pledge drive

The pledge drive is going better! But we’re not quite there yet

Good news, folks! Thanks to a new wave of donations, the pledge drive is getting back on track! Huge thanks to everyone who has donated, some of you quite generously, and to those who helped spread the word.

I was really worried — terrified, really — that this was it for the blog, but you all came through in a big way and things are looking much more secure.

But we’re still not quite there. And so if you haven’t donated yet, please do!

donate button

You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.

There are several more days to go in this pledge drive — though of course you are free to donate any time if you can’t swing it right now.

Thanks again! I honestly don’t know how to thank you all enough. Your generosity has really touched me deeply.


PS: I will have another post up in a few days in which I set out some plans on how to stabilize this blog’s finances so that this sort of crunch doesn’t happen again, knock on wood.

Follow me on Mastodon.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

We Hunted the Mammoth relies on support from you, its readers, to survive. So please donate here if you can, or at David-Futrelle-1 on Venmo.

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2 years ago

OK. I stand corrected. You don’t sound self-important. You ARE self-important, you pompous dork. Thanks for clearing that up.

2 years ago

I would take him more seriously if he actually sat down, presented an argument, and then defended it instead of flitting about pretending he swallowed Sean Penn.

From memory here: He started with various statements about David and the blog, but after failing to give any evidence for David wanting to throw himself at the feet of the Manosphere, he flitted off on a tangent trying to assert dominance or whatever by claiming to be an accomplished author. Then he was confronted with an accomplished author, but couldn’t even bother to have a dick measuring contest and flitted off again, blah blah blah, eventually settling on Stacey.

In short, he doesn’t have any real substance here, why is anyone taking him seriously?

Edit: I’m going to bed, so go ahead and claim victory when I don’t respond to your devastating reply there Seagull Schmear. (Is your username some kind of Jew reference?)

Last edited 2 years ago by .45
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@Seagull and Schmear

You didn’t get concrete. You did more non-literal language but directed at everyone now. You are less direct and less literal.

You can’t be concrete and specific at any level. If you had anything you’d be quoting and tying your non-literal language to it by now. Weak.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
2 years ago

why is anyone taking him seriously?

Who the fuck is?!

I speak what I want because I want to not because of a gross creepy trolls


And I bet most other commenters do too.

2 years ago

Seagull said: “In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve written more in this comments section than just about anyone else, so don’t try and tell ME that I haven’t raised anything, or said anything of substance.”
Maybe we need some definitions of the difference between quantity and quality.

Sometimes I idly wonder for a minute or two what manospherians’ lives are actually like, given that they (well, the ones we see here) always START OFF with aggression and name calling and then escalate. Is it possible there are manospherians who are calm and relaxed and behave in a pleasant and supportive manner with their friends and families and co-workers? Who are happy in their relationships?

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


Senator Graham will be made aware of my dilemma in the very near future. I hope you’re happy with whatever consequences you may have brought upon yourself.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago


We see this quote before us, directed at you. I’m sorry if you were rightly terrified.

“Your ass will be squirming if I decide to go through with writing my senator, mark my goddamned words.

Do we believe this is a personal threat? Like, “I have the power to call down a senator on you specifically, plebian! Cower in fear! I shall wreak unimaginably vague yet definitely horrendous punishment from the senator under my thumb, who shall risk their career to seek my vengeance upon your ass.

Or is it more generalized megalomaniac? “I control the fate of my state, plebian! Cower in fear! One word from me and my senator shall do my bidding, outweighing all votes in my state and all monies donated, both legal and not! Such is the power of my pen! For it is mightier than the sword and I am at this very moment deciding whether or not to direct all its great force of punishment right at your ass.”

Is there implied people power? “My influence sways thousands to write, and we shall together inundate our senator, plebian! Cower in fear! The tide of letters will overpower their very will, and the mob shall rule, puppeted by my firm hand! Mark the words I write, for even as the Bard was the greatest of his time, so, too, am I of mine, and to squirm or not to squirm is the only decision I have yet to make for your ass.”

I’m… I’m really trying to make it work, help me here. I just, I’m sorry I’m laughing so much when you’ve been threatened. 🙁


Maybe we need some definitions of the difference between quantity and quality.

We may just refer him to the classic “Much Ado About Nothing” as he is evidently fond of plays.

I don’t believe there are manospherians like that. I think there are, at best, silently bitter manospherians that grow out of it. This comes from growing up with manosphere-adjacent relatives.

But I might be wrong, there could be secretly happily married manospherians just… Golden State Killering it up out there, waiting for someone to catch them out for their sins.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


I will most assuredly write an email to my senator with a list of complaints about my personal misgivings in life; I have always wanted to write my senator about something, and I assume that now is as good a chance as ever.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

Hold on a minute; do I need to get actual postage to contact a senator? I am looking on the internet for information regarding the appropriate channel through which to contact a senator, and am presently not able to find information regarding the possibility of simply emailing one.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

This is the goddamned 21st century; why am I not able to to email someone? I’m actually expected to fucking snail mail something to someone? this is outlandish, absurd even. How do they actually expect you to talk to them if you’re expected to use outdated methods of communication to get in contact with them? Do they just not want to talk to the people they represent? What’s the point if you even have to wait?

