Johnny Depp stans are feeling restless. Two and a half months after their idol’s big win in the Depp/Heard defamation case, the stans are patrolling the internet looking for people being disrespectful towards their boy — or saying anything positive about their sworn enemy Amber Heard.
Yesterday the Twitter account for the Women’s March gave them the excuse they needed to go on the warpath again. In a series of tweets, @womensmarch took aim at an assortment of misogynists and abusers, among whom they included Depp.
Depp’s stans decided these opinions were so egregious that the Women’s March — and not just its twitter account — needed to be shut down STAT. Others of various political persuasions — from rabid right-wing lady haters to radfem transphobes — jumped abord the train. Let’s take a look at what you might call a Bestiary of Women’s March Hate
Some of the responses were a little on the puerile side:
Other more serious sorts set themselves up as the voice of real victims.
Others argued that the alleged manhaters running the march weren’t real feminists — because they hated men too much.
Others argued that the women’s marchers WERE feminists, because they hated men too much.
Some tagged the march organizers are being a bunch of manhating radfems (which they decidedly aren’t).
Others used the hashtag to lash out at feminists any way they could think of.
One tweeter set forth a slightly more nuanced opinion, suggesting that even though the Women’s Marchers are basically a bunch of female chauvinist Nazis there’s no good reason to shut them down completely.
One self-described “egalitarian” came close to threatening the march organizers.
The strange bedfellows get stranger. A number of Gender Critical transphobes, already mad at the Women’s March for embracing trans women, piggybacked off of the anger of the Depp stans and argued for abolition of the Women’s March for their own reasons (by which I mean their raving transphobia).
Some in TERFworld managed to confuse everyone but themselves by declaring the march to be dominated by “Men’s Rights Activists” — because, in their minds, trans women are men.
This conspiracy theorist jumped into the mix.
One fellow, perhaps dealing with his own particular issues, seems to be angry at feminists for … being too pretty?
This is the point when my brain turns to mush. If yours hasn’t yet, you can check out an endless stream of more comments over on Twitter.
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Please let them be the gutless, dumb cowards and lazy slobs they portray themselves as!
I can’t stop them from making themselves miserable – it is their right to be dumb asshats, bizarre as desiring such a state is to any living human being.
They do not get to harm anyone, obviously, and Twitter, etc. are the real problem in allowing their stupidity and ugliness a platform to do any more than that.
In real life, these shits are as invisible as an inert gas in small concentration. I have never yet met one. Or close to one.
My luck, that. I don’t want to test my forbearance. Nazis absolutely are there for punching, after all, but I don’t want to bother even with that.
Meanwhile, there are terfs supporting Heard on facebook while also spreading their noxious gospel of transphobia. Just a sick situation.
I couldn’t get through the stuff you posted, I’m certainly not going looking for more.
This is just… incredibly depressing. 😐
Sadly not surprised to see this. Depp stans have been showing up suspiciously quickly to espouse horrible views and level ad hominem attacks for as long as I have been visiting fan sites, long before the business with Ms. Heard. They were often so quick I wondered if paid PR flacks were involved, though I suppose obsessive fans could account for it.
Elaine the witch, what are you gonna do, put a spell on me? My
Chinese Daoist magic is much stronger than yours. 😂
Great, a chuuni.
I’ve seen a lot of misogyny-tinted Depp stanning in all-female fan spaces. It seems to go along with the ‘I’m not like other girls’ kind of energy.
@Dark Avenger
Elaine didn’t even reply to you in this thread you creep. Get lost.
Your ability to navigate a website is clearly inferior to Elaine’s, however, since she hasn’t even commented on this post.
What a sad, pathetic little moron…
Yeah that’s… one of the more exhausting things IME about the interaction between TERF spaces and intersectional ones. Part of where TERFs get so much ammo is that the intersectional left isn’t good enough at tackling intersections with misogyny. When a random cis person sees “intersectional” leftists equivocating about obviously abusive men, while TERFs openly call for those abusers’ blood, constantly talk anti-rape stuff, and work with or for anti-trafficking NGOs, who is the rando going to side with?
