pledge drive

The pledge drive is going better! But we’re not quite there yet

Good news, folks! Thanks to a new wave of donations, the pledge drive is getting back on track! Huge thanks to everyone who has donated, some of you quite generously, and to those who helped spread the word.

I was really worried — terrified, really — that this was it for the blog, but you all came through in a big way and things are looking much more secure.

But we’re still not quite there. And so if you haven’t donated yet, please do!

donate button

You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.

There are several more days to go in this pledge drive — though of course you are free to donate any time if you can’t swing it right now.

Thanks again! I honestly don’t know how to thank you all enough. Your generosity has really touched me deeply.


PS: I will have another post up in a few days in which I set out some plans on how to stabilize this blog’s finances so that this sort of crunch doesn’t happen again, knock on wood.

Follow me on Mastodon.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

We Hunted the Mammoth relies on support from you, its readers, to survive. So please donate here if you can, or at David-Futrelle-1 on Venmo.

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Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


“I don’t listen to men! I don’t fucking care what this one thinks especially!
How dare it @ me!!!”


Dramatis Personae:


STACEY: [hurriedly driving, swerving due to the body of a pedestrian being stuck on her windshield as she contemplates her imagined greatness] I NEED TO GET HOME AND CRACK MY WHIP BECAUSE MY ART DEMANDS IT!

MAN: [holding “Bridge Out” sign] What the devil? I hope she can see the sign passed the body of that person stuck to her windshield! Ma’am! Ma’am!!! The bridge is out!

STACEY: [screeching and trying to keep one hand on the wheel as she cracks whip] Shut up, shut up, shut up!!! I don’t listen to men, especially bald and FAT ones like that one in the road! How dare he address me as anything but my goddess, I’ll bet he’s a creep that just wants to block me so he can drool over m-

[Stacey drives over the edge of a cliff, killing herself]

MAN: Phew, good thing I got out of the way while there was still time! I guess that’s what happens when you drive drunk on your own imagined greatness!


“or think you are if you’re overweight with no muscle tone and look like a gross greasy creep. ”

pretty sure body shaming is against the policies here. Wonder if any of the regulars have the stones to call you out on any potential “splash damage?”

Last edited 2 years ago by Seagull and Schmear
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@Seagull and Schmear
You are gossiping about people in front of them. It’s just another version of your first comment. A bunch of implications unconnected to specifics. Like before, you’d be quoting and explaining something, but you just want to insult.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


I am simply holding up a mirror is all. If you don’t like what you see, I suggest you work on yourself.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@Seagull and Schmear
That’s a metaphor. The non-literal language only has meaning when you can do more than pretend with it.

Without support and an explanation that’s multiple opinions. Very indirect, implications, just gossipy opinions. Right in front of people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
2 years ago

Gross creep assumes I have to drive myself somewhere, or that I even live in a place where people need to drive.

Gross creep troll seemed to get even angrier at the thought of my blatant and ruthless rejection of cis men based on appearance.

I’m so happy it’s upset! If it finds out about my height requirement, all the better!

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


Yeah, I wrote that whole thing to be literal. Way to go on figuring that out, Einstein.


Are you actually Stacey? Is Stacey a persona you’ve invented in order to live out some sort of sexual fantasy?

Mabret the Virile Maiden
Mabret the Virile Maiden
2 years ago

How pathetic must one be to write a play in the comment section of a blog, fantasizing about another commenter’s violent death, because he is offended at her sexual preferences?

Myself, I’m not as exacting as Goddess Stacey. I’ll torment any man. But if you want sex from me, seek it elsewhere.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@Seagull and Schmear
So I have to be someone else instead of you being concrete about your opinions? That is very weak.

You can stay abstract of course, but it’s just posturing. Spineless, metaphorically speaking.

2 years ago

The troll is definitely showing what really upsets it. As usual for this type, a conventionally attractive cishet woman who is ruthless about pursuing her nonconformist artistic and erotic fulfillment on her own terms gets it so flustered.

I mean any woman of any appearance or orientation or identity makes them mad by doing that but if it’s a woman like me, they just sputter in distraught disbelief. I look the type that in their wankery imagination is supposed to be cute and compliant and when I’m a raging demanding bitch they can’t handle it. Look at the gross creepy troll’s reaction. It can’t stop. So disgusting.

Last edited 2 years ago by TyrantBitchGoddessStacey
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
2 years ago

Mmmmm, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the troll’s little ‘play’ a banable offense, since it can easily be read as a death threat against Stacy?

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


I’m just saying, it’s sort of a “lady doth protest too much” feeling I get. If you’re really so prepossessing and bewitching, why the need to constantly bring up what a divine, bangable broad you are? It’s like if I got mad at people for thinking otherwise if I wore a shirt that said “Straight Man Walking” and proceeded to inject my professed heterosexuality into every conversation, regardless of what it’s really about. I get the feeling that this is just some sort of elaborate show you’re putting on, that you’re not even close to being as dazzling as you are in your delusions of grandeur, assuming you’re even really a woman and not some dude who gets off on being a hot, unattainable spoiled-brat goddess frau online.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


It’s not a death threat, imbesoid. If I was all “gimme your address, Stacey, so I can eliminate you” or “if I see you in public, Stacey, I’ll…” THAT would be a death threat. Pointing out in a deliberately absurd and impromptu play what taking “I don’t listen to men!” would entail if taken to its logical extreme is hardly a death threat, unless you uncharitable worms insist on reading it that way.

