breitbart dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil fat fatties misogyny racism transphobia whaaaaa?

Batshit Breitbart: “Democrats Embrace Child Mutilation, Morbid Obesity to Replace Working Class”

Breitbart’s John Nolte

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Sometimes it’s useful to remind ourselves just how batshit Breitbart is. Take yesterday’s column by John Nolte, which argues that the “Democrats are embracing permanent child mutilation and morbid obesity” as a way “[t]o replace working-class, black, and Hispanic voters” they’ve been losing in recent elections.

What does that even mean? Even aside from the fact that Democrats AREN’T “embracing” either “child mutilation” or “morbid obesity,” how exactly do you replace voters with things that are not voters?

Well, as Nolte sees it, the Dems are all about identity politics. And so what they’re really doing, in his eyes, is embracing people who make “child mutilation” and “morbid obesity” their “identities.”

Given that there are zero people in that first category and very few in the latter, this argument makes no sense. Though no trans people I know of are calling for surgery for children, and no hospitals perform surgery until the children are no longer children, Nolte evidently sees “child mutiliation” as the core of trans identity — or at least wants his readers to see it that way.

Want to be cool and trendy? Want to belong to a marginalized interest group that offers all kinds of special privileges and unearned moral authority? Tired of being judged as a white person? Lop off your breasts! Have your penis turned inside out! Take these puberty blockers!

Does Nolte think puberty blockers are some sort of irreversible surgical procedure, a kind of “mutilation?” They’re injections, mostly, and they stop blocking puberty as soon as you decide to stop getting them. The point is to make sure trans kids can hold off the actually irreversible changes of puberty until they are old enough to decide if they want to transition.

But Nolte either doesn’t understand. Or doesn’t want his readers to understand. His rhetoric turning almost apocalyptic, he goes on to declare these alleged “mutilations”

monstrous, but it’s all about Democrats increasing their coalitions. They don’t care how many lives are ruined. Democrats don’t care how many children they twist into neurotic, unhappy, suicidal freaks. Democrats would mutilate every child in the country if it meant just one more vote.

Again, this alleged “child mutilation” is not a thing. It’s a reactionary anti-trans myth.

Meanwhile, while some people call themselves fat — myself included — very few people who are fat (and that’s most people, in the United States) see that as their primary identity. Nor do those who are “morbidly obese,” though I think it’s fair to say they generally would like it if people were less shitty to them. And while the Dems are relatively less hostile to fat people than the Republicans, this is hardly the same as “embracing” the small number of people who see their so-called “morbid” obesity as an identity.

But, as Nolte sees it, the Dems, by not actively demonizing fat people all the time, are therefore creating more fat people, and thus misery and death. (Never mind that demonizing fat people and telling them constantly to lose weight is more likely to cause them to GAIN weight.) Nolte uses Lizzo, a talented musician who has become a popular figure of fun for white reactionaries, as his example of what not to do:

Turning Lizzo into a role model for her disgusting and disgustingly unhealthy fat rolls is morally criminal. But Democrats don’t care who gets hurt. Democrats don’t care that they are sentencing countless women to a miserable life and early grave. All Democrats care about is power.

This is about as advanced as Nolte’s “logic” gets.

So why do the Dems need to embrace these new “identities” anyway, to replace the “working-class, black, and Hispanic voters” they’ve been losing? According to Nolte, it’s because they like and respect women too much.

Well, that’s not exactly how Nolte phrases it.

As Democrats seek to appeal more and more to women, most especially shrill, unhappy, bossy single women, they are turning off everyday Americans, including those who happen to be black and Hispanic. To appeal to left-leaning women, Democrats have to hate what left-leaning women hate: God, tradition, masculinity, the innocence of children, fun, America, jokes, and the nuclear family.

Unfortunately for Democrats, a whole lot of black and Hispanic Americans believe in those things.

Evidently no black or Hispanic Americans are women?

And so, Democrats are now the party of the elites, smugs, the wealthy, big business, the privileged, the NPR crowd, the fascist gay and green lobby, and all the smug supremacists who watch Morning Joe and need ten minutes to explain their coffee.

It’s kind of pathetically sweet that Nolte sees Joe Scarborough as the epitome of leftist “elitism.” Or that, in the age of Trump and the Proud Boys, it’s the greens and the gays who are the fascists.

