I have bad news, and I’m going to have to be blunt. The pledge drive is going very poorly so far. Some of you have donated already – and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate those of you who have. But most of you haven’t, and the donations are coming in so slowly that, if this continues for the rest of the pledge drive, it’s going to mean the end of We Hunted the Mammoth. I’ll have enough to get through another month, maybe, and then I’ll have to shut it down.
The last time I was in a similar situation, during the early days of the last pledge drive, you folks came through in a big way and, well, saved the blog, and again I thank you for that act of generosity. I really hope you can do it again. If everyone who reads and enjoys this blog were to donate, we’d be more than fine. If even a good portion of you donate, we’ll be alright.
With the anti-trans backlash on top of the misogynistic backlash I’ve covered for more than a decade, this blog is more necessary than ever. Having to shut it down would break my heart, and I think it might break some of yours. Please help, if you can.
You can also donate by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
Thank you.
I didn’t donate last time, but I just did this time
Ditto David, your work is so valuable!
thank you, thank you, thank you!
Hey Dave. Just donated. Will be sure to try and donate again when I get paid
I donate a little every month, and just gave a bigger one-off as well. Can’t imagine not having the mammoth 🙁
I’m not a big twitter account but I’ll share on there, too.
Thanks for all you do, David.
I donated just now. Good luck!
Chipped in what I could, which wasn’t tons, alas. Post more kittypics 😀
Long time reader, first time commentor. I just stuck in a few bucks.
Sorry I have to make you wait just now. My cards are currently being destroyed and replaced – no major hassle really. I’m just one of thousands who’ve been caught up with some banking hacker shenanigans. Maybe a week or ten days before I’m properly back on the financial airwaves.
Done. And thank you to our new PM for the exchange rate. Next time I’ll use a more stable currency. Like the rho meson.
I have a subscription and also just gave a little extra (well, last night, and then this comment has been sitting there since then because I went to sleep instead of posting).
I’m sorry that it’s hard right now – I know I’m getting innundated with campaign donation requests, so an actual ask for money-to-live-on was easy to miss.
thank you for the work you do. i would hate to see the blog shut down so i hope my contribution helps 🙂
Sent a bit, hope it helps
Budget is slightly tight (because many disasters right now) but shot a little your way. Might be able to do more later, have to do some budgeting that shouldn’t be done exhausted. Maybe by next week?
I think I have some more I can send, but late night impulse donating is danger.
This summer/fall’s been rough. And expensive. Hope we can pull through for you, David.