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

Well fuck this.

2 years ago

Wait, are we being trolled? I think we might be getting trolled.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

Truly, your persistence was astounding, but the obstacles were indeed insurmountable. We will all be long inspired by the Letter of Grievance That Was Not.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

But I am looking on the website ***RIGHT NOW*** and I can’t find anything about emailing something. They even expect me to use my REAL return address. I don’t like this, I should be able to anonymously contact my representatives. I would ask if they knew what kind of “silencing” effect this would have on people, to take away their anonymity like this, but considering that I’m dealing with the government, it shouldn’t be a surprise. What if someone intercepts my mail while it’s going out? I’m not even used to sending letters, I do everything electronically. Is there a database where they keep people who send letters to the senator? I could have sworn that email was a possibility for senators.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

Who is responsible? Who thought that this was a good idea?

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago


I don’t listen to men!

I like your style.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

*looks up from yet another re-reading of Swordheart*

More blathering, as if every current senator doesn’t have an e-mail address on their website.

@Alan – I’ve just gotten to a bit in the book you’d probably like. Zale, the lawyer for Our Heroine, has just told a rival temple’s bully boys that no, they will NOT say where they are going because it’s temple business and Zale’s superiors know all about the trip. Perfectly true and perfectly opaque. I think you’d like Zale – as a priest of the White Rat, Zale takes on all sorts of clients, though they specialize in property disputes. They are very fond of playing Snooty Lawyer to those who have done wrong by their clients.

“I am a lawyer and a priest,” said Zale. “There is probably someone on earth more bound to confidentiality, but I have yet to meet them.”

I love Zale.

2 years ago

@Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)

Thank you so much! I love your posts, by the way.

2 years ago

Speaking of Kingfisher, Paladin’s Grace has a similar relationship dynamic, and lots of Zale. Paladin’s Strength less so as the female lead is a werebear, and in Paladin’s Hope the romance is m/m, but I still strongly recommend them. I also recommend the works of Olivia Atwater for a similar mood.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago


The books focusing on the Saint of Steel paladins are where Kingfisher really leveled up, IMO. The worldbuilding’s richer, the characters are more complex, and she does an excellent job of showing how a story can continue across books without major cliffhangers.

Mind you, I still want those sequels to Swordheart we’ve been waiting on.

2 years ago
Last edited 2 years ago by Makroth
Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

Heck, might as well go all-out on promoting the Kingfisher books:

Anyone who’s ever served in the military may enjoy her Nine Goblins, which focuses on a group of squaddies who just happen to be goblins. There’s also a vet who is an elf, but since the elf is a vet, his home is not graciously appointed – put it this way: the elf reminds me of my baby sister the vet, who once confessed to me that she was so tired after a shift, she didn’t bother to get out of her scrubs before bed, even though several dogs had piddled on her that day.

Horror fans will find a few books to enjoy: The Twisted Ones and The Hollow Ones, and if you’re a fan of Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher,” try What Moves the Dead, which is very creeptastic but features a society with a fascinating approach to pronouns.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ Vicky P

Ooh, thanks for the recommend.

I must confess I don’t read or watch a lot of legal fiction. But people have made some good suggestions that I enjoyed; and that does sound intriguing. I’ve never done any Canon Law. The CoE, being an established church, it does have its own legal system. Although now it’s just churchy stuff. Not like the old days where accused criminals could plead ‘benefit of clergy’ and get out of the secular legal system. They would tattoo your thumb though, so even priests were only allowed one free murder.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 years ago

The new troll here… wow. There have been jokes before about how even the trolls were better in the old days, and that seems to be the case here. No real attempt to slide in under the radar to start with, and pretty much straight to projection and bashing people with pure distilled self-importance. The end result of epistemic closure at its… foulest, I guess.

@Victorious Parasol, others:
I’ve been a fan of Ursula Vernon since Digger was still an ongoing thing, and have been on a couple of Kickstarters of her work. Also have a few of the original Digger collections signed from when I met her at a con.

That said, some of her short works like ‘The Only Harry Potter Fanfic I Will Ever Write (Probably)’ are beautiful in their own way and absolutely hilarious.

I seem to vaguely recall (and may be wrong) that at one point just being able to read was enough to try to claim ‘benefit of clergy’. Because, frankly, at the time quite often the clergy were the only people in a given town who could.

2 years ago

It’s honestly rather telling despite my attempts to directly ask Seagull and Schmear how exactly is David “dishonest” or “muckracking” if he provides screen caps and links, and thus evidence: of the very subjects of reactionary bigotry that he talks about and the things such reactionaries say or do…. and proceeds to not even acknowledge or address the question or even myself…

Even more telling that when they go full on mask off megalomania of “contacting senator Graham” in some kind of vague and nebulous yet deeply implied threat; that they are immediately unable to find any contact info.

Might be a troll, but poes law is in action and frankly even if they are malevolently earnest in their malice and nonsense; it’s a hilariously anemic fail on their part.