It’s that time again — well, past that time again — for a WHTM Pledge Drive. You know the drill: If you appreciate this blog, please send along a couple of bucks (or a lot of bucks) to keep it going. Or sign up for monthly donations. Here’s a little button to click. CLICK IT.
You can also donate by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
I depend on these pledge drives, as well as monthly donations, to keep this blog, and myself, going, so it’s critical to raise this money. And since it’s been so long since the last pledge drive, please consider donating a bit extra this time, if you can. (I’m pretty much broke at the moment.)
Why donate? This is a blog on a mission: to challenge the current cultural backlash, which means coverage not only of misogyny, the traditional purview of this blog, but of the gathering threat to trans people. I’ve added trans coverage to this blog in part because the anti-trans backlash is growing more ugly every day, and in part because so much of the coverage of the issue in the mainstream media is so bad and so backward. That’s a large part why I do this blog: to provide coverage you don’t see in the mainstream press. Or even in the non-mainstream press. You’ll find things here you won’t find anywhere else.
This blog is also, in a way, an attempt to fight the pessimism so many feel today — myself included. It’s not that there aren’t good reasons to feel wary — there are more than I can list. But perpetual pessimism isn’t healthy for any of us. So I mock, and joke, when I can, and I’m serious when I have to be.
I deeply appreciate all the support I get, from monetary support, which is crucial, to tech support (which I needed a lot of earlier this year), to the commenters who help keep this blog lively and informative. If you can’t support this blog financially at the moment, you can help in other ways. (See here for more suggestions.)
One important thing you can do is to help publicize the posts on this blog, on Twitter or wherever else you hang out. That includes this post, as it’s important for this appeal to reach as many people as possible.
Huge thanks again to everyone who has helped in any way.
Here’s that button again.
Follow me on Twitter.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
@David, the “here” link is scrambled and goes to an error page.
Firefox can’t even make up its mind whether it is a link. It shows styled as a link and gives a hand cursor, and the right-click menu includes some of the link-specific actions, such as “bookmark link” and “copy link”. On the other hand it’s missing many of the link-specific actions, such as “save link as” and “open link in new tab”. Frankly, it’s quite bizarre.
I don’t know how that happened but it’s fixed. Thanks!