pledge drive

The pledge drive is going better! But we’re not quite there yet

Good news, folks! Thanks to a new wave of donations, the pledge drive is getting back on track! Huge thanks to everyone who has donated, some of you quite generously, and to those who helped spread the word.

I was really worried — terrified, really — that this was it for the blog, but you all came through in a big way and things are looking much more secure.

But we’re still not quite there. And so if you haven’t donated yet, please do!

donate button

You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.

There are several more days to go in this pledge drive — though of course you are free to donate any time if you can’t swing it right now.

Thanks again! I honestly don’t know how to thank you all enough. Your generosity has really touched me deeply.


PS: I will have another post up in a few days in which I set out some plans on how to stabilize this blog’s finances so that this sort of crunch doesn’t happen again, knock on wood.

Follow me on Mastodon.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

We Hunted the Mammoth relies on support from you, its readers, to survive. So please donate here if you can, or at David-Futrelle-1 on Venmo.

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Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

Your site’s going down the drain, David. Oh, where would we ever be without the dull meanderings and dishonest muckraking of Futrelle the Gallant, aka “Every Woman’s Keyboard Masher in Shining Armor?” Having a discussion with a bit more nuance, perhaps? Living in a world with a few less falsehoods and the mendacious miscreants that sire them? Don’t expect us to accept you with open arms when your meal ticket evaporates; you’d do better to hawk your sensationalistic, slimy scribblings to some two-bit tabloid before trying to find a sympathetic ear among the Manosphere.

2 years ago

Donated $50…best of luck. Long time reader, first time commenter. Thanks for all you do.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

Don’t expect us to accept you with open arms when your meal ticket evaporates; you’d do better to hawk your sensationalistic, slimy scribblings to some two-bit tabloid before trying to find a sympathetic ear among the Manosphere.

I’m astounded that you think that’s even a possible backup plan Z, if the blog should fail, which he’s just said it’s not. How your mind conceives of these dreams is beyond my capacity. Also the violet vernacular of your vainglorious verbosity has vailed your vouchsafed vituperation, and has verily given me a headache.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Because to people like him there are no fixed values or beliefs, just whatever is convenient for the moment to obtain, or ingratiate himself to, power. So he can’t conceive of any other way of being.

Remember in Star Wars when the Sith would always seem both surprised and offended whenever someone actually-principled yelled “I’ll never join you!“?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ btd

Very veriloquent.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

@Big Titty Demon

You must have the reading comprehension of a Redbull-overdosed 4th grader if you think that my work is somehow prosaic beyond necessity, enough so to induce some kind of literacy-related headache in you. Has Twitter eroded your ability to grasp English so thoroughly that, should you feel it necessary to refer me to some study that a surely educated person such as yourself would like to bust out, you would not even be able to read the very study that you have the temerity to recommend? I’ll be sure not to tax you through subjecting you to the very same tyranny of “citation needed!” that your kind takes such delight in carelessly throwing about, your inability to grasp anything beyond a “Flicka, Ricka, Dicka” book notwithstanding.

2 years ago

Careful, S&S. You’re gonna run out of KY and then what will you do?

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

SRLO, is that you?

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


Ask your dad for some more? He still has trouble walking, so maybe you’ll have to fetch it or him.

2 years ago

You really like typing, don’t you, Smeagol?

Last edited 2 years ago by Makroth
2 years ago

Gross creepy seagull and schmear can’t write properly. Once again, I don’t know what my first reaction to him would be because we obviously all are not talking in person and because I so ruthlessly and proudly judge ALL cis men on the basis of appearance first and only then consider anything else like whatever words they might say or write, but I’m 100% certain that in .0001 millisecond his idiotic squalling would provoke a livid shouted demand of “Get away from my presence!!!” with an especially angry overhead flick:



2 years ago

Well, that didn’t take long. I thought it somewhat fitting that Will Ferrell went from trying to sound smart, to issuing ultimatums nobody pays attention to, then eventually just yelling and outbursts, getting cruder all the while. Typical troll behavior

Edit: This is referring to my earlier post with Will Ferrell in a SNL skit in the Matrix, if that isn’t clear. (I realize not everyone is going to click on YouTube links)

Last edited 2 years ago by .45
Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


I’d get away from your presence with pleasure. Hell, I’d stay the hell away from you with something bordering on religious conviction if you’re as obnoxious in person as you are online.


