antifeminism armageddon gynocracy men created civilization men invented everything misogyny MRA vaginas we hunted the mammoth

“Men in history did things for ungrateful women,” and other things I learned on Reddit today

It’s fun to learn on the computer

I learn so many things by reading Reddit on the regular. Here are a few historical insights I picked up on the Antifeminist subreddit today.

We invented the chainsaw for you to have babies with

Men in history still did things for ungrateful women. The man who invented the prototype of the chainsaw was ment to help ease birth for women. The man invented the tampon, chivalry ( actions which men do for the help of women which was mostly made from conservatism, but women to this day use it now as a form of manipulation), women in ancient times had their bodies and preferences worshipped already through different parts of history but people of today are saying that they never did. Ancient rome would often make tribute to gynocentrism. Another example how ancient rome did this was making marks of vaginas because it “gave life”.

Huh. Well, the part about the chainsaws is, weirdly, true. But it wasn’t one man (or men collectively) who invented it; it was two dudes. Also, what does this prove, anyway? It’s “we hunted the mammoth” all over again.

Anyway, no one uses chainsaws on vaginas anymore, so that at least is good news.

We solved all the problems for women but “all they can do is wallow and whine about the past.”

Yes yes women in the past wah cry sob bleat.

Maybe men should have been putting women out on the front lines of medieval warfare instead of sheltering them.

Maybe men shouldn’t have done a lot of the good shit they have for the sake of women and left women to fend for themselves.

We sure as fuck don’t care to keep doing shit for women today. Women of the past were pretty, and interesting and healthy and actually fucking grateful for what people do for them.

Wait, I thought the women were ungrateful? Well, they’re definitely ungrateful now!!1!

Modern women are boring, they get scared and creeped out by people just existing in their vicinity. They’re terrified of people who have a different opinion and don’t just automatically fall to her shaming and guilting tactics.

Feminists can’t even fabricate their own issues anymore because we’ve FUCKING ADDRESSED THEM ALREADY so all they can do is wallow and whine about the past while dragging society backwards into treating women like spoiled children and absolving them of all their fuck ups.

Notice how feminists can’t fix anything. All they can do is scream at men to fix their female problems.

They are “run through” and unable to cook.

What good are women? They can’t cook to save their lives. They have been ran through. They are allergic to work especially hard work. They want equality but want men to take them out on dates and buy them useless crap.

I seriously doubt they want you in particular to take them out.

Women aren’t funny, and blame it on the patriarchy.

Go look on women’s comedy and the comments are hilarious. Everyrime a comment is dropped saying they didn’t care for the jokes that much it’s always blamed on mysogny and not the lack of the comedians comedy

Women complain about the paint color in their house though they’re freshly painted to their tastes. Metaphorically.

[T]he reason feminism focuses so much on the past is because the present is really freaking great for them. …

It’s just classic “take care of your own home first”, women’s rights, actual rights, were essentially solved in the 70’s, their home was taken care of. They have next to nothing to complain about for current times since their home was cinched up. What they are doing now is basically complaining about the paint color the house use to be despite it being freshly painted to their current taste.

Well, that’s a metaphor all right. Sure is!

“Toxic feminists” interrupt sex to talk about the patriarchy.

What if you bring a toxic feminist home, everything’s getting hot and heated, she kisses your neck and shit and gets close to your ear. You think she’s about to talk dirty but she hits you with, ” Oh, Wingflier…have you purged yourself from the patriarchy ways?”

Wait, why is a feminist having sex with someone named Wingflier?

In the impending apocalypse, single women will become “street walkers for beans and cash.”

In the event of an apocalypse happening, [single women] won’t be out playing katniss everdeen but instead playing street walker for beans and cash …

[T]hey’ll actually have nothing to rely on other than men and their vagina. …

[M]ost women who already have a man they can rely on will not be overly concerned, they’ll have taken the steps to deal with that issue, these [single] women are different, they outwardly hate men for two things.

They want men and need men and hate men for that

They want to be men and hate men for that.

If shit goes south, they’ll be the first offering themselves to become a wife, sadly deep down, late at night after their 3rd glass of cheap wine they look into the mirror, like the abyss, they know they are screwed, no man capable of protecting himself and a family and providing for them would want any of these women.

