Newsweek has confirmed a rumor that has been spreading online: the wonderful human being known as Nathan Larson has died in custody. Last month, actually.
I’ll let the Real Life Villains wiki sum up his life:
Nathan Daniel Larson (September 19, 1980- September 15, 2022) was a perennial candidate for public office in the U.S. state of Virginia associated with the Alt-Right. He served 14 months in prison for the felony of threatening President Barack Obama’s life, and was later arrested after kidnapping a 12-year-old girl in order to sneak her to his home in Virginia and rape her. He died while awaiting trial.
Oh, but that just scratches the surface. Some other fun facts about Larson, mostly from the Real Life Villains wiki:
- He described himself as a “hebephilic rapist” and a “libertarian.”
- He advocated the legalization of incest and child porn, and included these beliefs in his political platform when he ran for office in Virginia.
- He advocated raping women and wanted to take away their right to vote. He thought women should be classified “as property, initially of their fathers and later of their husbands”
- He identified with incels and argued that they should not be “forced to pay taxes for schools, welfare and other support for other men’s children.”
- He was a white supremacist who described Adolf Hitler as a “hero.”
- He set up online forums for incels and pedophiles.
- He became an editor at Wikipedia in order to soft-pedal topics like pedophilia and incest and make them less taboo. (He was ultimately banned from the site.)
Rest in pedophile hell, Nathan.
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And the world was suddenly a better place.
And the alt-right accuses the left of being pedophile rapists. The world is much better without this POS in it, and he is probably like many of the current crop of incels.
Jesus Christ, how the hell did he expect to have a political career spouting that shit.
Seen the GOP lately? It’s been taken over by card-carrying Y’all Qaeda members like this chud, and by card-carrying Nazis like … also this chud.
My question is: who shanked him? Not that there’ll be any shortage of suspects. Prisoners don’t like pedophiles, as a general rule.
I know, right? It’s not like he ever had a stable or sane platform, unlike Marjorie Taylor Gree– no, wait…
And the collective trauma of humanity was lightened.
*Grumpy Cat GOOD gif*
Just more proif that every right-wing accusation is, in fact, a confession. Think about that the next time they accuse all LGBTQ+ folk of being “g****ers” for simply existing.
Though hearts of darkeness may wander the land, marring the Earth in pain and darkness and inflicting themselves upon good and decent folk: at least one such agent of vile, malignant malice; is at last expunged from the world; allowing but a small ember of light to flourish in this tenebrous and dreary life, it’s fleeting wonders and hopeful glories better able to flourish and take root
A small, uncommon mercy; but a welcome one
And nothing of value was lost. Bye-bye, ya bastard.
Did he die of like disease or did someone kill him and if so can we give that person a medal
People like him make my unreligious butt hope for two things:
1. That there is an afterlife
2. That there is a special place of endless pain and suffering for people like him.
I’m probably out of luck here, but an enby can dream…
When did they ever not project their own vile stuff on others?
Ok so I wish the worst for this dude obviously. But are we sure we can trust Newsweek? I heard it’s gotten unreliable lately, even Wikipedia won’t use it for a source anymore.
So “libertarian” doesn’t have any meaning at all then?
@Tabby Lavalamp – for him, it probably meant “the government shouldn’t enforce laws I don’t like.” But if he literally wanted women to be property…who’s going to enforce that? Everyone who’s not a woman? Probably not.
Anyway, good riddance. Wish there weren’t so many people who shared at least some of his views.
@Tabby Lavalamp
Right-libertarians believe in the Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules. They hold that wealthy white men have the right to do anything they want, and that the rest of us also have the right to do anything they want.
The fact that they waited a month and didn’t specify cause of death makes me wonder why. Was it, in fact, a shanking? Cuz child molesters don’t do well in prison — even murderers don’t like them.
If it was another inmate, I say give him more credit at the in-prison store and a positive note at his parole hearing.
@GIJoel: Perennial candidates are usually anyone who can somehow scrape up the filing fee. We had one nearby who was always on the mayoral ballot, and was a homeless person who was on a first-name basis with all the cops. Like, the whole town knew her. Delusions of grandeur know no gender or politics.
This never shows up in his list of accomplishments, but everyone from Culpeper High School class of 1998 remembers him as the kid that got expelled junior year for shooting several people with urine from a Super Soaker.
“And the alt-right accuses the left of being pedophile rapists.”
Does anyone remember the old Manosphere blogs from around 8 and more years ago? Lowering the age of consent was a common theme in the comment sections. This was before Trump was president and their commentary wasn’t as political as it is now, but many were definitely right leaning. Then I noticed when they started getting more vocal about supporting Trump, Republicans or right-wing, those types of comments died down and all of a sudden they claimed it was the left who wanted to lower age of consent and steal everybody’s kids.
@Julia: I remember the incident but none of the details. It made the national news.
So I am retroactively unsurprised that was him. I think everyone decent thought “what is WRONG with that boy?!”