So you’ve probably heard the news: Conspiracy theorist and professional yeller Alex Jones has been ordered to pay $4.1 million in compensatory damages to a family who lost a child in the Sandy Hook school massacre, which Jones had been calling a “hoax.” Jones is likely going to have to pay a much greater amount in punitive damages.
I found myself wondering just what the biggest idiots on the internet thought of these latest developments, so I took a stroll through Patriots.win, the Reddit-like successor to the long-ago banned TheDonald subreddit, home to an assortment of MAGA-minded conspiracy theorists who aren’t necessarily big fans of Alex Jones.
So let’s take a peek at some of the more, er, intriguing responses.
StrongIsland is all-in for red-faced Alex, and rather down on the “demons” opposing him.
Alex Jones is exposing Unvalde and demons must punish him, I will continue to have his back and speak of his greatness!
Dagoat4l warns that there is a huge conspiracy afoot aimed at the heroic Alex Jones, truthteller.
Rich and powerful people are behind this. AJ not going to quit. We will lift him up. He’s tried to warn us for so long.
TRUMP420KUSH thinks that if they can go after Alex Jones, they’ll soon be going after everyone with “thought crimey” beliefs.
Alex Jones was the first to be “Cancelled” and now look where we are. It won’t be long until average Joe is getting dragged into court for thought crimes.
[T]rudeau_is_a_faggot sketches out what he thinks the big conspiracy here is.
It was August 5th 2018 that Alex was banned off youtube and from the rest of social media. Four years ago tomorrow. Exactly 3 months until the 2018 midterm elections.
They wanted Alex off social media for the midterms back then in 2018, and now they are trying to stack the deck for the 2022 midterms by taking out Alex and Infowars completely.
They do not want Alex and infowars reporting on all the criminal shit going into the midterms and what you can bet will be widespread election fraud during and after the election.
Remember the lesson learned in 2018. First they come for Alex, then they come for everyone else.
Squatch1111 thinks that ordinary civic-minded MAGAs are the real target here.
It’s not so much the money. It’s the precedent it sets. It’s a new political tool to shut us Trump supporters up. See someone on video counting stacks of ballots late at night with no poll watchers around? Or stuffing ballot boxes at 2am in the morning? Don’t say anything… you can be liable for damages to that person (and by default, not jury decision).
N3V1K thinks the real fake news comes from the mainstream media — and the big companies with big ad budgets that support the media.
Any Sponsor that had advertisements aired on CNN or any MSM during that shooting needs to pay also.
JMaN, by contrast, thinks that the real winner here is … Alex Jones?
Alex got well over $4 million worth of publicity, advertising and a platform.
Stupid commies!
PhantomFUZZ thinks it’s about guns, baby, guns.
Even Alex couldn’t fathom the full evil of the US deep state. He couldn’t imagine it was real and that intelligence agencies would not only ignore tip offs about shooters but would seek them out and gas light them into killing innocent Americans so they could push gun confiscation under the guise of stopping mass shootings they foment.
Then there’s Nerdrem1, who also thinks something fishy and gun-related is going on — but argues that Jones himself is “controlled opposition” and not to be trusted.
Yep, there’s no limits to the depths these people will go for their great plan or whatever they call it, and one of the top priorities is disarming the people. This was an attempt at that, nothing more or less. Alex Jones is controlled oppo and a sacrificial lamb to protect higher ups
He also had some thoughts about baby farms.
In my opinion it was real kids that got killed but it wasn’t their real parents on the news. They were just kids from underground baby farms, the parents are paid actors, the killers were cia/FBI/mercs, and this alex jones bullshit is just to cement the official story
DownGoesAJ is also not a big fan of Mr. Piece of Shit Jones.
I’m thrilled to see this piece of shit take a hit, just wish the damages were higher. Pot stirring piece of junk had to look that mother in the eye and apologize, trying to pretend he didn’t believe what he said, or even say what he said. There’s too much on record from that big mouth and I’m delighted he has been bitten in his big fat ass. …
[A]ll you AJ knob suckers are perpetuating a hoax bigger than Russia gate or anything else. Stop supporting this ego maniac and look at the facts.
Facts, huh? I haven’t seen many of those in this discussion. But everyone gets their own conspiracy theory. It’s the MAGA way.
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@ Vicky P
Mates firm got hacked. It was never established how it was done. But as the firm hadn’t installed a software update quick enough anyway they got fined £98,000.
