anti-Semitism doxing harassment racism TERFs transphobia

As Kiwi Farms struggles to stay online, transphobes hail it as “one of the last free places on the internet”

Kiwi Farms, the infamous stalking/doxing site with an especial animus towards trans victims, is facing an energetic campaign to get it booted off the internet. If you haven’t been following the story, there’s a quick explainer here.

So-called “gender critical” transphobes, who recently cheered on the swatting of the trans streamer now leading the campaign against Kiwi Farms, are praying it survives.

On Ovarit, a Reddit-like forum that has become a haven for transphobes who left the real Reddit when the mods took down the Gender Critical subreddit, assorted commenters have professed their love for the site, which a commenter known as fistcity described as “one of the last free places on the internet and i hope it lives forever tbh.”

“Honestly I love KF,” fistcity confessed.

I’ve learned so many interesting things there that I would never have known about otherwise just because so many different kinds of people are there. Also some of them are crazily good documentarians. Bonus: very funny shit.

Fistcity has a vision of Kiwi Farms that seems to have come from a not-so-parallel universe.

They drove no one to suicide. They don’t harass people. They do not contact them. They don’t swat. They observe, and they take what is publicly available information that people voluntarily put out there and archive it. If someone wants to look at their thread, fine, but that’s on them. It’s nobody else’s problem but their own, and it’s a problem that can be easily solved by stepping away from the fucking computer lol.

For the real story, see here.

Ave_Lucifuge replied:

Kiwifarms is a big reason I peaked [became a TERF]. NOT because they’re “transphobic”, but because they document all the hideous shit TIMs do/say. Idk why TIMs put so much focus on shutting the fruit farms down when they could just simply not be degenerates (lies, we all know why).

When a commenter called littleowl12 pointed out that Kiwi Farms is “pretty racist and anti-Semitic,” other commenters, while not denying this was true, were quick to dismiss Kiwi Farms’ bigotry as no big deal.

“I’m a jew and the antisemitism doesn’t bother me,” wrote our old friend fistcity.

that’s just how it is in certain parts of the internet. …

I don’t know … that i’ve ever seen someone who was scary. I guess maybe the people who are really good at doxing might be scary to people. Kind of impressive really. A lot of stuff is also said in jest or just for the sake of profanity. Yeah, sometimes you see some wild ass psycho but that’s actually not most of the users. Feel like I’ve seen lots more people with normal lives, jobs, and families than I have seen like, basement dwellers.

“It’s a gossip site,” added WholeGrain.

They aren’t a hivemind and have a lot of diverse users. Threads on Jewish people will see anti-semitic users, threads on black people will have racist users, threads on right-wingers will have left-leaning users, and the threads in the beauty parlor have female users of all kinds. This is just how it is when everyone is allowed to say what they want to.

LuckyStar was pretty much ready to excuse any behavior.

I really dislike all the hate speech that is used on that website, parts of it feel like a bunch of edgy 7th graders super excited to finally use “the n word”. But tbh if the price of maintaining free speech — and thus being one of like two places left on the internet where we can speak honestly and accurately about TIMs [trans women] and call them out on their bullshit — is a bunch of edgy tweens trying out whatever bad word they learned from South Park last week then honestly I’ll take it.

Like fistcity, Lucky Star appears to live in a different universe than the rest of us.

The ugly language is gross, but TIMs are out here pushing the wholesale destruction of all of women’s rights and spaces and mass sterilization of gay and autistic youth, the urgency with which we must document their behavior and make others aware, to me far outweighs that

None of that is true, of course, but it does provide convenient cover for supporting a hate site under siege.

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Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 years ago

I mean, I barely have a ‘gender identity’, but that’s less ‘cis-‘ in my case than ‘a-‘… I’m me, and I don’t strongly feel ‘male’ or ‘female’. Something I really came to terms with here years ago when somebody mentioned that there were two groups of people that didn’t ‘get’ trans issues: those who were so embedded in their own gender identity they couldn’t see why anybody would feel any different, and those who had such weak gender identification that they couldn’t see why anybody would care enough to change. And I read that and said ‘hey, that second one is me’.

Of course, I also have enough empathy to realize ‘this may not be a big thing to me, but it is a big thing to other people, and so I should treat them properly’. As noted above, realizing that other people matter is a ‘cost’, albeit a relatively minor one for most people.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

@RJ Dragon:

Dyke also means a drainage ditch where I’m from. It is very confusing for people who move here and hear people say ‘the dog got in the dyke’ for example.

In many places it’s the opposite: an elevated structure to hold water back, something intermediate between a weir (lower/smaller) and a dam (higher/bigger).

It can also mean a roughly planar, vertical emplacement of magma within the crust. Such an occurrence kept the people in Iceland’s capital city awake for a few nights early last year by causing earthquakes of up to magnitude 5 every few hours while it was burrowing its way through the earth. Some of the magma subsequently erupted, birthing a new volcano well to the south of the city that has been intermittently active ever since. Hawaiian volcanoes grow new dykes from time to time as well, along with many others. The name, in this case, probably comes by way of the dam-like version, as an old, solidified one is often harder than the rock around it and erosion may lead to it standing above the surrounding landscape as a result, a great black wall of rock.


Calling someone a dyke can be a homophobic slur. Calling one self a dyke is not. Queer can be that. Me calling myself queer or wearing a shirt that says queer, is not. It’s not that hard to understand fleikis. Use the pudding you call a brain for two seconds

Objection: assumes brains not in evidence.


So widdle Feliks is a big supporter of mass murder! Wonder if he’s on Vlad’s payroll of disinformation, or if he’s merely a freelance fuckwit.

