Incel story time! Today’s story is called “STACY ROOMMATE ATE MY CUM,” and it was recently posted on the Incels.is forums by someone called HiddenUzer.
Take it away, Mr. Uzer:

The good news? He probably didn’t do this and is just fantasizing.
The not-so-good news? He could have reallky done it, or he might be working himself up to do it in the near future.
Incels constantly fantasize about doing awful things to “Stacies” and “Chads” and “normies” in general — from torturing and murdering them to scaring the shit out of them walking behind them at night.
The less-extreme fantasies are just as concerning as the murder fantasies because they’re much more likely to be acted upon. And fantasizing about doing these sorts of things makes it more likely that they (or some other incel reading their comments) will actually do these things and worse. This isn’t just guys “blowing off steam.” It’s guys collectively bringing their rage to a boil.
There’s always a danger of escalation. Elliot Rodger, the mass killer that incels have canonized as their own personal saint, didn’t start off with murder. He went through a period in which he harassed “normies” (especially couples) by doing things like throwing drinks at them or, in one case, trying to push his targets off a wall they were standing on at a party. These were really dry runs for his later murderous rampage, a way to try to lower his inhibitions about doing violence to other people.
Not everyone reading HiddenUzer’s story on Incels.is thought it was true; a good portion accused him of “LARPing.” The ones who did believe him thought it was a magnificent story.
The more that incels talk about things like these — with other incels egging them on — the more likely it is that they, like Rodger, will be able to set aside their inhibitions and take their fantasies into the real world.
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You don’t have any babies in your semen. None at all.
This disturbs me on levels I didn’t even know existed.
my old roommate told me a story about somebody an acquaintance brought to a house party we had. he was in a frat and one of the things they did to haze him was encourage him to masturbate and ejaculate into a sleeping woman’s hair. he did it. then when it was found out what happened he got arrested and charged with second degree sexual assault and lewd and lascivious conduct.
this kind of thing is a crime for a reason.
At least 10 years ago, I watched a news story about a man who had a crush on a female coworker. He’d been surreptitiously masturbating at work, collecting his semen, and dumping it in her coffee & other beverages. Ofc, her drinks didn’t taste right. I don’t remember how it all was resolved.
What woman would even share an apartment with this loser?
This reminds me about when my brother in law told me he pissed in the water bottle of the woman who was cheating with his dad. He said the greatest joy was watching her drink it. Still not sure how I feel about that one.
Did she notice? He must be a very hydrated man if not
Yikes! The incel’s post is predictably horrifying… but can we talk about how much this guy posts? He joined the forum June 21st and then posted this, his 2040th comment, on July 30st. That’s 40 days in which he averaged 51 comments per day!!! I doubt he could be doing anything else in life (no job, school, hobby, helping family, having r/l friends, etc) if he’s doing that much posting. :[
…why not piss in his dad’s water bottle too? He’s equally at fault, and also the one who broke his vow.
@Elaine the Witch
Your brother-in-law’s dad, not this woman, is the one who betrayed his wife and his entire family. Did the woman in question even know that she was dating a married man?
Also, just on general principles it’s a terrible idea to pee in someone’s water bottle. Plus, there is the matter of the law:
Some 17th century scientists believed that sperm contained babies. They believed masturbation was a sin because every time a man jerked off he was killing millions of not-yet-born babies. Given that Alito is citing ancient anti-witchcraft pamphlets in his anti-abortion courtroom judgements, perhaps there is an irony here.
It reminds me a bit of the case where high school student Marco Castro jerked off in a bottle of ranch dressing in the school cafeteria, which was then served. Motive is unknown, but it didn’t seem to be targeted. LINK
I used to own a book called Natural Harvest, about cooking with semen. Yes, it’s real. The guy who wrote the book put in the forward that you should never serve someone one of his recipes without getting consent, and I think legally it’s not rape/sexual assault but morally it is.
I used to own a book called Natural Harvest, about cooking with semen. Yes, it’s real. The guy who wrote the book put in the forward that you should never serve someone one of his recipes without getting consent, and I think legally it’s not rape/sexual assault but morally it is.
Even without a sexual element, prank-feeding is a violation of consent (and, in a worst-case scenario, could kill someone); a dismaying number of people seem to regard other people’s cultural or personal food aversions as comedy gold and/or In Need Of Fixing, and even their medical constraints as malingering.
(Penn and Teller’s How To Play With Your Food includes sections on How To Sneak Veal To Your Ethical-Vegetarian Friends and How To Sneak Pork To Your Jewish Friends via sleight-of-hand; there are no corresponding instructions on How To Sneak Alcohol To Your Teetotal Friends, because that’s their taboo and sacrosanct.)
Depending on the state, this could be aggravated battery.
I read another one on their where they guy claimed he went in and jerked off on his roommates panties.It is like listening to little psychopaths.