Wait. There will be inexpensive wine after the apocalypse?

t’s fun to learn!

Have a good weekend, everyone!

And make sure not to use a chainsaw on your vagina, if you have one.

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2 years ago

Just for that, these assholes don’t get to have ANY of my Malay Sponge Cake!

2 years ago

It sounds like English isn’t this person’s first language. Which is fine.

Why would single women “become street walkers for beans”!?! What a strange choice of words.

That being said, beans are awesome. An inexpensive, versatile source of protein.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

What good are women? . . .They have been ran through.

They have been run through. So at least one woman is good for correcting your grammar.

They want equality but want men to take them out on dates and buy them useless crap.

Oh hell, no. I’m an environmentalist. Take that useless crap right back to the store. Also, I’m not available for dating until hell freezes over. Are you available then? Pencil me in.

Modern women are boring, they get scared and creeped out by people just existing in their vicinity.

I’m not creeped out by other people’s existence. But if a person in my immediate vicinity is staring at me or muttering at me or flashing something at me, yeah, I’m creeped out.

2 years ago

A man patents tampons in the 1900s, a device that women have been using since the time of the ancient Egyptians, and goobers like this think that means men invented tampons. Men just can’t stop taking credit for things women do.

epitome of incomprehensibility

What good are women? … They are allergic to work especially hard work.

Interesting. Then explain why I’m working two jobs and taking three classes this fall. Or is the point that we should be expected to do every single bit of domestic work?

(I admit, cleaning-related tasks bore me, but I make some good meals. And @Cygnia, that sponge cake sounds delicious!)

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

The man who invented the prototype of the chainsaw was ment to help ease birth for women. […] We sure as fuck don’t care to keep doing shit for women today.

Oh this! It wasn’t really a prototype, it was a full-on chainsaw with the same mechanism as a current chainsaw. It just wasn’t gas-powered, it was hand-cranked. A wickedly painful procedure called a symphysiotomy, by all accounts. Many horrible side effects such as permanent limp and uncontrollable incontinence, among others.

Now let’s talk about how, after C-sections were a much safer procedure and widespread, in Ireland hundreds of women were still having symphysiotomies because doctors were still all men and Catholic and if they had caesareans, was the thinking, they might not have as many babies later! Oh no! Not be baby factories?! Better do symphysiotomies without consent or even notification. This up into the 1980s, decades after everywhere else did away with the procedure.

Sure as fuck care to keep doing stuff to women, these types.

Last edited 2 years ago by Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

Addendum to the previous: I was actually curious how that all turned out with the lawsuits, and found out there was one from 2012. Who even knows with this “preserve the baby factories” shit.

2 years ago

Off Topic: Alex Jones had an outburst in the middle of his court hearing to conclusively determine how much he has to pay the Sandy Hook families. (AFAIK there’s still no judgment on that yet.) Basically, he insisted that “liberals” are a bunch of hypocrites; they don’t care about human lives, so they have no cause to complain about mass shootings. After all, it was liberals who bombed Iraq.

(This is the guy who said that 9/11 happened on Obama’s watch…)

He also claimed that liberals “turn their emotions on and off whenever it’s convenient” (presumably meaning “have no genuine feelings”) and referred to the court as “a bunch of ambulance chasers”.

All this was in response to being reminded that the families were actual human beings who were sitting right over there and were actually harmed by his actions, not statistics or “crisis actors”.

The Stop Sign on the Corner
The Stop Sign on the Corner
2 years ago

Women in the past were definitely prettier. Rotten, broken teeth and smallpox scars are HAWT!

Molly Mitchell
Molly Mitchell
2 years ago

I have a post-apocalypse question: I get selling ourselves on the street for beans, but what will cash be worth?

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

@Snowberry: Link, please? My Google-fu seems to be failing me at the moment and I could really use some entertainment after the latest batch of climate change horrors …

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

As usual, these guys… am use BizarroWorld logic.

Because for millennia, women have been doing EVERYTHING for ungrateful men, whether they wanted to or not. Forced into doing it.

Including inventing their own menstrual products and developing obstetrics so the menz didn’t have to deal with it.

