dating tips MGTOW misogyny MRA reddit

MGTOW Redditor boasts about his awesome life avoiding women except for the ones he videotapes having sex with him oh wait he’s just making shit up

Not a chance, lady!

We’re going back to that Reddit thread from yesterday, because there’s a wonderful comment there that pretty much sums up the Men Going Their Own Way movement.

EvidencePlz begins by declaring that he has been woman-free since 2016, when he took up the MGTOW life, and that it’s

done some absolute wonders for my physical and mental health … and [I] couldn’t be any more happier with my life.

Really, EvidencePlz? Could you give us some, er, evidence, please?

Before that, my life was a horrible, miserable wreck.

Well, that part I can believe.

Nowadays I mingle with women only if it’s absolutely and certainly necessary, strictly for professional reasons (e.g. for work, or may be I have a dentist appointment and it requires me to speak to the female receptionist). I’m not socializing with women. End of!

End of what? The story? Your credibility? The plums that were in the icebox; and which you were probably saving for breakfast?

For example, OP says he was watching The Office with his best friend and his angry, controlling wife. I wouldn’t even put myself in that situation in the first place.

Not a hardcore Office fan, I guess.

If a friend invites me to a party or get-together event at his home or anywhere else to watch TV, play games or whatever, I at first ask if there would be any female there.


If he says yes, I politely tell him I ain’t coming. I don’t even care anymore if the female/s are angry, controlling feminists or angels. Doesn’t matter. I’m simply not going if there’s even a 0.02 percent chance that a female would be present.

So brave.

This doesn’t mean I hate women though. I’m well past that. Hate imo requires a lot of negative energy and I would like to invest that energy on something useful, something that helps me and other members of my society.

Like posting this bit of MGTOW fan fiction on the Men’s Rights subreddit?

I no longer need anything from women romantic relationship wise, and that’s because I have successfully programmed my brain so that it doesn’t provoke me to want to or need to have a romantic kind of relationship with women in the first place.

Yes, because clearly that’s how brains work. They’re just like computers.

People, specially women, can call me whatever they like. Loser, gay, pussy, sissy, coward, scared, loner, unsocial, abnormal…call me whatever you like but I can’t be bothered to care.

Really? Because to me it seems like you do care.

I’ll just thank them for their opinion and move on, change the topic etc. I got other better things to do than to play their game. And I’ll still thank them sincerely for any good deed they do for humanity.

You’ll reject them, then thank them for helping humanity? What the hell kind of weird-ass conversations are you having with people? (At least in your own head.)

Still, simply due to the fact that I’m a heterosexual male, I find women sexually attractive, there’s no denying it, and it wouldn’t be bad if a woman wanted to have sex with me again someday (the last time I had sex was back in 2016). But it’s definitely not something I’ll die for and without. Current modern technology fulfills my sexual needs quite efficiently.

What technology is he even talking about? Never mind; I don’t want to know.

Still, if a woman wants to have sex with me,

There is something terribly wrong with her?

she has to agree that it’s gonna be just sex and sexual activity only and absolutely nothing else. No romantic, long term relationship, no bf-gf crap, no marriage and kids, no financial, emotional and legal commitment. No arguments.

You know, some women actually enjoy hookups and have no intention of getting married, especially not to some MGTOW doofus.

None of that stuff. And she will absolutely need to pay out of her pocket for her own food, drinks, STD tests, birth control and 24/7 CCTV equipment for my safety.

You make them pay in order for you to film them having sex?

Yeah, that’s not going to be happening, ever, ever, ever, so maybe don’t invest a couple thousand bucks in a CCTV system just yet.

The only thing I’ll provide for her is my bedroom and bathroom, albeit temporarily, for the duration of her stay. In other words, it has to be strictly and definitely on my term, and not their terms.

Wow, you’re so good at standing up to the imaginary women that live in your head.

No honey, I can’t buy you a drink cause I’m nowhere near you in the first place.

Trust me, no woman wants you to buy her a drink.

You go MGTOW men!

You go, too, the further away from women the better.

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Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

The only thing I’ll provide for her is my bedroom and bathroom, albeit temporarily, for the duration of her stay.

You’ll let her use your bathroom! Is toilet paper included in that? What about soap? And may she use the hand towel? May she open your medicine chest to see what brand of toothpaste you use? If you answered yes to any of these, then you are in love. ♥♥

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If a friend invites me to a party or get-together event at his home or anywhere else to watch TV, play games or whatever, I at first ask if there would be any female there.

Friend: Hey, EvidencePlz, I’m going to have the guys over to marathon some Fast and Furious movies. You want to come?

