Over the last several days, a number of threads have popped up on Twitter providing evidence of Johnny Depp’s long history of (alleged) violence and abuse, aimed at intimate partners and random strangers alike. I found these very useful; maybe you will as well. Just be warned that there’s a lot of explicit discussion of abuse that could be triggering.
Meanwhile, Depp’s longtime friend Marilyn Manson seems to be preparing to do what Depp and his fans did to Amber Heard to his accuser, Evan Rachel Wood. Here’s some things to keep in mind as Manson plots what many are calling an “Amber Heard 2.0” plan against Wood.
If you’ve run across any useful threads I’ve missed, please post links in the comments below.
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Thanks, @Snowberry. Well here’s wishing her fair winds ⛵ and good haven ⚓
@ mycroft
Hi, typing this whilst on hold, so apology if its a bit garbled.
Lillian’s tweet links to an assortment of material about various allegations. That’s fair enough. People can read them, and if they wish to check them out they can follow up on that.
But it’s the misleading material that taints it for me. For example; what is the message they seek to send with the headline photos? Presumably that Depp is being restrained from committing violence?
But here’s another pic that gives some context. They’re his own security escorting him though a crowd.
Now, does that mean there is no veracity to the tweet? I would say no; but I do think it indicates that this might not be totally reliable or objective reportage.
As has been mentioned, I’ve never actually proffered an opinion on the underlying merits of the case. I am content to leave people to form their own views. But I think they need the actual facts to do that.
I should emphasise, I think this applies to both ‘sides’; and I have one this very website corrected misstatements about the UK judgment that gave a misleading impression in Depp’s favour.
In fact, I appear to be just about the only lawyer defending the legitimacy of the UK judgement. There’s a couple of misconceptions about that being touted on social media too.
But the underlying thing is my worry that everything is so tribal and partisan now; that facts are irrelevant. It’s almost cult like. And it’s not just that people have to deny reality to demonstrate group loyalty. We’ve always had that. It’s that people seem to be able to genuinely hold a position regardless of the objective, and demonstrable facts. I suspect there are people who were actually at the Jan 6 events; but are totally convinced it didn’t happen.
“I suspect there are people who were actually at the Jan 6 events; but are totally convinced it didn’t happen.”
Oh FFS dude.
I’m curious why this is worth a FFS? Genuine question. I read several articles on news sites rated generally factual (it was also repeated in tabloids, of course) that one of the Parkland survivors of the mass shooting now suffers from having a father who found QAnon and is totally convinced his own child is a crisis actor. If someone could believe that about their own child’s traumatic history, why is this a stretch?
More legal:
FBI execute search warrant at Mar-A-Lago. Including breaking open safe.
Trump not too happy as one might imagine.
@ lorenf
@ big titty demon has provided one example we’d been discussing a bit earlier.
It feels like we’re heading into that demon haunted world or whatever it was Carl Sagan said.
I mean, ok, Apollo hoax, I can sort of see that. Post Watergate distrust of government; Cold War politics and space race, lots of money for defence contractors etc. Of course, it’s easily debunked; but at least they can argue a motive.
But Flat Earth; what’s that all about? At first I thought it was some sort of mass spoof. Like no-one really believed it; it was just a piss take like Kekistan. But it’s clear a lot of people do believe it. And it’s not just a religious thing. There’s a huge secular pseudo science following.
But how? Capricorn One illustrates the mechanics of faking a space mission; but you can actually see the earth for yourself; and if you have any concept of the horizon it should be pretty apparent there’s a curve. They even deny the ISS is real; and you can f***ing see it fly overhead!
So I have no problem believing people can convince themselves of anything; regardless of the evidence. Mike Pence forgetting they tried to hang him is politically convenient amnesia; but there seem to be plenty of people who think it was just a peaceful protest.
And I don’t mean just categorising the events under a hard to justify label; I mean they literally refuse to accept there was anything other than people just minding their own business. And even the footage won’t shift them from that.
Despite the visual and audio record of events, in some people’s minds the realty of Jan 6 has already mutated into some weird it’s all been exaggerated/it was an antifa riot chimera.
And I can well see some participants going along with whatever becomes the Trumpist’s chosen myth, rather than their own memories.
It seems that many are considering this raid to have some lasting consequences for Trump. It would be nice for that to be true.