I didn’t even watch the full thing, so I wouldn’t know. Someone made an oh-so-clever reference to me masturbating after only two posts in this comments section, and I’m the vulgar one for firing back at them about fucking their dad?

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


“Gross creepy seagull and schmear can’t write properly,” honestly sounds like a Trump tweet. Wanna go have a time out and consider your life choices before trying to take a swing at me? Aim high, Willis!

2 years ago

@Seagull and Schmear

Question; how exactly is David “dishonest” or “muckracking” if he provides screen caps and links, and thus evidence: of the very subjects of reactionary bigotry that he talks about and the things such reactionaries say or do?

Seems you can’t really logic and appear to be engaging in well poisoning libel for a dishonest, partisan and reactionary agenda?

2 years ago

Gross creep says

I’d get away from your presence with pleasure. 

This type of gross creep would be more likely to gawk and drool and fumble around its words because its tiny brain can’t handle that a conventionally attractive cishet woman can so ruthlessly reject unsuitable and unsatisfactory males.

Wanna go have a time out and consider your life choices before trying to take a swing at me?

Ooh, Gross Creep is upset! I’m so happy it is. My whip, my art and my fitness are life choices that require challenging levels of commitment but the payoff is huge considering the rocking orgasms I get from the oral servicing demanded bitchily and lovingly received from the most gorgeous ripped-body male worshippers that I bet are a trillion times more handsome and infinitely more creative and energetically attuned than Gross Creep Shitgull-smeer.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Seagull – Alas and alack! You have intuited the commentariat’s formerly most profound secret: that we are all merely characters David has created. Your perspicacity is stunning. I genuflect to your superior intellect in humbled astonishment.

…Is that better?

Last edited 2 years ago by epitome of incomprehensibility
Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


Bitch, stop fantasizing about humiliating me and get a fucking hobby.

2 years ago

Gross creep thinks I don’t have a hobby!!!

Hah it’s not quite a hobby because it’s SO much work to get to just 25 minutes of scene but hobbies are creative so it’s hobby-adjacent maybe.

Gross creep has NO idea of what it speaks!

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


So many rejected Trump tweets in all of this; if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were Trump posing as a strumpet online, a la Stephan Molyneux. Is this some persona you’ve cooked up as a man in order to feel sexy? It sure feels like it. You AGP?

Last edited 2 years ago by Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago

It deserves a livid glare from me in the most awesome perfect sous-sus, because I look awesome in one.

Like .001% of cishet men even find that intelligible.

Seagull and Schmear
Seagull and Schmear
2 years ago


I’m just seeing you right now, in some dingy basement, the wan glow of the computer screen illuminating your scruffy face against the backdrop of darkness, Hatsune Miku and Evangelion figurines slightly visible in the backdrop as you goblin-squat on your ratty swivel chair, your wig askew, angrily punching the keys on your computer in refutation of my statements while keeping 23 tabs open on your end, 17 of which are devoted to how an “agorist” might go about getting their hands on some black market estrogen. You’ve got half a bottle of blended scotch drained, maybe John Barr or Buchanan’s, as you sit in agony contemplating how you’re no longer young, you’re no longer a twink, what little hair you’ve still got on your head is going gray, and no amount of hormones are gonna turn you into the woman you’ve always wanted to be at this point so you might as well say “fie!” on that computer science degree you’re holding and LDAR.

2 years ago

Look out everyone, there’s a tediously aggressive driveller on site. There’s no warm-up with these manospherians, is there, just immediate repulsiveness and insults.
I suppose it saves time for the readers: – oh look, a new contributor – oh, he’s a dud. No interesting or valuable insights from him.

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