A semi-random collection of cover songs. Let’s start with a somewhat unsettling version of a classic song from The Sound of Music.
This one started out as a reggae song.
And this one started out Kraftwerk.
I saw this band twice back in the day. They were great, though they got some boos from complete idiots for covering Abba.
These oughta perk things up a little.
For many many more.
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I love Laibach.
It’s not the most surprising thing in the world, because alt country band Lambchop supposedly always had to be held back from going too goth, but their cover of Sisters of Mercy’s This Corrosion is quite the thing.
When it comes to cover versions, can there be anything better than a black punk band covering white power songs? I just love it; it works on so many levels. Here’s their take on Screwdriver.
Oh, and you know that thing here where people try to post insults and everyone goes “That would be a great band name.” Well….
For those unfamiliar with Snakefinger, he was tied into The Residents, who are, well, ya just gotta check ’em out, because any explanation wouldn’t get close.
Presenting Edwyn Collins’ “Never Met A Girl Like You Before” as rendered on the gayageum (a classical Korean stringed instrument) by Luna Lee:
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I always found this cover hilarious.
@Surplus to Requirements:
Bottommost video embed is broken.
I can’t tell whether you mean “Hazy Shade of Winter” by the Bangles, in David’s original post, or “A Girl Like You” by Luna Lee, in my comment directly above yours, but both are coming through all right on my IPad via Safari. (I’m not even remotely qualified to offer you tech advice.)
Back in the day, it had occurred to me that the theme from Neon Genesis Evangelion, with its religious allusions, soaring passion, and funky dance beat, would need only the slightest of nudges to turn into an R&B spiritual.
And lo—the Glory Gospel Singers invoke the power of God and Anime:
Here’s the world’s most famous symphonic metal band covering Pink Floyd: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=4oEDnVeYYyM
And here’s less well known band Therion covering ABBA:
And Pain of Salvation covering Leonard Cohen:
And In This Moment covering Queen:
And Ego Likeness covering PJ Harvey:
IDK of any of these are “weird” but whatever 🙂
Ooh, favored covers!
Brazilian artist Dan Vasc’s metal version of “I’ll Make a Man Out Of You,” from Disney’s Mulan. I shave to this song:
Jonathan Young’s metal version of “Guren No Yumiya,” the first theme from the anime Attack On Titan. This is my “get psyched” song. (It also features a keytar solo.)
Going in a completely different direction, Janet Devlin’s version of Dolly Parton’s “Jolene” is easily the best version. Where so many singers belt the song out, Devlin properly sounds like a woman at the end of her rope.
Did someone mention quirky Abba covers?
I guess this’ll fit here, and if not, at least Alan will appreciate this.
Presenting … a Yorkshire take on Disney’s Beauty & the Beast.
ETA: And something a bit more in line with the topic:
@ Vicky P
By ‘eck as like, that were right spot on. Specially as today is Yorkshire Day. ‘Appen.
Yorkshire people celebrate by adopting an air of quiet superiority and smugness. So same as any other day.
That cobbled street btw is Haworth. Where the Brontes ended up.
I’m chuffed ter naafi breaks to see your response.
Thank you so much, I adore that version of Jolene.
This list will tide me through the week.
Lil’ Nas X did a cover of “Jolene” that Dolly Herself quite liked.
@Nequam: I saw that when it aired. The folks were watching the show and we only had one TV. You can imagine the “whaaa?” look my brother and I gave each other.
@ Vicky P
It’s our prelude to independence!
Hello everyone again. Good news I can finally graduate this year. Been trying to do a lot of job hunting to tide me over. Hopefully I get lucky one of these days.
Klezmer Rammstein!
Testing… one two three testing….
The band Disturbed’s cover of Paul Simon’s The Sounds of Silence is pretty cool:
Then there’s these two critics in Istanbul wanting to make sure the music of Amadeus Meowzart and Johan Sebastian Bark are played properly.
According to a comment in the dog portion of that Twitter thread, both animals are looked after by both the concert hall staff and the staff of a nearby archeological site, so they’re used to people making weird noises with pieces of wood there.