off topic tiny mammoth concerts

Tiny Mammoth Concert: Can’t Step Twice (On the Same Piece of Water)

Today, a song from 1990: “Can’t Step Twice (On the Same Piece of Water),” by Teacher, a one-hit wonder from London, I believe. An infectious mixture of house and African music, with samples from a 1978 David Carradine kung fu film, The Silent Flute, a.k.a. Circle of Iron. Somehow this all works together beautifully.

There are a couple different mixes of it up on YouTube.

I don’t know anything else about the song, except that one person posted this in the YouTube comments, and it somehow makes the song even better.

This was my English teacher at Woodside community school 1985-90. He performed this on of the pops and wrote and produced some of it actually at school. He was one of the best teachers I have ever had in my life a great man!!

Here’s where some of the samples are from.

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2 years ago

I feel like this little blog entry is just off by itself with no comments, being ignored…

Anyway, not really my thing, but I don’t regret listening to it. Maybe I should get the movie for funsies.

2 years ago

I’ll give it a listen during lunch break.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

Because Halloween is in the air, and in honor of the word “parthenogenesis” having come up in the discussion of the non-binary library mascot:

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

And here’s Louie Zong’s “Ghost Choir”, with the addition of Sage Myers’ ethereal vocals:

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

Presenting “Daisy, Daisy” as programmed by John Kelly, Carol Lockbaum, and Max Mathews and performed by the IBM 704 in 1961:

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Is that why HAL sings it as he’s being deactivated in 2001? An homage to this event?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ surplus

According to Lost Worlds of 2001 by Arthur C Clarke, yes indeed.