2 years ago

Look at the troll go! Almost full meltdown. Definitely a nerve was hit!

I think it’s a little fascinated, which is GROSS as fuck, but I can put it out of my mind.

It’s definitely in meltdown mode or close to it.

2 years ago

It just occurred to me I am literally eating popcorn while reading all of this.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

@All of you

I have never seen a comments section so full of people who just want to do nothing but grasp at straws in some uncharitable effort to squash the underdog and protect themselves from having to do a little fucking introspection for once. The degree of emotional maturity I’m witnessing here is so underdeveloped that calling it “arrested” would be implying that the capacity to develop it existed in the first place. What is this, some Sesame Street bullshit you wanna sling around? You convince no one but yourselves, your brains are good for little else but convincing yourselves of your own bullshit, making you think the poorly-written narratives you project onto the world are the stuff of history books, like your little puppet-show lives are the motherfucking gospel or something. You are upset, because I’ve rattled you, I’ve made you THINK. You are not used to being challenged, so you retreat to your echo chambers. Normally, you can just slap someone down with your haughty nonsense, but I’m motherfucking Jaws here and that dinky little minnow net you’re using ain’t gonna cut it.

2 years ago

You are not used to being challenged.

Any man saying that to any woman is so fucking beyond arrogant it’s engaging.

What gross creep calls challenging is often life-threatening to a woman especially a wild one who isn’t compliantly performative in her patriarchally assigned role.

I bet gross creep doesn’t know anything about the challenges of real work in a service job.

Anyone who wants to talk about a challenge can think about the financial and logistical planning and execution needed to carve out and create the life of unapologetic expression that I have. Or the fact that using a real fucking bullwhip takes serious extensive unglamorous practice.

Oh and ballet isn’t fucking challenging at all, is it?

Last edited 2 years ago by TyrantBitchGoddessStacey
2 years ago


Could you POSSIBLY sound any more self-important?

2 years ago

You are upset, because I’ve rattled you, I’ve made you THINK.

Gross Creep seems to be the one who’s upset.

I bet it’s the type that expects women to look model perfect while it’s gross-looking and with an unappealing disgusting body itself.

2 years ago

@SS: what specifically are you meant to have made people here think about? You have raised no substantive issue with the content of the site or the views you assume its commentators espouse.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


“I’ll bet you expect women..”

Let me be clear; I don’t expect any such goddamned thing by anyone that calls themselves a ‘woman.’ You know what I do expect, however much experience teaches me that I shouldn’t? If you’re so hung-up on being an equal, I expect you to act like one. I expect you to be able to conduct yourself in a way that isn’t disgraceful and actually do something useful for civilization, instead of act like you’re hot shit because you can swing a toy and slide up and down on one cock after another. I expect you to have the decency, the humility, to know when you are in the wrong and do the thing that we expect of all functioning adults and motherfucking get back on the right side of that line and don’t cry and stamp your feet if you don’t get the same outcome as everyone else for failure to do so. I don’t expect you hags to wear anything more fashionable than a potato sack, as surely you underbaked witches would be crying about the tyranny of the male gaze if we expected you to wear anything more than a bedsheet in public.

But see, that’s the fucking problem – we DON’T have expectations for women anymore, so it’s just a cultural race-to-the-bottom from them, always desperate to find some new low and have an excuse at the ready for how they don’t need no man to tell their unworked asses that there is not one thing in this universe or another about being some SSRI-popping chicken McNugget trash queen with the intellectual faculty and emotional restraint of a drunk chihuahua.


2 years ago


Oh really? What are you going to do about it?

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


I don’t care if I sound self-important, learn the difference between something “sounding” self-important and actually BEING self important. I’m NOT self-important, I just so happen to have the necessary self-worth and confidence to not bow under pressure to you harpies when you have the audacity to sit here and argue to me that up is down and spaghetti is a sandwich. You lack life experience necessary to make the distinctions that I am making here, and I don’t have the inclination to explain to you how basic categories work.


In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve written more in this comments section than just about anyone else, so don’t try and tell ME that I haven’t raised anything, or said anything of substance.

2 years ago

Gross Creep thinks its so cultured. It clearly has no understanding of how art and creative expression help make civilization. Anyway women did more to make civilization than men historically, like in the case of language and agriculture. But art and creativity matter most.

The troll is even creepier with its vulgarity because anyone on the Mammothteer commentariate who knows me knows my rejection of PIV. There’s too much other hot play that I demand and I get to care for PIV.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


Your ass will be squirming if I decide to go through with writing my senator, mark my goddamned words.

2 years ago

@ Seagull and Schmear

Sounds kinky. Let’s do it.