Alberta’s associate status of women minister apologized after a screed celebrating women as baby-makers “not exactly equal” to men won third prize in a government essay contest for young women.
The essay, one of the first winners in the government’s newly instituted “Her Vision” contest, echoed the “white genocide” rhetoric of many a contemporary fascist convinced that falling birthrates among white people could lead to what the anonymous essay writer labels “cultural suicide.”
“Women have a unique strength: our ability to give birth,” the essay begins.
This strength cannot be justly undermined, underestimated, or demeaned, for without it none of us would be alive today, our way of life and our culture would vanish, our very species would cease to exist.
The world population today is nearly 8 billion, and growing, by the day. If the essay writer is concerned about a “birth dearth,” why not simply take in more immigrants? Well, she’s got an answer for that.
While it is sadly popular nowadays to think that the world would be better off without humans, or that Albertan children are unnecessary as we can import foreigners to replace ourselves, this is a sickly mentality that amounts to a drive for cultural suicide.
Ah, got it. Those in the “Great White North” don’t need more (possibly not-so-white) foreigners invading their space. Funny, I always thought that the “white” in “great white north” was a reference to snow, not skin color.
The first rule of health for any biological population is their ability to reproduce and pass along their way of life into the future.
Their “way of life” seems like a dogwhistle for “their white skin.” .
Not that the essayist is open about her racial views; you have to read between the lines. Not that she makes this particularly difficult.
Women are not exactly equal to men. This biological reality is also under attack by present-day delusion. To try to promote that women break into careers that men traditionally dominate is not only misguided, but it is harmful. Such a focus detracts from the languishing unique strength and the truly important role that women have in the preservation of our community, culture, and species.
In other words, forget about women in STEM. Women’s collective “job” is to make babies.
Unfortunately, present day government policies all-too-often have this misguided and harmful aim. Many women now realize in their late 30s that they actually want a child after having been taught that career was what mattered earlier in their lives, and they then regret not having done it earlier, when they were in their prime.
This is really starting to sound like a post on some “red pill” forum. Or the manifesto of the Christchurch mass killer.
Sadly, having children is an expensive burden in our modern society. It is this way because our society has become oriented around personal greed and selfish and hedonistic goals.
Huh? Do people get tax credits for adopting cats instead of having babies or something? If so, maybe I should move to Canada.
Families who are trying to raise children are competing for resources such as housing, are at a disadvantage in this environment. And while there is some government assistance for people with children, it is primarily focused on the lowest income parents, so it provides little help to middle class families.
Stop trying to help poor people! Help people who don’t need as much help instead.
My vision of Alberta is a place that is oriented around healthy families and communities again, not around personal greed and selfishness.
Why is not having kids “greedy?”
Recognizing children as being of the utmost importance in our society would be the cornerstone of such a future. Unity among people requires shared common values, and the importance of children and family are the most fundamental values of any healthy population, so this is also the place to start towards achieving greater unity among presently divided Albertans.
“Unity” is one way to put it I guess. Presumably immigrants cant’ be a part of it.
As a future parliamentarian, I would promote healthy appreciation for the value that young Albertan women have in their ability to carry our population forward into the future.
That’s quite a euphemism for “popping out babies.”
I believe that the best approach would be to reward families for their reproductive service both with financial rewards to offset the financial burden they are taking on and with medals to symbolize their valuable achievement of having 2+ children. Encouraging our society to reorient in this healthier perspective would provide the greatest good for Alberta going forward and would alleviate many of the problems that we are currently facing.
This is where the essay ends on the best screenshot of it I’ve been able to find. (The original has been taken down by the government that originally gave it a prize.) But this fash-lite screed is clearly not deserving of any awards, at least outside of a contest to see who can fit the most fashy dogwhistles in 500 words.
H/T — @mvario1on Twitter for letting me know about this.
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They aren’t even hiding it anymore.
First of all, if you don’t have a link or a full text of the essay in question, your whole post becomes propaganda rather than critique. It took me minutes to find a full text and save it on my computer (because lefties love censorship so much and are eager to delete the text from everywhere)
Now, the reality of life is very simple. Only women can pop out human babies. No matter how much you believe that men can get pregnant too.No matter how much you believe that “science” can produce ready-made babies in a bottle. It takes a LOT of time and effort for a woman to produce and grow up future members of your society. If you don’t compensate women for all this time and effort – they become dependent on men who don’t have to spend their time dealing with children and can advance their careers, earnings, and, essentially, power. Another option for a woman is not to have children at all. And if that’s the society’s choice, another society inevitably replaces it. In reality, the replacement society becomes the one with strong patriarchal values and disadvantaged women.
If you choose not to accept this simple reality, the reality won’t change; it won’t suffer. The reality simply won’t accept YOU.
I don’t even have to argue with you to win this argument. You, who believe in fairytales, will no longer exist in a generation or two. You will go extinct, and your argument dies with you.
@Andrew or…. Women get paid more for their work.