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Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, 58, laments that college students aren’t sexy any more

Fox’s Greg Gutfeld, Mr. Sexypants

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Weird how obsessed these right-wing pundits are with the sexuality of kids half one-third their age.

In a recent segment about college loans on Fox News, host Greg Gutfeld, 58, suddenly segued into a lament on just how un-hot he thinks college students are these days. Media Matters got the money quote for those of us who have trouble watching Fox for more than about a minute without breaking out in hives.

College doesn’t look like it’s fun anymore. I mean, have you seen how miserable and how miserable-looking a lot of the students are? They’re deliberately like ugly-fying themselves. You see them on TikTok. They’re out of shape, they’re asexual. They’re rejecting the truth in beauty. They all look like rejects from a loony bin. I’d steer clear of college, too.

How much “research” are you doing on TikTok anyway, Mr. Gutfeld?

Here’s a clip of the segment, assuming you can tolerate a few seconds of Fox.

Hoo boy.

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2 years ago

I’d probably turn asexual in your presence too, Greggy boy.

2 years ago

So students are concentrating on something other than their looks? Shocking. And is it any wonder they look miserable given the debt most of them are taking on?

2 years ago

I moved to a campus town this year, and would very much argue that Gutfeld has no idea what the hell he is talking about…

2 years ago

So real life doesn’t reflect the sex comedies He watched in his youth. so sad.

2 years ago

I’ve been spending a lot of time at one of the University of Minnesota hospitals and so have seen a lot of students wandering around. They’re really cute kids, way cuter than old farts like me and Greg Gutfeld. Notice that I say cute kids, not “hot coeds” or whatever Gutfeld the Gross is fantasizing about. Because I understand that people in their 50s should not be ogling people not legally old enough to drink.

2 years ago

Let’s be clear, Gutfeld isn’t really all that concerned about the attractiveness of college students. He’s using that line in a more nefarious way. He’s trying to steer young and impressionable people who might watch him away from seeking higher education. It’s an age old tactic, from the moderate right wing, to full on fascists and nazis. They don’t want people to be educated. An educated population is more progressive and far harder to sway with reactionary propaganda. That’s why he took this tack. Like all reactionary bigots, he wants the population to be ignorant and easily lead.

2 years ago

For any college students or faculty members reading this, if you see Greg on your campus, especially outside the women’s dorms, call campus security immediately.

2 years ago

wow, the nerve of this guy! “college co-eds just aren’t hot anymore”, gross.

in other news, I spotted this on Twitter. I suspect it came from Reddit but not being on Reddit myself, gave no idea how to look up the OP.

2 years ago

I expect that college-age people are as attractive as they’ve ever been, in the eyes of college age people. Old fogies thinking college age people look ridiculous is also tradional. I’m in my 40s and to me they mostly look young.

2 years ago

There has long been a fetishsization of college life. People get away from their parents, and they are surrounded by people of the same age group and often background, so yes a lot of people try to explore their sexuality. Though a lot of the sexy times at college are motivated more by men trying to prove themselves through casual sex.
There is some reality to back it up, but there is also a layer of fantasy on top of it. There are whole porn studios making content based on the idea that dorm room foursomes are a common occurrence. Obviously such fantasies must be populated by attractive figures. So just realizing that real “hook ups” are usually between people who already know each other and have been flirting in the halls for weeks and even then are often just a makeout session, might feel like a burst bubble to some, especially someone who went to college during a different era.
That is not even mentioning the fact that while there was a ton of moral panic, statistically millennials hook uped LESS than previous generations.

2 years ago

Look, dude, my physical (and mental, which is more important) attractiveness got nothing to do with my sexuality, or lack thereof. And I’m not ugly by any definition of the word, either. Ask my boyfriend.

No you wouldn’t, just like you wouldn’t suddenly “turn gay”. It’s a sexuality we talk about here, like being gay. You are, or you aren’t, you don’t “turn into”. It’s not a choice. Or do you want to imply you can “turn gay”?