No. Alan is just very good at lying, manipulating, deceiving and gaslighting people, and that’s what he’s been doing to you all for years, and especially on this issue. He’s a clever mole, an impostor, a traitor, a saboteur, and maybe even an ecofascist, given his interests. I’ve suspected this for a long time and I’m tired of staying silent about it. And if I’m wrong, well I’d rather be dead wrong and be ridiculed and shunned as a Chicken Little than eventually becoming a quiet Cassandra.
I don’t know enough about Lindsey Ellis to feel any way about her because I didn’t know who she was until I checked it out after you mentioned her, but let me tell you this: if she cries “cancel culture”, then there can be absolutely no doubt that she’s a conservative, or at best center-right. Only conservatives and fake progressives use that term unironically.
Safe from moles, impostors, traitors and saboteurs like Alan, Lindsey and you. They’re way too common and I have a knack for sensing them.
@Snowberry: Ya know, I’ve been around a fair amount of furries (in public, not private), and I don’t remember any of them throwing anything, much less dildos. Not even during their excellent rave parties, when you might expect things to be thrown. No booze or drugs visible either. Although I once did meet some furries who made *really good* fruity boozy drinks, after checking IDs.
There was that one episode of CSI where the murderer and suspects were all furries (Spoiler: none of the furries done it). They consulted with their local expert furries, and every time they told the wildest tales they could think of, the writers would go “Not weird enough.” This was the first time the furries ever heard that sentence!
Realtor, you seem to go from 0 to Over 9000 real quick, there.
What’s your deal? I mean, seriously, where are you coming from / what’s your base foundation and life experience?
I don’t want to tone police or say you can’t be angry, especially since I’ve no clue what the root of it is, but I’d like to have more to go on. Right now, you kind of seem like that person with an extreme case of black & white thinking where if anyone fails to meet your exacting standards than they are pure evil, and I’m not sure I buy that?
I feel like I’ve got a decent understanding of where Alan comes from, even if I don’t agree with him on everything (i.e. Alan is extremely unlikely to ever convince me that PETA isn’t more terrible than good). And he seems to be a relatively okay person, for an online person.
You, I don’t get.
Seriously, what’s your deal? What ideology do you stand for, what are the things that flip you into incandescent rage, just… I don’t get what you’re laying down, and I’d like to figure out what shoes I’d have to be in to get it.
All right, Columbo, you got me. I hide in plain sight on the We Hunted the Mammoth comment section to undermine your political aims. It’s a long con but hell, ain’t it worth it!
I just want you to understand that not anyone who agrees with you is your friend or your ally. Sometimes they’re wolves in sheep’s clothing, or they’re doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, so you shouldn’t congratulate them or befriend them just in case. The world isn’t black and white, no, but for practical reasons I think that it’s better to act as if it was. In short: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
Since you asked nicely, I’ll tell you the truth but trigger warning: suicide. I actually live in an almost constant state of rage, because I hate my life for several reasons and I want it to be over with, but the guilt for the people I’d leave behind prevents me from killing myself and that frustrates me and angers me to no end, making my desire to die even stronger. You have no idea how happy I will be once I feel the time is right to let go of that vicious cycle and find a tree to hang myself on.
I guess I come from the other end of “yeah just because someone agrees with me doesn’t mean they’re my friend… but just because they disagree doesn’t mean they’re my enemy in every arena.”
On the TW stuff, I’m sorry that’s where your headspace is at. Sounds rough. If you can afford it, a therapist who can help you find a way to live without being trapped into existence Only By Guilt might be useful?
I don’t want to overstep, and you’re totally welcome to tell me to shove it. But dang, that sounds like an awful way to have to live.
I’m really sorry for you but may I recommend a little bit of rock medicine?
@Contrapangloss, Alyson:
I actually keep myself semi-stable with antidepressants. The day I wrote those posts, I had actually forgotten to take them for over a day. I still stand by the comments anyway, but if I had been medicated I would have been slightly less confrontational in them.
EDIT: In fact, I was about to post my contempt towards Alan Robertshaw and his apologia in the new Johnny Depp thread that has currently showed up, but I stopped myself this time and made this edit instead. I’ll always be angry that he’ll probably keep being a respected commenter while being, as far as I’m concerned, such an awful person.