Although in one case they sought a fine of £183,000,000 (eventually settled for £20 mil)
So yeah, I do install the updates.
A theory I heard about Jones’ lawyers’ actions in this case was that at least some parts of the disclosure mess was deliberate. That is, the initial release was an accident, but at some point during the ten days the AJ lawyers just went ‘eh, whatever’ and stopped doing anything to get the data back. Proffered motive for this being that Jones managed to PO his lawyers so much that this was their way of payback.
Don’t know anywhere near enough about legal culture to know how likely any of that is, but at the very least it looks like a case of ‘didn’t think this through’ on the lawyers’ part, given the consequences now coming down on them.
Speaking of medical privacy practices, years and years and years ago (1980’s) there was a letter in a Dear Abby column from a mother who had taken her young disabled son to the hospital for a minor medical problem. They were quite upset when they overheard some of the nurses refer to the boy as ‘the [disability]’ – not to his face, of course, but outside in the hallway. “You’re looking for ‘the [disability]’? He’s down the hall in Room 2A.” The mother was wanting the hospital staff to stop doing that, since it was quite hurtful to hear that, especially for the boy.
That letter prompted a reply from at least one nurse, who said the reason for the practice was to protect the patient’s privacy while there, since not everyone – especially politicians and celebrities – wants it known they were in the hospital at any given time, for various professional reasons. So best not to use the patient’s name out where anyone can hear it and spread gossip about them. The same letter also mentioned that the patient’s medical files were referred to by proper names, though. ‘Have you seen Mrs. Jane Smith anyplace?’ ‘Last I saw her, she was sitting open on Dr. Jones’ desk’
My question to you is, was anything like ever that a common practice in your experience? Or was it once upon a time, but it has since been tweaked to be less hurtful for any patients who happen to overhear the staff talking about them in the hallways? Or am I asking something you might not know anything about?
@ gss ex-noob
Yeah; although currently he has a clean sheet.
We have the same here.
I also appear to be of good character. (I was almost afraid to look)
It’s funny though. You can be a barrister and work with kids, vulnerable people, terrorists etc and there’s no vetting. But because I was once involved in a single deal that involved a foreign money transaction I have to have an enhanced DBS certificate.
The further weird thing is, you just have to tick a box saying you have it.
“Hi, I’ve had my super enhanced vetting check, where do I send you the certificate?”
“Oh that’s fine, we’ll take your word for it.”
@ redsilkphoenix
Yeah, I’ve seen that floating around. Seems some of the more conspiracy minded AJ fans (i.e. all of them) think this is some sort of deep state fit-up.
My view would be that, no matter how much they hated their client, that wouldn’t be motive to expose yourself to professional sanctions, and a massive negligence claim.
The reality is, this isn’t that uncommon. More on that here.
Oh, yes – that’s a familiar shorthand. “The diabetic in room 203” or “the epileptic in pod 2” or “the CTR in holding” or something like that. The nurse was right: referring to the patient by a condition is safer than saying their name. I’d add that the diagnostic label you choose is likely determined by the speaker’s specialty or the listener’s specialty.
You don’t hear the chart being talked about like that these days, mostly because electronic records have been dominating the landscape for years. Now people swear at Epic or Cerner or Allscripts or whatever EMR is being evil.
One change for the better I’ve noticed is the language of consent with physical examinations. When I was in the ER earlier this year, the doctor and nurses would say things like, “Can I touch your tummy?” as opposed to simply announcing their intentions. At one point they also asked if it was okay for Mr. Parasol to be in the room with me. Now, I know what they were doing – they were making sure that Mr. Parasol wasn’t an abuser – but at the time, I was working very very hard at not panicking, and so there wasn’t much brain power available for nuance. My initial answer was a pathetic “He’s my HUSBAND” while I looked at him as if to say, “Don’t leave me, sweetie.” The nurse gently redirected me and I confirmed I wanted him to stay. (Actually, I wanted him to hold my hand, but there wasn’t room and he didn’t want to get in their way. As he told me later, his brain was basically saying, “Wife broken. Fix wife. Fix wife NOW” on a loop.)
As a former boss of mine used to say, a patient is somebody who is vulnerable and worthy of protection. That’s why I’m so offended at the idea that somebody would be so cavalier with patient records.
More from Devin of LegalEagle, and more of Judge Gamble being an AWESOME TEXAS WOMAN who has had ENOUGH of this bushwah.
Can’t wait to vote for her again this fall.