EvidencePlz: Is there going to be any females there?

Friend: Females?

EvidencePlz: I don’t interact with any females unless I absolutely have to. You know how it is.

Friend: I, uh, guess? I mean, it’s just going to be a guys night but my dog is a female.

EvidencePlz: Sorry. I’m out.

Friend: Huh?

EvidencePlz: The only way I will be in a room with a female is if she buys CCTV equipment. FOR MY PROTECTION!!!

Friend: I’m sorry? What?

EvidencePlz: And that bitch had better not expect me to buy her a treat!

Friend: On second thought, I think I’m going to be washing my hair that night. I’m going to have to cancel.

EvidencePlz: *shakes head and walks away* Another man felled by misandrous demands for clean hair.

Last edited 2 years ago by weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
2 years ago

blah blah blah females blah blah blah i’ll die alone blah blah blah blah blah.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

At least he tells women in advance he’s going to revenge porn them so they can nope out before it happens.

2 years ago

Every time these guys refer to women as “females,” I see and hear a Ferengi in a fedora.

2 years ago


Every time these guys refer to women as “females,” I see and hear a Ferengi in a fedora.

I might have missed something, but as far as I’ve seen it’s been a very long time since this was touched on. So I’m going to put out a useful explanation for the newer lurkers and posters why this is an issue.

In English, male/female are treated by the vast majority of speakers as descriptive trait, so as such those words are normally adjectives. Man/woman, on the other hand, are treated as concrete object identifiers, and so they’re always nouns (outside of old-timey constructions like “woman doctor” which were kind of cringey even back when they were in use). Referring to someone “a female” (or “a male”, for that matter) is reducing someone to a single descriptive trait, which is subtly dehumanizing in the vast majority of contexts. It’s pretty egregious when people say “men and females”.

The only really acceptable reason to use them as a noun is if you need to refer to “females” (or “males”) in a broad, abstract category sense, specifically exclusive of other traits (such as age or species). In this case it’s an abstract concept identifier rather than a concrete object identifier, and is in no way equivalent to “woman” (or “man”).

I’ve seen manospherians insist that women want to be referred to as “female” (yes, as an adjective) so it’s fine to refer to them as “females” or “a female” (no, that’s not how grammar works) and feminists are being mean to them for no real reason (there is a reason, you’re being either a jackass or an idiot, probably both). The only, very rare exceptions which I’ve seen is when “pickme girls” are dehumanizing girls and/or women in general (it’s not any better when they do it), or in the BDSM community in a maledom context (and even then, it’s only acceptable in reference to femsubs who have specifically consented to dehumanization).

I suspect what’s really going on here, at least in some cases, is an attempt to infantilize women (rather than dehumanize them) in order to lump women and underage girls into a single category for social and sometimes sexual reasons, while maintaining a distinct category separation of “men” and “boys”. Which is actually worse, because it’s dehumanizing in addition to infantlizing and also promotes pedophilia regardless of any intentions to the contrary.

TL;DR Using “female” as a noun is bad in the vast majority of contexts, so basically don’t.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

Simonopetra, the Eastern Orthodox monastic community on Mount Athos in Greece, has a zero-tolerance policy on females (as well as eunuchs and “beardless youths”—although the belief that they won’t even keep female pets or livestock may be exaggerated):

They’d require EvidencePlz to pray, endure privation, and work, though—and I suspect they’d take a dim view of company-store sexual extortion fantasies, especially involving sex tapes.

2 years ago


One also often sees “female” used as a noun when referring to livestock, which also fits with manospherian usage.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Allandrel: Me too! And I bet these guys looove Ferengi. They get to keep all the money, the fee-males don’t wear clothes, etc. (Except Quark’s mom, who they probably hate)

Anyway, I commend this fantasist for actually GOTW. Hasn’t voluntarily been around a woman since 2016, hasn’t had sex with one since then. I encourage MGTOW to emulate his example and have nothing to do with women at all. Everyone will be happier.

Moon Custafer
2 years ago

 I’m simply not going if there’s even a 0.02 percent chance that a female would be present.

Why does he specify a “0.02% chance” as his cutoff? Does this mean he’ll go if there’s only a 0.01% chance that one of the other attendees will be female?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Moon: And how does he calculate those odds, anyway? He can’t be sure of how many people will be in a given space the same time he is.

He should go to gay bars. Not many women there, and the ones who are there won’t talk to him. Plus men in such bars are perfectly fine with just hookups.

2 years ago

You go, MGTOW men!

You go… the $#$#() away.