I guess in his postapocalyptic fantasy world, women will be unable to cook their whore beans?

BTW, my 40th anniversary was recent. That’s supposedly the Ruby anniversary. I got no use for expensive red rocks; the husband had heard me complaining about my old tablet getting flaky, so he bought me a new Kindle Fire. I use that every day! Books, games, videos, email, all the good stuff.

@Stop Sign: I know! How can I count as pretty, what with regular bathing and shampooing, no lice, straight teeth still my own or fixed well, no disfiguring scars, clear skin, and no constant infection. And today’s models, such uggs with their complexions and toned muscles. Camgirls would never have made it in the Middle Ages.

Welp, gotta go pickle some carrots and beets. Refrigerator pickle only, got no time to do canning. Still pretty tasty snacks. And this guy can’t have any.

Last edited 2 years ago by GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Molly Mitchell:
“but what will cash be worth?”
At a guess, could be used for toilet paper or to start a fire. After that, I got nothing.

And…chainsaws to ease the pain of childbirth? 🙀Yikes, I can’t even.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Naughty Basic Horse
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Naughty Basic Horse
2 years ago


I’m afraid I must inform you that Hell froze over back in 2016, when the Cubs won the World Series. So does next Friday sound good? (I kid, I kid!)

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

I see that you are a “von.” Yes! Friday’s good. Don’t buy me any useless crap.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ gss ex-noob

That’s supposedly the Ruby anniversary. I got no use for expensive red rocks

I’d have gone with one of these…

comment image

2 years ago

Women can’t cook? I thought these people demand women stay in the kitchen. Do they they like eating terrible food?

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani

Not Snowberry, nor is this Alex Jones-related, but something I stumbled across a few days age concerning an apparent belief held by Josh Hawkey:

Yes, he seems to believe that human genders are naturally on the unary axis.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ redsilkphoenix

He’s so committed his meetings don’t even have an agenda. They have a thegenda.

2 years ago

@Alan I am so stealing that! 😀 (hope you don’t mind – have already inflicted on rest of household and am about to inflict on other member of household at a distance, by email 🙂 ).

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago


And…chainsaws to ease the pain of childbirth? Yikes, I can’t even.

Not the pain, just the birth. It was used for stuck babies in the extreme before c-sections were safe. Except in the horrific malpractices cases in Ireland. Remember it was invented before anesthetic by some decades.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ opposable thumbs

Feel free. In fact, please take all credit for it. It’s terrible even by my standards.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Alan: When you live with cats, high-powered lasers are unadvisable. Particularly if one of them stares straight into lights often enough that “do not look into laser with remaining eyeball” gets murmured regularly. (Have I mentioned he’s the dumbest cat I’ve ever known?)

Also, let’s face it: Hawley’s meetings have a hegenda. Or a Joshgenda.

Don’t let him read “The Left Hand of Darkness”, which is older than he is.

2 years ago

The Left Hand of Darkness is an all time favourite, along with The Word for World is Forest. I’m not sure Hawley’s moral compass is large enough or robust enough to comprehend the issues in The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas. (Maybe it’s a set text but I think Hawley’s resistance to such moral reasoning would tax the best of teachers)

As for punishment symphiosis …. I’m one of the unfortunates to suffer a natural version of the process. It leaves the hips and pelvis joints permanently a bit loose and, if you’re not careful, causing excruciating pain for any tasks or movements needing twisting feet, hips etc. say pushing a box of books across the floor or riding a bike.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
2 years ago

Women of the past were pretty, and interesting and healthy and actually fucking grateful for what people do for them.

Someone has never seen old photos that show there has always been a wide variety of faces. For the latter part, I would like to direct him towards everything from suffragists to easier divorce leading to fewer suicides by women (and fewer husbands dying of unknown causes).

In the event of an apocalypse happening…

[M]ost women who already have a man they can rely on will not be overly concerned, they’ll have taken the steps to deal with that issue…

Most men are preppers? Even the ones spending all their time playing video games or touting NFTs? Thinking about what you’d do if there were ever zombies isn’t the same thing as actually learning to survive in a world without DoorDash and grocery stores.