I think the official Leninist term for that is “useful idiot”, but “freelance fuckwit” is nicely alliterative …

so he doesn’t hurt himself doing things the TAB way.

The what way?

2 years ago

@Big Titty Demon

Well ok, fair enough. I did assume that to be a baseline fact and a non-cost. My mistake.

Yeah, the first time that I realized that it wasn’t a baseline fact for many people was a bad day. But it explained so much of what conservatives kept saying and doing.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
2 years ago


TAB = “temporarily able bodied” in certain contexts, including (I believe) this one.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Surplus: CD is correct; we both know the term since we’re both crips.

“Temporarily able-bodied” describes normies — no matter how great a shape you’re in, old age, an injury, an illness will tip you from TAB to disabled, sometimes in a fraction of a second. It’s the only minority you can become.

Jay VT
Jay VT
2 years ago

How do you feel about Kiwi Farms doxxing/stalking an online personality whose views and politics that you are fundamentally against (i.e. right wingers) ? I’m not trolling here, but I just wanted to get a perspective on this.

2 years ago

@Jay VT, Nobody should be stalked and harassed online. There are better ways to deal with views that you’re against or think are flawed or hateful.

2 years ago

So the entirety of Western Europe and other capitalist nations send soldiers to the USSR to try to return the Tsar to power killing millions in a ‘civil’ war, but it’s the Bolsheviks who are tyrannical for setting up an intelligence service to help protect its infant revolution?

Americans really do fear and a loathe Russians…

2 years ago

Ugh, tankies.

@Turtle believe it or not, it is possible for more than one thing to be bad at once.

2 years ago

@Cyborgette moral equivalancy, got it

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
2 years ago

If Turtle isn’t a sock puppet, then I would be shocked if Turtle wasn’t actively recruited to come here by Feliks to defend Feliks.

I’m against terrorism, douchebag. I’m against it when the Klan does it. I’m against it when the Irish do it. I’m against it when the Saudis do it. And I’m against it when the early Soviets do it. I’m also against it when US agricultural corporations sponsor it, when the US government sponsors it, when Saudi retro-bucks sponsor it, and when the early Soviet government sponsors it.

Mass murder = bad, idiot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
2 years ago

Also, learn to spell “equivalency”.

2 years ago

“Everyone I don’t like is a sock puppet” Lol

So you’re a pacifist perhaps? A bit like poor ole Allende who refused to defend his socialist government until it was too late and condemned himself and thousands of fellow Chileans to Pinochet’s death squads

Last edited 2 years ago by Turtle
Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
2 years ago

One doesn’t need to be a pacifist to oppose terrorism, idiot.

2 years ago


No, things can also be bad at the same time while being more or less bad than other things. I suppose you wouldn’t understand, seeing as you also don’t see a difference between self-defense and murder.

Christ. Armchair Stalinists are just not to be fucking believed. I can’t even remember the last time I saw someone so bombastically wrong.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago


Shall I say it very slowly for you then, murder, the act of killing another individual of your own species in any other situation then protecting your own life or the life of others, is wrong. It’s a big bad bad to kill people.

2 years ago

I’ve gotten the impression that most modern Stalinists are a lot like incels, a bunch of extremely online white boys with anger issues who are just looking for an excuse to be violent. Our friend Turtle here is not changing that impression.

Also? Actual turtles deserve better than this. For shame.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ cyborgette

 Actual turtles deserve better than this

We once got into bother for spunking a fair bit of the chambers maintenance budget on a painting by this chap.

2 years ago

“Wahhhhh the ‘tankie’ is forcing me to clarify my views wahhhhhhhh”

So who has the moral force to use violence in your view? When the Bolsheviks were under assault from every imperialist force on earth i think establishing an effective intelligence force was completely justified.

Much like the ww2 allies were completely justified in their all out war on the axis. Does that mean every act they did was righteous? Undoubtedly not, but that’s war and the larger cause remains correct – same for the Bolsheviks defence of their revolution

Are you all checking under your beds each night for Russkis?

2 years ago

I recently listened to an audiobook on the Nuremberg trials. The allies prosecutors really did their best to not be hypocrites and prosecute the nazis only for crimes that were exceptional, that not all sides did. It was really an admirable effort

2 years ago


“Russian” does not automatically mean “soviet”, you authoritarian piece of shit.

2 years ago

It’s interesting as well, in justifying his criminal invasion of Ukraine Putin sought to both distance himself from the early Bolsheviks that I and many others defend and align his actions with Stalin

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

The Allies applied an unusual compromise with the Tu Quoque defence at Nuremberg; and indeed the Tokyo tribunals.

They returned a verdict of guilty; thus acknowledging the actions amounted to a crime; but imposed no sentence, in recognition it would be a double standard to do so.

2 years ago


The early Bolsheviks weren’t great either. Fuck them too.

2 years ago

I have to admit I’d never heard of kiwi farms before this post. It seems as dangerous a breeding ground for fascist and far right violence as the chans. Any target of theirs is an ally of mine. I imagine they wouldn’t treat a socialist too well either.

Back on my hobby horse, imagine for a moment if Allende had taken effective action against the CIA backed right wing threatening his socialist government, what might Western newspaper headlines have been?

“Stalinist terror in Santiago!!!” or something along those lines. And that would just be the start. There’s zero chance the West would allow its citizens to view the robust defence of a socialist government as legitimate. Liberals would shake their heads and wag their fingers, meanwhile the right would plan other ways to enact their dictatorship

Trotsky had a great essay on these questions of capitalist and socialist morality ‘Their Morals And Ours’ it’s well worth a read