incels misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism rape

That big report on incels that came out last week doesn’t live up to the hype

It’s not that complicated. If you want to learn what’s going on in the heads of the regular contributors to the forum, one of the best (and quickest) ways is to simply read an assortment of comments posted there (or perhaps several of my posts on the subject, all of which quote copiously from the original incel comments).

Hell, you can learn a lot just by scrolling through the discussion topics on Here are a few of the topics being discussed today:

The true reason why women don’t have a personality (only men do)

having dark skinned male children is child abuse

I recorded myself playing the “White Girls Fuck Dogs” song out loud to a group of white girls walking

We all curries deserve white blonde foids as a reparation for European colonisation in subcontinent.

Incels are the most oppressed people in the world

The pissbottles I have

Im mayo. Where is my noodlewhore? My curryfoid?

Saw a n*gger with a Becky 2day

What would push you to go full ER (in GTA)?

Anyone Else Fuck Their Pillow?

Aside from the post about murdering people, they’re actually fairly toned down today, undoubtedly on their best behavior because all the publicity they’ve gotten lately is likely to drive “normies” to check out the site. I suspect some posts about rape and/or underage girls have been deleted by the mods as well; those are both usually quite popular topics. That said, most of what they’re talking about is still fairly horrific stuff seemingly designed to make other incels even more bitter and depressed and alienated from the world.

In its report issued last week the Center for Countering Digital Hate employed a weird and cumbersome methodology that in the end tells us much less than simply immersing ourselves in incel writings does: they adopted a quantitative approach, “scraping” something like a million pages off the site so they could, among other things, count the number of times incels used specific slurs, including the weird ones they’ve made up. No, really.

Well, those are racial and ethnic slurs. In case you’re wondering what slurs they use for women, here you go.

While it is, well, informative to note that incels call women such lovely names as “hole,” “toilet,” and “roastie,” the latter because “sluts” are supposed to have vaginas that are so used up they look like roast beef, does it matter than they used “toilet” 379 times during the time period covered by the report, just edging out the old reliable “cunt” by one instance? No, not really; it doesn’t add much to our understanding that a simple list of slurs might have provided. What matters more is how these words are used, which you can’t learn without, well, actually reading some posts.

Sometimes it is useful to add stuff up. The report documents just how popular has become.

This dataset reveals that the incel forum consists of a small number of active members with interest from a much larger number of visiting users:
• 2.6 million visits a month, making a 16:1 ratio of visits to posts
• 17,118 total members
• 4,057 active members who posted in the period of study
• 406 ‘powerusers’ who account for 74.6% of all posts on the forum

The top ten most prolific posters on the site spent roughly eight hours a day there, the equivalent of working a full time job.

Another of the report’s “findings” was that a plurality of posts on deal with distressing stuff, putting the lie to those who argue that forums like this one can function as “support groups” for lonely men; in fact, they provide the opposite of support.

Analysis of the ‘tags’ applied to discussion threads on the forum shows that over a third are tagged with topics promoting expressions of anger or despair over members’ incel status. Just 5.8% are tagged with topics promoting a more optimistic outlook.

The report also documented that discuss rape and pedophilia/ephebophilia a lot, with most commenters agreeing that both are good things. But this isn’t news.

One thing that a quantitative approach can be said to do better than a strictly qualitative one is to track trends. One chilling trend: “Posts mentioning incel mass murders increased 59% between 2021 and 2022.”

While this is clearly not good news, it’s not clear exactly what it means. Does this mean that incels are 59% more likely to commit mass murder than they were a year ago? Well, no; the real-world implications of this trend are essentially unknown.

One non-quantitative finding of the report, unless counting to three makes it quantitative: three underage incels are posting some alarming stuff to the forum.

Researchers identified three users aged between 15 and 17 who were amongst the forum’s most active members and expressed extreme views.
• Adam: 17, logged on for 10 hours a day, posted about “Jewish propaganda”
• Ben: 15, discussed desire to commit a mass shooting in posts
• Carl: student, discussed evading referral to UK’s anti-extremism program

How the fuck does a 15-year-old even qualify as an “incel” anyway? The average age boys lose their virginity at is close to 17. I don’t know his logic here but he seems quite angry about it.

I don’t want to dismiss the report altogether; there are certainly some interesting results in it. And it more or less confirms that incels are raging misogynists, self-hating pessimists and outright bigots not only towards women but towards various racial and ethnic groups other than white people. Oh, and that quite a few of them spend a lot of time thinking about committing mass murder. It’s useful to have some numbers to attach to these generalizations, even if it’s not always clear just what these numbers mean in the real world.