2 years ago

My 82 year old mother likes watching Greg Gutfeld. The sight of his smug face just sickens me.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ quantuminc

There has long been a fetishsization of college life

Well how can you blame us when we had this to aspire to?

comment image

Actually, it wasn’t until I left home I realised just how accurate that show was.

2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

Is that a picture of The Young Ones? I think that’s what that program was called. In the US, it was on MTV, late at night.

I seem to remember that one of the cast also had a band, Love and Rockets.

2 years ago

I’ll just take the opportunity to share this clip that only tangentionally mentions Gutfeld

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

“College isn’t fun anymore.” “…they’re asexual.”

In truly conservative cultures parents send their kids to college to buckle down and study, not to have “fun” or sex. American conservatism is a joke.

And let’s not even “go there” with how he off-handedly shamed asexual people. I just finished watching a video about the struggle ace people go through growing up in a highly sexualized culture that until very recently there wasn’t even a way to understand how they were feeling and why, what to speak of connecting with other people going through the same thing. Finally now there is beginning to be something of an acknowledgement and community building for them.

Natsume, what you wrote is spot on. In addition rich conservatives and the corporations they represent don’t want Americans going to college because they require a permanent underclass.

This is why they are pushing pregnancy and no college for you or the babies you might have, especially if they are black.

2 years ago

@Love is All We Need
OMFG, tell me about that particular hell. I think “what’s wrong with me, why do I not feel like them? Why am I not interested in sex and everything they talk about, even find it gross, am I broken?” was about the most common thought in my head, and as you can imagine, it was very, very damaging. It haunted me for years after until I finally understood what exactly was “wrong” with me (nothing. It’s just the way I am, and I’m perfect just like that). Heck, even today I sometimes have to turn off the radio because I can’t stand listening to the 20th song about sex in a row anymore. I’m also carefully curating theovies I watch because too many push the heteronormative nonsense on you, even if only subtly. That’s part of why I prefer metal for my music I guess. Very different topics than mainstream media. I’m also very lucky to have a boyfriend who helps me navigate through all of this, but we are only together for less than 5 years now, and I was pretty much alone for over 20 years. Also being agender just adds to the issues. And let’s not even start on the gatekeeping some in the LGBTQIA+ community do… or the people who pity you for not wanting to have sex.

May I ask for a link to the video, please? It will be interesting to compare experiences.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago


2 years ago

That’s what us women thought about in college. How to look hot for some 58 year old near pedophilic right wing blow hard. Not, my classes, not trying to afford school and my text books and room and board, not studying, not trying to meet interesting people, not working on my future career. Yep, all I thought about was how to be an eye pleaser to aging asshats. I was nothing more than eye candy.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Sex education in junior and high school is practically on the verge of being banned in Miami-Dade County Florida (you can see the school board meetings and controversies on youtube) and yet within less than a year after graduation those same kids are expected to not be “asexual” and look hot on a college campus somewhere?


2 years ago

These guys are always complaining about young women not waiting until marriage to have sex. But then when young women don’t have sex, they complain about that, too.

2 years ago

@Love is All We Need
Thank you! It wasn’t quite what I had hoped for, but interesting nonetheless.

About the other statement. Whaaat? You weren’t focused on pleasing asshats? I’m so shocked…/s
I honestly want to be remembered for my brains, not my beauty. The issue is, since that’s often about the only value people give you, it still stings when they don’t comment on it regardless. I’m certainly glad I didn’t have to suffer beautiy-comments from my mid-50s teachers in middle school; and yes, we had those. In retrospect, they were as creepy and as misplaced as you would expect, and since I’m European and live in Europe, a great example of how that’s not only an American thing as some seem to believe. Still, on some level, depressed teenage me would have dearly needed some boost to their self-image.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. That’s just standard issue bs you deal with when you were born with a vagina, honestly.

Last edited 2 years ago by KMB