dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about homophobia sexual abuse transphobia

WorldNetDaily: “Transgenders” have launched “a depraved campaign to indoctrinate, seduce, groom and flat-out recruit America’s children into transgenderism”

Typical recruitment poster

The not-so-good folks over at, the far-right Christian media outlet, are devoting the latest issue of their print magazine Whistleblower to the question “What’s REALLY behind today’s youth transgender craze?” Their answers are even worse than you might expect even from this organization, which the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as “devoted to manipulative fear-mongering and outright fabrications designed to further the paranoid, gay-hating, conspiratorial and apocalyptic visions” of the site’s founder Joseph Farah.

There’s a giant ad for the issue on the site disguised as an interminably long article that purports to show that, among other things, Drag Queen Reading Hours represent “‘[c]hild sexual abuse on a scale never seen, or even imagined, in America.”

Yeah, it’s that kind of article.

Now, I haven’t yet read the whole magazine — I bought my own digital copy for $3.95 but the download link didn’t arrive until I was almost finished with this post.

But I read the hell out of the advertorial and have some thoughts on the matter.. Just be warned: the things I quote from the piece probably deserve every trans-related content warning you can think of, and then some.

The piece begins by decrying “transgenderism” as a “vexing mental disorder,” but concedes it’s not illegal. (At least not yet.)

“America is a free country, ” the advertorial writers note,

and if an adult decides to change his or her name, amputate body parts and claim to be the opposite gender, or a brand-new gender that never existed until a few months ago, he or she is probably not breaking any laws.

But now, the advertorial warns, they’re COMING FOR YOUR KIDS.

[D]uring the Biden era of rapidly metastasizing madness in every area of life, what once was a realm wherein a relatively few troubled adults made sad and often catastrophically irreversible personal choices to medically “transition” to a different gender, has morphed into a depraved and shockingly widespread campaign to indoctrinate, seduce, groom and flat-out recruit America’s children into the world of transgenderism.

Oh dear. That bit about “recruiting” has an awfully familiar ring to it.

Incredibly, countless LGBT activists, including many public school teachers, have taken to proselytizing this new transgender salvation to America’s children, resulting in untold numbers of school kids being led into lives of not just unending conflict, confusion, suffering and disability, but far too often – as multiple studies prove – suicide.

Uh, trans teens aren’t depressed and sometimes suicidal because of “transgenderism.” They’re suicidal because of bigots like the staffers of WND writing this piece of crap article.

So why are teachers (allegedly) pushing “transgenderism” onto their charges? Because they’re sad and crazy.

In today’s increasingly godless, immoral and “postmodern” culture, there are simply lots of broken and deeply disturbed adults who are, right now, “teaching” America’s children. 

And then there are those who are making big bucks off of transgenderism, like

powerful LGBT nonprofits like the Human Rights Campaign, which raises tens of millions of dollars off promoting and championing the issue.

Do nonprofits have a profit motive? The money they raise goes into campaigns on behalf of trans people. They’re not simply rolling around in a giant pool of cash like Scrooge McDuck.

Speaking of Donald Duck’s filthy rich relative, Disney is apparently skimming some profit from transgenderism too.

Mega-corporations like Disney have profit motives intertwined with their radical support for the left’s entire “woke” agenda, however deranged.

And then their are the weak-kneed parents who actually let their children be exposed to … men who dress like women for comedic purposes?

Liberal suburban parents who fear being labeled bigots, homophobes and transphobes more than death itself are easy recruitment prey for attending – with their children in tow – all manner of “pride parades,” “drag-queen story hours,” “kid-friendly” drag shows in gay bars, and other events featuring transgender activists.

Oh no, not the drag queen story hours! Which are not actually a “transgender activist” recruitment thing so much as a gay male entertainment thing. Men dressed in drag aren’t women; they’re men dressed in drag. And men have been dressing in drag for countless centuries in basically all cultures.