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, that he apparently thinks the Dems are now the party of the rich. No, while there are some wealthy Democrats, including a handful of the super-rich, the average income of the Republican voter is still higher than that of the Democratic voter. The Dems “have a huge advantage (63 percent) with voters earning less than $15,000 per year,” notes, while “just 36 percent of individuals earning more than $200,000 per year supporting Democrats.”

I find it a little hard to believe that Nolte actually believes all the ignorant things he says. He seems above all to be a demagogue who will say anything for the clicks. I mean, this is the guy who once said that Greta Thunberg needed to be spanked. I think it’s fair to say that he actively makes the world a worse place for everyone except the shill bigots like him.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

You’ve just got me thinking about puberty blockers.

How long can they stall puberty for? Could it be indefinitely?

And, and this might sound daft but it’s really got me thinking, as it’s post puberty that everything starts going downhill, do you get extra lifespan for the years you delay puberty?

It might be puberty blockers haven’t been around long enough for a study, but I’m really curious as to whether people who have been on puberty blockers live longer.

Anyone know anything about that?

2 years ago

The way that they are ALWAYS coming for Lizzo reeks of misogynoir to me.

She is just enjoying her life, being successful, performing and playing her flute while minding her business and never mentioning anybody else but the sight of a fat black woman loving herself REALLY annoys them for some weird reason.

Why can’t they leave fat people alone. Other people’s bodies are not their business.

2 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

I know a guy who, due to medical issues did not go through puperty and is now approaching fifty but appears maybe 20ish. He gets along alright, but the youthful appearance is merely that: Appearance. He seems to have the usual joint and health issues of someone his age.

Admittedly, he is but one anecdotal example, but to grossly simplify things, it appears to me you are suggesting giving up on sex and any hormone related advantages like testosterone making it easier to gain muscle in exchange for a baby face and unclear health benefits.

Not an easy sell for a lot of people, though I wonder at the idea of applying more as an off and on basis, working out a regimen that would maximize any benefits, while minimizing downsides.

Eh, I suppose the obvious thing would be to look up all the cases you can on people who didn’t go through puperty and look for patterns.

2 years ago


Eunuchs. Historical eunuchs who were castrated before puberty would be examples of this. IIRC they tended to live a little bit longer, but were more likely to get osteoporosis.

On the other hand eunuchs didn’t usually do physical labor, so I have to wonder how much of the lifespan advantage was just from not racking up injuries, and how much of the osteoporosis was from lack of exercise.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Tired of being judged as a white person?

I’m okay. It’s really rare for people of color to shun me for my race. Calm down.

Lop off your breasts!

This would be a personal choice. I don’t choose to do this. Get hold of yourself.

Democrats have to hate what left-leaning women hate: God, tradition, masculinity, the innocence of children, fun, America, jokes, and the nuclear family.

Well, sure, as a left-leaning woman, of course I hate God, blah, blah, blah. But fun? And jokes? Hell, no. Right now, I’m having fun joking about you and your overwrought screed.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

I recently got into an internet conversation with a woman who thought that chemical castration was permanent, therefore using puberty blockers rendered children permanently unable to orgasm. Even as untrue as that is, it’s kind of weird that someone would be more concerned about future potential orgasms over present psychological well-being.

Speaking of people who never went through puberty, there’s a male soprano named Radu Marian. A one-in-who-knows-how-many-millions voice.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
2 years ago

The singer Jimmy Scott had some condition that delayed or limited puberty. According to his Wikipedia page he lived into his late eighties, which is slightly longer than average, but not remarkably so.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
2 years ago

And so, Democrats are now the party of the elites, smugs, the wealthy, big business, the privileged, the NPR crowd, the fascist gay and green lobby, and all the smug supremacists who watch Morning Joe and need ten minutes to explain their coffee.


It’s kind of pathetically sweet that Nolte sees Joe Scarborough as the epitome of leftist “elitism.” Or that, in the age of Trump and the Proud Boys, it’s the greens and the gays who are the fascists.

Also that he still uses “complicated coffee” as a diss.

2 years ago

@ Moon Custafer

What’s especially funny is when someone uses random complicated Starbucks orders as an insult while nearly in the same breath talking about enjoying the good things in life like manly mixed drinks that takes ten minutes to make out of expensive ingredients out of a fancy wood liquor cabinet.