Is this the guy that was targeting Elaine before, under another name? She’s not said anything and he’s here attacking her.
I hesitate to ask because it could be a triggering subject and also it’s off-topic, but you’ve mentioned anti-trafficking NGOs… if there was a situation where a doctor [not me, thank god, the worst thing I ever deal with is “how can my research be abused and what safeguards should I build in”] was really very certain that a 30-year-old woman was being trafficked and reported it to the relevant authorities but received no response… is there anything that can be done via NGOs?
@Big Titty Demon
Oh my gods.
Response below:
Their phone hotline is 1-888-373-7888
Their text hotline can be gotten by texting “BeFree” to 233733
Their live chat is available on their website
They might also try the Center for Missing and Exploited Children:
CMEC has a 24 hour hotline at 1-800-843-5678
Tips can also be reported here: https://report.cybertip.org/ they’re supposed to connect with LEOs but IDK how fast or effective that is
Hang in there and best of luck. And please let us know how it goes. 🙁
Oh, look, Dork Avenger has shown up with more myths of his fevered imagination. When she isn’t even in this thread. I believe that’s called “stalking”, and I believe @David should be banning you any second now.
Elaine could kick your ass any day of the week and twice on Sundays, little boy. And if the battle’s in water, it would take about 5 minutes or less.
@moregeekthan: Interesting. Protesting so early… Methinks they doth protest too much.
It’s like someone at a cocktail party loudly assuring everyone they aren’t a child molester and the room falls silent till one brave soul says “Um, Bob, we were all talking about the local football team’s chances here at the team’s clubhouse… nobody but you mentioned child molesting.” Exeunt party guests who rush home to tell their children “Don’t ever go near Bob.”
@Big Titty Demon, I’m so sorry I only just realized that I misread your message. Anyway yeah, forget what I said about CMEC but Polaris Project still applies. My apologies and best of luck.
It disgusts me how TERFs use stuff like this to recruit.
That and their other cult-style recruitment tactics. They’re courting and sweet talking Frances “Cassandra” Coppola hard right now on Twitter because she’s mad about some trans women coming down on her for platforming Maya Forstater (even if ending on a critical note), and now she’s threatened to pull her “public support” of trans folks entirely, just because of that criticism. People are POLITELY pointing out that maybe she’s overreacting a little to some valid, if sometimes poorly phrased, criticism because of the harm Forstater has done to trans people and trans women in particular, and she’s claiming that she’s being abused and “shot at”, and “you don’t know what it’s like to be accused of doing things you’ve never done”, and she’s taken loads of abuse from GCs/TERFs……
.. as if “groomer” accusations never happened and are still not happening to trans people and LGBTQ+ as a whole, I guess? for just ONE thing. You’d probably be sensitive too if you didn’t know who was going to accuse you of molesting children next when you’ve done nothing.
So the TERFs are now on her offering support and comfort and saying this is typical trans behavior, it’s just proof we’re mentally ill and too powerful and allied to MRAs and hate “real” women and it’s time to cut us loose.
I’m not optimistic that she won’t swing to full TERF inside 6 months, just because those tactics ARE effective. Cults wouldn’t use em if they didn’t work.
Not commented on here for a long time, but felt I had to say this. I’m not impressed with Heard or Depp. They are a toxic couple and bad for one another. They are a classic narcissist/ enabler. This is what happens when drink and drugs effect your judgement. By themselves, or with other partners, they might be fine. They just push each other’s buttons. Liz Taylor and Richard Burton had a similar drugs and rage fuelled relationship. Neither was innocent. I’m sick of people blaming Heard for everything when they were both sick and toxic.
@Seth S
Ugh. Lovebombing! Thank you for making that connection, I wasn’t quite there yet. Yes, they really are a cult. 😐
@Virgin Mary
Heard might be a better person away from Depp, but Depp will not become a better person away from her – he will just find another victim. That’s kinda how people like him work. “Leaving a trail of human shrapnel,” as a friend of mine once put it. Until he is forced to stop, he will just keep feeding his entitlement on other people’s lives.
