creepy dating tips misogyny MRA sexual insecurity

Meet the Man Going His Own Way, Especially When it Comes to Tipping Women for Their Services

No more tips for you, ladies!

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit today there’s a dude completely losing it over the issue of … tipping waitresses. Seems that these women, especially the younger ones, sometimes see a big tip from an older guy as a sign that the tipper has feelings for them (in his pants) and sometimes this kind of creeps them out.

Somehow this makes our Men’s Rights Redditor so mad that he’s decided not to tip women any more.

Starski09’s rant is just a teensy bit confusing, so let’s see if I can explain it a little more clearly than he manages to.

It starts with him reading about a little experiment some women on Tik Tok conducted in which they went to work wearing pigtails to see if this increased the amount of tips they got. And it did. Women discussing the experiment on the 2XChromosomes subreddit found this a bit gross, as it suggested that the men tipping the pigtailed women not only were sexualizing them, but were also responding to a hairstyle that made them look younger, even childlike. The women of 2X found this more than a little bit icky.

Starski09 was having none of it. What if the men weren’t sexualizing the pigtailed women, but just trying to help out, as nice older men sometimes do.

I scrolled through and read hundreds of the comments, not one of them mentioned the possibility that pigtails make women look a lot younger and that it could be men see you as young, vulnerable and men want to help you start your life.

Yeah, because sugar daddy fantasies aren’t, like, even grosser than plain old fashioned lust.

Starski09 concludes from this experiment that the men aren’t sexualizing the pigtailed women; it is the women themselves who are sexualizing the situation, both at work and in the discussion on 2X.

No longer is asking someone out on a date or asking for their number means we want the sex. Now just tipping someone has sexual motivation, tipping a young woman or even teen will be sexualized by them. I’ve seen this more and more in my real life the older I’ve gotten, anything men do is sexual while woman can say and do as they please.

So he concludes from all this nonsense that he no longer needs to tip women at all. As he puts it in his title,

we don’t have to tip women anymore and we should completely stop helping any women outside our personal lives, with anything. Women will sexualize anything and everything they can just so they can be offended by it.

Indeed, he complains, women sexualize him all the time. Especially when they give him advice on how to look his best.

I’ve had women tell me what to do and what not to do my whole life. So many women have told me how unattractive and ugly my beard is, how they don’t like it being multi colored and it’s not full enough.

So these women are doing him a little favor by letting him know his beard is shit and he would look better without it. So he just continues growing his beard harder.

I grew it out for years in spite of all the comments I got, no matter how well I kept it trimmed I still got looks on the daily and was treated like a creep for my bad genes.

So you can’t grow a decent beard. Fucking learn to live with it.

If I was a woman going against the grain I would be hailed as a hero and badass for fighting the patriarchy.

Yes, women are often hailed for dressing badly and having crap hairdos.

I’ve been told by women not to wear certain clothes, not to grow out my hair because I look like a child, not to wear certain hairstyles because they don’t look good,

Is it possible they’re, you know, right and he’s a badly dressed baby-faced man with a crappy beard? And they just want him to know so he can upgrade his appearance?

I mean, when women tell me I really need to get a haircut it’s because I really need to get a haircut.

these are all examples of sexualizing a man, telling him he needs to look good for you to take him serious, find him attractive or not be a creep.

I’m not sure telling a guy he looks like shit is really the best way to start flirting with him.

Women don’t understand what men go through their whole lives, how hard we have to try not to be seen as a creep or even a pedophile, how we are constantly sexualized by women openly. Some try it but they often times kill themselves because they weren’t raised into our lifestyle.

What the fuck are you even talking about.

So it is time to fight back by not going out of our way to help them, financial withholding is a good non aggressive way to do so. Let women pick up the tab and support their own.

Plenty of women are happy to pick up the tab.

But of course I’m going to state exactly why I won’t tip them so they know I’m not just a cheap skate,

Yeah, that’ll go well.

mostly going to find way to avoid bringing them my business all together, time to find a barber for starts!

Get him to shave off your shitty beard while he’s at it.

My go to responses are going to be, Sorry, I can’t tip you because of the possible implications and I don’t want to sexualize you by tipping you, have a good day! It’s sad because I always tipped women well and now I’m seeing what all those weird looks were and why they barely ever said thanks.

Women weren’t giving you weird looks because you tipped too much. They could probably sense that you’re so stuffed with weird resentments of women that you would literally go to the Men’s Rights subreddit to lead a crusade of men not tipping their waitresses.

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Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ gss ex-noob

Swatting is a weird thing legally. It can certainly amount to a criminal offence. But it might be there’s no civil liability. Certainly not in defamation.

For public policy reasons, generally no-one can be sued for a report to the authorities, even if that’s a knowingly false report. The rationale being that society doesn’t want to deter genuine reports through fear of litigation.

I might do a video in this after the Warner v Wood & Gore trial (if it gets the far). One of the issues there is whether you can bring a claim for Swatting.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

@GSS ex-noob

No, I’m not on twitter to save my sanity. But I must mention that Jorts was right about Gavin Newsom >.> UFW isn’t my union but of course I’m in solidarity with most unions with a few notable exceptions.*

*It’s the police unions, I have trouble getting behind the police unions. Not the idea of police unions, just… the way they are now. It might be the police thing more than the union thing.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago


You know, almost every time I’ve commented here, somebody jumps in to tell me why I’m wrong, or why my comment wasn’t relevant.

I’m sorry that’s happened to you. I enjoy your presence here and hope you won’t leave WHTM.

Except Alan, who is unfailingly kind and welcoming.

Sounds about right. Alan’s a good guy and expresses himself well.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 years ago

@Full Metal Ox:
I’m familiar with the Rathbone/Kaye fight scene; The Court Jester is one of my all-time favourite movies. Rathbone was apparently teaching Kaye how to fence backstage so that the fight would look reasonable, and apparently by the time the filming was finished Kaye was actually beating Rathbone a good chunk of the time. Of course, Rathbone was a good bit older than Kaye, and Kaye was not only a quick study but also had all the physical conditioning of someone with serious slapstick/vaudeville style experience.

Granted, some of the horrible, horrible jokes and one-liners in the songs are part of why it’s one of my favourite movies, as well. “And a jester unemployed… is nobody’s fool!” Sylvia Fine, the lyricist there, knew exactly how to play to Kaye’s strengths. (Unsurprisingly, given she was also his wife.)

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

The vessel with the pestle!

@BTD: I open up an incognito window and read just Jorts. Nothing else on Twitter is worth it. But he delights me. Alternating between labor activist and not-that-bright kitty (Not forgetting the brilliant, fierce Jean).

2 years ago

I feel like I’ve met this guy.