Remember kiddos, if it’s something I enjoy, it makes me a connoisseur, if it involves something you like and I don’t, it’s a sign you are weak and pathetic…

tim gueguen
2 years ago

Sorry to off topic this so soon, but this will be of direct interest. A report has come out that the YouTube channel of Pierre Poilievre, the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, has had the hashtag #mgtow hidden in its videos for several years. After Global News asked his office about it the hashtag was removed. Poilievre definitely doesn’t count as a MGTOW, what with being married.

Pierre Poilievre’s YouTube channel included hidden misogynistic tag to promote videos – National |

2 years ago

Jimmy Scott had Kallmann Syndrome. Life expectancy with Kallmann syndrome alone is perfectly average. However, the underlying genetic disorder that seems to cause it is also linked to a number of birth defects, and those cause a shortening of life expectancy. Jimmy Scott did not appear to have had any of them, and 88 is not an uncommon age to reach, so I’m guessing there was a net neutral effect on his life specifically.

Osteoporosis in eunuchs is not related to lack of exercise. Testicular hormones are in some way important in maintaining bone density. Malformation or removal of the testicles for any reason drastically increases the risks of bone fracture. As for lifespan, I have no idea. A study in Current Biology suggests that court eunuchs in Korea had a notably longer lifespan on average than Korean nobles, and they presumably had similar diets and levels of exercise and such. But whether that would be the case today with modern medicine is hard to say. There’s too many other factors.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dave
Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 years ago

Regarding ‘eunuchs had longer lifespans than nobles’… well, I don’t know about Korea, but China had been using lead-based cosmetics at least as far back as the Romans (so we’re talking two and a half millennia ago) so the eunuchs having longer lifespans might be more an issue of nobles having shorter lifespans than they might have otherwise due to the requirements of ‘dressing up’ for court. Purely speculation on my part, obviously.

As you say, there are too many other factors.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jenora Feuer
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

First thought upon seeing headline: Aren’t Republicans likely to be morbidly obese? Good ol’ boys Down South with their gut-busting meals, right up to Cheeto Benito himself. I’m just saying.

Lizzo is beautiful inside and out, whatever weight she is. The smile! The flute! The spitting rhymes! I stan her hard. And of course they hate her, because she is a successful Black woman in America who DGAF about what the fascists think.

My Mexican-origin neighbors are excellent people, hard-working, live as an extended nuclear family (3 generations under one roof, and all the family parties are at their house; I don’t know how many the cousins run to). They’re devout Catholics, particularly Abuela. They help us with taking care of the yard and sometimes lifting heavy things. Some of them are a little chubby (probably also Abuela!) but they all work long days, mostly heavy labor, even Abuelo Jose who is definitely no spring chicken.

And they’re Democrats, because Jesus (not Jose’s son Jesús, lol, he helps a lot too) said you should help out the poor, needy, sick, your neighbor, and also they’re not real keen on being demonized by the GQP.

Plus, while I have been judged by !@#$ like him for being a woman, nobody has ever judged me for being white. Not by PoC of any C. Except persons of various ethnicities have teased me about my reaction to hot peppers.

Seth S
Seth S
2 years ago

It just blows my mind that these people think Democrats wholeheartedly support trans rights at all, when the reality is their support is lukewarm at BEST and more than once it’s been heavily implied if not outright stated that we’re too fringe or even unimportant.

2 years ago

@Jenora Fuer
Court eunuchs weren’t any less prone to elaborate makeup than any other courtiers. In any case, the boost in longevity appears in many places, another study indicated that Italian castrati singers also lived longer than other men of that time and place.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
2 years ago

Nolte’s calling Lizzo

disgustingly unhealthy

solely because of her size doesn’t make sense. She works out with celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak, and her concerts are ~2 hours of singing, rapping, dancing, flute-playing, and audience banter. I’d venture a guess that she’s probably healthier, both in lung capacity and in the standard lab tests performed during an annual physical, than quite a few women of average female weight are. She’s also a hell of a lot more fun to be around than the bigoted and nonsensical Nolte.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Nikki: Right on, as the kids used to say.

I’ve noticed Lizzo’s arms, thighs and booty . They don’t jiggle. She is tight and fit.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

”Those kids today and the disrespectful noise they think is music! We need to elevate their skulls full of mush and get them interested in The Classics™!”


Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Can someone explain to me how even though the majority of Americans do not vote, those that do are majority Democrats, then how is it that Republicans have so much power and are essentially running the entire country right now? I’ve been hearing for decades that the majority of voters are Democrats. I thought by now there would practically be no Republican party left. So what is going on, exactly?