Elaine the witch is a horror movie dumbass
Please to make with the banning of this iteration of Lainey’s stalker NOW.
Uhm, can someone explain what exactly that last tweet is responding to there? That one by Justice, responding to that one with Alison and the picture of a PoC person saying ‘nvm, I got it now’? What joke, or ‘joke’, just went over my head there?
@VirginMary, “they’re both bad,” is just false equivalency. The Depp side is Qanon; they want you to believe a rich white male movie star with thirty years’ more fame, money, life experience, and white male privilege in a deeply sexist society was a helpless victim to a 23-year-old young woman who refused money at the divorce and somehow set up a vast conspiracy to…..what, exactly? Here’s Occam’s Razor. Depp, again, is a rich white male movie star. He has a $10,000-a-day-bodyguard budget, 14 homes—-of which 5 are penthouses in LA, still another a mansion also in LA, and yet another is an actual French village; a yacht, a dozen cars, 12 storage units of “memorabilia”, dozens of classic guitars—-which he plays atrociously; an island, a $2,000,000-a-day overhead, and when he was questioned about the infamous 30k-a-month wine, he corrected archly that it was 50k a month in reality.
He has a history of lies, drunken violence, attacking crew members, sober violence, trashing private jets, being racist, claiming he’s a Cherokhee princess, (he’s not even close), abusing at least two women—–perhaps significantly, the only two women he dated, who were his age or older, and equal in fame or more famous—–Jennifer Grey and Ellen Barkin. Everybody else has been much younger. He only dates women younger than his daughter. He is vilely misogynist, and calls his “good” ex—Paradis—“a withering extortionate French cunt.” He also has an awful lot of friends and idols who have been accused multiple times of abusing girls and women.
Wife (or girlfriend) beating happens only when there’s an balance in power. How on earth could anybody think Depp was the powerless one? OJ Simpson also claimed to be a battered husband. Depp has—-like most men—- 30% more muscle mass—- than Heard, who weighed barely a hundred pounds at the end of the marriage.
Men battering men is a VERY different animal than men beating women. They cannot be discussed together. Men get to falsely accuse women with impunity. The standard defense for wife beating is, “She asked for it.” Sarcasm, laughing, mockery—to or about men who wage war like campaigns against exes—–is excuse enough for men to murder women.
Batterers—like rapists—-like to claim to be the victim of evil women. How do you tell a real victim from a batterer? Number one, the abuser will overwhelmingly be male. He will not admit anything. He will not feel bad. He has no interest or sympathy with other male victims, because their batterers are also be men. He is only interested in attacking women, not defending men. Also, abusers faking it ONLY read MRA-approved crap that preach that men are the real because of feminazis who secretly control the world yet let Trump get elected.
Meanwhile, Gabby Petito was the classic victim. She was upset, admitted she’d done something to Landrie. He had locked her out of her own van, taken her water, and threatened to leave her in the desert without it. That’s certain death. He was calm. He broed it up with the cops, who labeled Petito the abuser. This is another hallmark of abusers. They just had a great workout, right? She’s upset; she just got attacked, and this much bigger guy is joking around with the cops, who themselves are wifebeaters nearly 50% of the time.
Nobody believed her till he murdered her.
Depp’s lawyer was tossed off the case after passing edited crap to vicious trolls, who know misogyny sells. He admitted this in court, and at least one notorious youtuber admitted it when confronted. Waldman—Depp’s “advisor” is a registered foreign agent for Felix Deripaska and has intervened with Paul Manafort and Sergei Lavrov for….. Julian Assange. Assange, who helps Reichwing dictators defeat liberal western women. Assange, accused rapist.
Depp is being supported by Trumpies in general and MRAs en masse. There’s Greg Ellis, who under his real name attacked people, threatened his wife, and his kids’ teachers, and wrote MRA tripe for a ready audience of MRAs.
This is too long already, sorry.