The folks on the NoFapChristian subreddit are not exactly fans of Satan or his ongoing efforts to ruin their no-fap streaks by seducing them into looking at porn. But I haven’t seen any discussions of Satan and porn get quite as weird as the one I encountered there today.
It seems that one no-Fapper called daplaya9 has recently discovered that, as he puts it, “PORN is the main tool the devil uses to feminize men.” In fact, he did a little experiment to prove it.
They say eyes are the windows to the soul…
So when we consume porn & absorb those unrealistic images/videos through the eyes, it wrecks havoc on the spiritual & physical body.
Daplaya9 starts off by talking about dopamine, the “feel-good ” hormone, and prolactin, which he calls “”the ‘anti-dopamine” chemical that is used to balance out high dopamine & bring the body back to homeostasis.”
I’m no expert, but from what I can tell from a quick Googling is that dopamine can both inhibit and encourage prolactin release.
I know men are visual creatures. But men also rely heavily on testosterone to be men. So when our dopamine is artificially spiked through viewing porn, our prolactin is also artificially spiked.
Am I right in thinking he’s just kind of making this up as he goes along?
Why is this relevant to men? Prolactin is not only anti-dopamine but it’s also an anti-testosterone chemical. So in short, we are ARTIFICIALLY lowering our testosterone watching porn in ways that masturbating with imagination or sex do not.
Why would porn have any affect on how much dopamine you release while masturbating? Surely you can enjoy a little wank without porn. And good sex can release a lot more dopamine than a mere wank.
Anyway, according to the first article that came up when I Googled this, Daplaya9’s grand thesis is just not true. Masturbation doesn’t affect testosterone in the long run. While you’re masturbating, it goes up some and then drops back to normal.
But Daplaya9 apparently doesn’t trust this science. So he decided to make some science of his own.
To test this hypothesis, I decided to do a little experiment. Keeping variables the same (sleep,diet, exercise, etc.) I decided to watch porn and masturbate until I finished. Afterwards I felt extremely lethargic, my skin started to break out, & my scalp became itchy & I noticed hairloss.
Dude, there is no conceivable way that masturbating caused you to lose your hair immediately afterwards.
It’s at this point the story takes a little swerve.
A few days later I do a different test, I recruit a friend to give me a blowjob in a pitch black room, until completion.
You did WHAT?
Afterwards, there were almost NONE of the ill effects I had when I masturbated to porn.
Maybe your very obliging friend is just really good at the beejes. .
Also the post nut clarity effect was more pronounced in this scenario whereas after cumming to porn I still desired to watch more just 15 minutes later.
You didn’t want another free blowjob?
This was my findings, our main enemy is not feeling sexual pleasure, it is artificially absorbing dopamine through our eyes, & crashing our testosterone!!
Dude, the real “findings” here are that you were able to finagle yourself a blowjob by claiming you were doing it for science.
The reaction of the others in the subreddit was, to put it mildly, mixed. A few thanked Daplaya9 for his, er, input. Several took him to task for doing something sexual before marriage. One commenter chided him for telling his little blowjob story because it might cause others in the subreddit to “relapse.”
Still another decided Daplaya9 was probably trapped in an abusive relationship because in a previous thread he said a friend of his “ritually sodomized” him on a monthly basis and the commenter assumed the blowjob friend was probably the same person as the sodomy, er, friend.
Science sure is weird.
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@Surplus, belatedly:
Jan is one of the female siblings from the 70ies TV show, The Brady Bunch. “Sure, Jan,” is a popular meme short for: yeah, right, sure, that happened.
In the scene, Jan’s telling her sister Marcia (Marcia, Marcia!) all about her made-up boyfriend who’s so perfect, and Marcia rolls her eyes and says “Sure, Jan.”