I remembered the second man I was ever with. He wasn’t exactly a feminist paragon, but he asked if I’d done it before and when I said I had, said, “I could tell, you’re very good.” Seems like a much better attitude than sulking about how defiled a partner is.

Raging Bee
Raging Bee
1 year ago

I’m a kissless virgin but at least I’m not a fucking cuck like many other men. Virgin or nothing for me when it comes to a relationship, It’s disgusting, your partner should be special not a whore.

Sounds like this guy’s nothing but an incoherent clueless whiner trying to make himself feel better about not getting any of what he wants so desperately, and turn what he thinks is a hideous shameful black mark into a badge of honor. #Bone4Tuna finding a girlfriend who digs that level of unhappy childishness.

Raging Bee
Raging Bee
1 year ago

A guy who’s had .3 of a sexual partner? That would be a deal-breaker for me.

Maybe that means he got to third base. Or maybe 0.3rd base?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Raging Bee: OK, there’s 4 bases in baseball, .3 (just a smidge under 1/3) of 4 is 1.2.

So I guess he’s leading off first base, trying to steal second. I’m thinking that’s do-able with teen groping to a mild degree.

1 year ago

These guys only experience with women seems to be porn, anime hentai, and Only Fans type stuff. So, they assume everyone is like that. But fear not if they only want virgins, they are never going to have kids. I fear for any daughters raised by these guys.

Gerald Fnord
Gerald Fnord
1 year ago

There were Nazis (and fellow-travellers of theirs) who were convinced than an ‘Aryan’ woman who had had sex with a Jew even once could never bear a ‘pure’ child; in the 1920s there was evidently a novel with that as its theme titled something like “Poison in the Blood”.

Gerald Fnord
Gerald Fnord
1 year ago

How do I do that?

I don’t; I look into my wife’s eyes, and all I see is her (and sometimes my face reflected in her pupils if the light’s apt for that).

1 year ago

gay males increase the average male count. leave the gay males out, and the average is lower than the women´s.
there is a subsection of the gay male community with tens of thousands of partners.

1 year ago


We’re just supposed to take your word for it, aren’t we?

1 year ago

@ Makroth

Well, it does sound like a perfectly intuitive common sense argument… which probably means it is wrong.

I mean, we could just click on the link David provides for the study to see if it accounts for anything like, say…

Note: Based on ACASI variables for numbers of opposite-sex partners. Sexually experienced in ACASI means respondent has had vaginal, oral, or anal sex with a partner of the opposite sex.
