Some random dude on the internet has thoughts about sex and civilization so we have to listen to him.
In a weird manifesto titled “the Fuck Rate is about to Implode,” someone calling himself “bright eyes” explains that the health of our civilization depends on whether or not average guys can score themselves some hottt pussy.
Our civilization is held together by a pact: mid men get pussy, everyone else gets core infrastructure.
This pact harnesses the single greatest source of psychic energy known to man: men’s desire to secure the partnership, youthful attention, and children of attractive women.
And the hotter the women are, the more civilization we get!
This pact has an intensive margin; the sweeter the deal you make for the mid men, the more civilization you can squeeze out of them. It’s pretty easy to e.g. do 80 hour weeks as a trucker if you have a thin, bubbly, hygienic, erstwhile virgin wife at home who’s given you three blonde kids and is anxious about not giving you good enough blowjobs
But if your wife is possibly a little bit plump, or likes to have sex that’s good for her too, ALL BETS ARE OFF. “Mid men” can’t be expected to build much civilization if their wives are
30lbs overweight, angry, a slob, run through, barren, and expect[ing] you to “centre female pleasure” during sex… .
It turns out that the only way to nudge typical women into losing weight, cleaning up, and centering their men’s pleasure during sex is to make them feel guilty.
[Y]ou’re going to need to build a social apparatus — religion, behavioral mores, unnatural standards — to shame women into it. And that shaming will inevitably make real, normal women unhappy. But in exchange you get more civilization.
Now, alas, the whole system is driven by shaming “mid men” like the aforementioned truckers into accepting less-than-perfect wives in exchange for 80-hour stretches on the road. Only shame can convince the trucker to settle for “the ugly wife” while he “work[s] as hard as he would if he had the hot wife … .” And shaming men is now apparently starting to backfire.
The long-run, inescapable equilibrium is one wherein truckers with ugly wives will not work as hard, and truckers with no wives may not work at all.
And somehow the incel is the symbol of all this, especially now that the average incel has morphed from an ugly loser into a “well-educated 8/10 [man] advocating partly on behalf of their social inferiors and partly out of an aristocrat’s taste for social arson.”
Yeah, I’m guessing the author of this manifesto hasn’t spent much time observing incels in the wild because, uh, this is just flat-out delusional. I mean, the rest of the manifesto is delusional as well, but this is delusional squared.
Anyhoo, our manifesto writer is convinced that things are just going to get worse and worse on the pussy front, and that eventually “mid men” will be so disgusted by the less-than-perfect women they’re expected to have sex with that they’ll just stop having sex with women altogether. And then the ladies will be SO MAD.
the music will stop and tens of millions of mid women will realize that they’re priced out of the “eligible” husband market altogether. Female social circles will be rent into sexual haves and sexual have-nots. …
The fuck rate will plummet, and there will be hell to pay.
And soon we’ll be overrun not with Karens but with Katies.
Imagine Katie, a 55 year old mid woman, perpetually on a double dose of lexapro and atavan, leaving her low-wage mid-management desk job a few hours early in order to make a birthday party held for her friend’s mini poodle. Now multiply this by 30 million, each one spewing misery and social havoc into the world for decades on end.
Our manifesto writer estimates we’ll “get our first cohort of Katies in five years or so.”
And then, hoo boy! We’re talking “a major civilizational unraveling on our hands”
Our manifesto writer than tries his hand at metaphor again:
Much of the things we assumed were conjured up by the magic of modernity — reliable core infrastructure, cheap food/energy/shipping, functional business apparatus — were in fact gifts bestowed upon us by a hungry god. We stopped sacrificing delicate virgins to him, and tried to offer angry fat hags in their stead. He’s wised to the ruse.
Apparently the “hungry god” is somehow the collective representation of … truckers?
Anyway, after some more blathering from the hungry thirsty manifesto writer he makes a point of assuring us that he’s still pulling the primo pussy.
I don’t really have a dog in this fight, as rich girls never really stopped being thin, cute, virgin, and nice. If I really needed to pair up with a mid girl I’d use my SMV [Sexual Market Value] to find one of the good ones.
In a slightly confusing interlude, our manifesto writer kind of suggests without quite explicitly asking that women reading his essay should contact him because they’re probably cuter than average.
That said, our manifesto writer’s “prognosis” for the future is that we’re not facing
an extinction event, but it will put serious pressure on civilizational infrastructure and produce a metric fuckton of female suffering. Hedge against the former by going long consumer goods, short industrials, and befriending a few handy mid men with pathologically high morale. Hedge against the latter by limiting social exposure to the kill zone — that is, concentrators of mid middle-aged women like academia, media, normie social media, politics, and corporate bureaucracy — sooner than later.
I’m sure these women will be utterly devastated that our manifesto writer won’t be having sex and babies with them.
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I’ve yet to meet all these miserable, lonely, bitter, middle aged to old “mid women” this guy and the rest of the manosphere always imagines. The happiest women I’ve ever met were single. And I believe there are studies out there saying the same. Women tend to make and keep friends and social networks. These men are projecting their own miserable lives onto women. They fail to make and keep friends and strong social networks and thus wither away alone and bitter. So they want to believe women are doing the same. If they would get off the internet and get out into the world and do some volunteering in their locality, meeting people and making connections, they might not be so angry. And they also might not obsess over women and sex so much.
Sounds like more extreme red pill ramblings.