Yesterday, Scott Adams the Dilbert Guy brought us some truly tragic news:

The tragedy? That the strip hasn’t been shitcanned by all the other papers that still run it.
In another tweet, Adams strongly hinted that his alleged “cancellation” was a response to recent comics he did taking aim at ESG — not the legendary Bronx-based all-female punk-funk band but rather an assortment of “woke” corporate practices designed to improve a company’s approach to “Environmental, Social, and Governance” issues. In a video last week, Adams declared that he was going to “destroy ESG.”
Also, he introduced a black character who — get this! — “identifies as white!”
Such a barrel of laughs, this guy.
Anyway, while some in the media and amongst Adams’ fans accepted the “cancellation because woke” narrative wholesale, it turns out to not be true: the “cancellation” was not so much a political statement as it was a consequence of a cost-cutting measure taken by the newspapers’ extremally, er, frugal owners, Lee Enterprises, that also took down an assortment of other comic strips, among them (deep breath) Brewster Rocket: Space Guy!, Sally Forth, Blondie, Shoe, Beetle Bailey, Snuffy Smith, Bizarro, Zits, Breaking Cat News, Judge Parker, Dennis the Menace, The Family Circus, Mr. Boffo, Baby Blues, Mutts and Ziggy.
You’ll be glad to know that Garfield survived the culling that will leave each newspaper in Lee Enterprise’s stable with the same ten comic strips. I don’t think I’ve read a Beetle Bailey in literally decades, and I’ve never heard of Breaking Cat News, but I can’t believe they’re getting rid of Mutts and Mr. Boffo, they both rock (insofar as any newspaper comic strip rocks these days).
Lee Enterprises also reportedly plans to fire about 400 employees from a number of its papers this year, because that’s just the kind of company they are.
Anyway, a bunch of people did Scott Adams one better by posting things on Twitter about Dilbert’s “cancellation” that were actually funny.
If you need me, I’ll be off reading Pharmaduke.
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Ironically it’s pretty much down to 1930s Germany that there is a Hollywood. Just check out how many refugees ended up working in the US film industry.
I agree, the Dilbert TV show was better than the strip. More focused, and that great theme song.
I never watched the Dilbert TV show. Now that y’all recommend it, though, it’s a bit too late since if I found it on Youtube or something it would give money to this guy.
(Spoken like an Elbonian immigrant in a nostalgic moment)
1999? Well, that helps narrow down when I last read newspaper comics. I know it must have been before 2002, and I’m 95% certain it was before the Dilbert cartoon aired. Incidentally, I only saw two episodes. Don’t really remember much, mainly that it wasn’t to my tastes.
@Crip Dyke:
Two words: ad blocker.
It seems that it’s World Capitalist Bullshit Week or something, though I was never notified. But all of the following have happened recently, involving deceptive practices by large business entities, most of which don’t make a whole lot of sense:
Incidentally, is anyone else getting a lot of phantom new-mail notifications lately, only to find their inbox empty when they actually pull up the relevant window?
Plenty of episodes on youtube that I’m pretty sure aren’t there officially. You can watch those with out a dime going to Adams.
I don’t remember the Dilbert show much tbh except for its opening theme, and I already *have* the soundtrack to Forbidden Zone!
The amount of projection in Scott’s “How to spot NPCs” is amazing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@ surplus
I’m very much on the side of the employee in circumstances like this. Whilst it’s always nice to get efficient and pleasant service, staff are often treated so appallingly, especially in things like fast food franchises, that I don’t blame them for swinging the lead a bit.
Customer facing jobs can be awful. I find myself thinking that I could solve a lot of client issues with a shovel, some quicklime, and a watertight alibi. So if you’re on minimum wage in one of the places that treats you like a Victorian mill before the introduction of the Truck Acts, it’s a bit much to expect you to actually give a shit.
It’s perfectly appropriate to blame the owners, but when it comes to staff I’m totally with David Mitchell on this one.
@Surplus – I don’t know about the TV stuff, but for 3), the Air Miles can apply to more than literal air miles. Of course, the amount “earned” per transaction is miniscule, but I suppose whoever came up with that system thought that gamifying things would cause customer addiction…er, loyalty.
And 4) sounds annoying. I’ve had that happen at Tim’s, when someone looks like they’re working at a cash but it’s actually closed.
Also, your “electronics stuff failing” curse seems to have descended on me!*
I bought a new laptop and it kept shutting off unexpectedly. Now it won’t turn on at all. (It’d been marked down from $600 to $400 – maybe that should have been a clue.) Someone I know said I could return it for a refund/exchange if it’s less than a month old. The thing is, I bought Microsoft Office for one machine and I don’t know if I can transfer the license – I don’t see how I can if the machine won’t fucking turn on.
I really should go to the store now and not waste more time on the computer. Stupid ADHD. Machines failing, that’s one thing, but my brain has also been messing with me this week (“oh, let’s stop understanding linear time! let’s make you constantly late for stuff!”)
*not ACTUALLY blaming you, just wanted an excuse to vent. 🙂
You gotta WARN a gal before you do this kind of thing, Alan. I nearly choked to death laughing, and the international tort case would have been a complete headache, just addressing jurisdictional issues alone!
Top 3 things on my suspect list would be “battery issues”, “overheating”, and “bad caps”. Laptops are particularly susceptible to heat and battery issues. Have you tried replacing the battery, if that’s not too expensive or you have a working one with the same size battery to try swapping them as a test?
Have you been exposed to any heptapod logograms recently? Because that’s a known side effect. 🙂
@Alan: Is quicklime really the best option, in today’s world of Better Living Through Chemistry? It doesn’t really work.
Also, your alibi needs to be air-tight, not just water-tight.
I don’t really think Adams is “taking on ‘woke’ corporations;” it seems to me he’s taking on corporations cleverly/desperately tying themselves in knots PRETENDING to be ‘woke’ without actually changing anything significant. Which is not the funniest he’s ever been, but is mildly amusing — until I hear Adams pretending to be all serious and stuff about being “the voice of ESG opposition,” which isn’t funny at all, just a lot of tiresome self-inflation and pandering to Rash Lamebrain’s audience. News flash: being a CARTOONIST doesn’t make you anyone else’s “voice;” even Bill Watterson (Calvin & Hobbes) and Patrick McDonnell (Mutts) understand that.
Frak all that pretentious nonsense. You can’t be funny when you’re that resentful and take yourself that seriously. If “Dilbert” gets cancelled, it’ll be because it’s not as funny as it used to be. (Oh, and PLEASE cancel “The Family circus” already, I’m totally effing tired of comic strips that make fun of children for being children (who never grow or get older).)
Liberals don’t decide what cartoons to dump in newspapers. The money guys decide that.