NOTE: While most of the press coverage of this report has been relatively uncritical, the, er, highly controversial journalist Jesse Singal, perhaps best known for his backward and deeply flawed writings on trans issues, thinks even less of this study than I do. But his “takedown” of the study is filled with bizarrely naive notions about incels. I will be writing about it, probably tomorrow.

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Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
2 years ago


Yeah they do hurt others in the real world actually. The Collier Township shooting. Santa Barbara. The Toronto van murders. The Toronto machete murder. The asshole who shot up a yoga class in FL. The Umpqua Community College shooting. Westgate shopping center in Arizona. The Earl Cabell Federal Building in TX. The Virginia bomb-maker who partially blew himself up instead of being able to hurt anyone else.

I could name more but I’m not going to right now, too tired.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Jordan Peterson: King of the Incels

Jordan Peterson Cried Discussing How ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ Incel King Was Based on Him
Director Olivia Wilde previously said Peterson had closely inspired the movie’s villain, played by Chris Pine.
Kylie Cheung

“People have been after me for a long time, because I have been speaking to young men, what a terrible thing to do.” At that moment, [Peterson] appeared to weep, before continuing, “I thought the marginalized were supposed to have a voice?”

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

@Kiera Zou:

Alan Robertshaw? A fascist?! You must be joking.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago


I’ve been paywalled out of a couple of news sites

One workaround I’ve found helpful is; here’s a copy of one of the paywalled articles you may have tried to access:

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ Kiera Zou

I guess that would be me. But forgive me, I was not aware that the term had any issues, it seems to be just a standard industry descriptor here.

But if you have a preferred term I’m happy to use that.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

@Full Metal Ox
Thanks for that tip! I myself am a Wood Horse. We’re more calm than Fire Horses.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Note to self: don’t let Kat into Troy.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

Note to self: don’t let Kat into Troy.

That wasn’t me in Phalaris’ court.

Love Is All We Need
Love Is All We Need
2 years ago

Kiera Zou
 16 hours ago

No surprises here, sadly. Thank you for doing this disgusting but necessary work.
To the guy here who uses the new fascist expression”legacy media” – even if I agree with your points, fuck off.

Alan Robertshaw
 11 hours ago

@ Kiera Zou
I guess that would be me. But forgive me, I was not aware that the term had any issues, it seems to be just a standard industry descriptor here.
But if you have a preferred term I’m happy to use that.

Alan, maybe Kiera is confused by the use of “legacy” because I think “legacy Americans” or “legacy citizens” are terms being used when talking about immigrants now. I think I heard Tucker Carlson use it. Like pitting immigrants against “Legacy Americans”.

Love Is All We Need
Love Is All We Need
2 years ago
2 years ago

the new fascist expression”legacy media

that expression has always seemed snobbish to me, but I wasn’t aware of a fascist connotation. Can you elaborate?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Goddess Stacy: Good to see you gracing us with your presence again. I hope you, your lovely assistant, and your worshipers are all well and comely.

@Kat: For a guy who’s supposedly all about the macho, Peterson sure cries a lot. ISTG, he’s cried more in his life than I have, and I’m a guuurrrrlll.

I had no luck with dates from age 0-18 either, despite being conventionally attractive. I was always “one of the guys”. Which is super-frustrating when some of “the guys” are the football team and you’re 17. Sigh. This did, however, not make me bomb/shoot up the school. Even though I could have made the bomb and had unrestricted access to chemicals, or could have borrowed one of Grandpa’s hunting rifles.

Nor did I attack the cat-calling construction men, except once when I was walking with a younger but very physically mature friend, when I did yell “She’s 13, you pervert!” We told our parents and this stopped; the friend’s dad was a very low-rung Mafioso money launderer and that may have helped when he talked to them. My dad was a hard-ass, and we had known one of the popular pro football players who lived down the street since he was in college, and nobody messes with a defensive lineman.

(And you thought white outer suburbia in the late 70s was boring!)

However, though I didn’t change a bit, at just past 18 I got a (non-jock) boyfriend who was adorable, who I’d had a crush on, an actual gentleman and an amazing kisser. And then at 19, I met the Mr. and here he is next to me on the couch.

I am a Metal Ox. Mooo. Keep that Pasiphaë away from me.

2 years ago

Going to the forums was enough to kill any sympathy I had for incels and instead decide they needed serious possibly forced mental health help.

Love Is All We Need
Love Is All We Need
2 years ago

@ Milotha, Republicans voted down mental health help in public schools.

2 years ago

@GSS ex-noob

Thank you! I lost some funding from sponsors for a while and it was rough going but then things got better. I have three guys as full-time worshippers and they are just to my preferences. Their training was exacting but now I can be as bitchy and demanding as I want and we all “get” what is going on and generate amazing energy. I’m strict as hell and love getting the reverence I demand and deserve.

So nice to see you and read your posts…hope you are doing well!