But according to the advertorial writers, it’s all part of a secret WAR ON CHRISTMAS! Sorry, I meant WAR ON CHRISTIANS.

Furthermore – and critically – LGBT issues serve as the “sharp point of the spear” which the left uses to attack America’s foundational Judeo-Christian culture, which it loathes and fears.

Sorry, I meant to say it was a war on Judeo-Christians. Who don’t actually exist as a group — partly because the people who tend to talk the most about “Judeo-Christian values”” are conservative Christians who think (and don’t mind) that all Jews are going to h-e-double-hockey-sticks.

No other issue, not even abortion, serves so well as a direct attack on Christians and religious Jews as the LGBT agenda, which enthusiastically wars against the Bible’s clear moral standards.

Ah yes, I’m sure you all remember St. John’s Epistle to the Drag Queen Story Hour organizers.

No wonder the Biden administration, totally controlled by the radical left …

Just a second, I’ll let you go on with this, but could you please tell me what color the sky is on your planet?

… is so deeply invested in transgender grooming and recruitment of the nation’s youth, with Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra fully supporting taxpayer-funded amputations of healthy body parts of these vulnerable children. 

Oh but it gets even worse!

[T]here are still deeper, more profound and truly mind-blowing core reasons for this sudden preoccupation, this rabid insistence on grooming America’s children – its most precious resource, the only hope for the nation’s future – to enter the ultra-dark world of transgenderism.

Not just dark. Ultra dark. Dark turned up to eleven.

Why, after all, would children with absolutely typical youthful confusion and growing-up pains be deliberately channeled in such an utterly catastrophic direction?


Sorry, Monty Python reference. Which I would explain but the more I thought about it I realized it wasn’t really that great of a a skit. I was just trying to lighten things up a little because, as I said, it’s about to get very ultra dark.

If you, dear reader, think that he’s about to smear trans people as a bunch of pedophiles, well, you’re almost right.

Also, you might want to sit down, because as bad as the rest of this advertorial is, this next shit is worse.

Here’s a hint: Why do you suppose pedophiles are obsessed with sex with pre-pubescent children? There’s absolutely nothing sexually attractive about little children – quite the contrary. But the pleasure derived from sexually violating little children is not so much sexual, as it is the relief and satisfaction derived from corrupting and destroying their innocence.

Dude, where exactly are you getting all this from? I’m no expert but he literal dictionary definition of pedodphile is “a person who is sexually attracted to children.”

The experience of “putting out the light” of innocence in a child is cathartic, fulfilling and psychically and spiritually relieving to the abuser, who has already lost his or her own innocence.

I don’t see any citations lying around this portion of the advertorial. I think teh writers are pulling these alleged from their collective ass just just so he can argue that even if “transgenders” aren’t recruiting because they’re pedophiles, they’re recruiting because they’re just like pedophiles. They get a sick thrill from destroying your child’s innocence. With drag queens.

Sometines the old gifs are the best.

In any case, I had no idea that drag queen story hour was so scary. I mean, clowns are scary. But drag queens?

It’s at this point the advertorial writers begin the sales pitch for the “special issue” in earnest — listing the articles in it and generally doing the old hard sell.

Though they do take a moment partway through to highlight Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian’s claim that taking toddlers to drag queen story hours is not just bad parenting, but sexually abusive. Which may be the worst and most dangerous claim in the whole shebang.

[E]ncouraging the castration of teenage boys in an impossible quest to turn them into females – is child sexual abuse. Same with compelling 2- and 3-year-old toddlers to sit at the feet of drag queens – many of whom, it turns out, have criminal records for pedophilia and child porn. This is child sexual abuse on a scale never seen, or even imagined, in the United States of America.”

I’m speechless, so let’s have Don Draper respond for me.

Anyway, this is just the advertorial for the special issue. The magazine itself is filled with an assortment of articles that promise to be as dishonest and wrong and possibly dangerous as their extended sales pitch has been. Since I spent my $3.95 on a copy of the wretched thing I will give it a read and report back with any especially startling or insidious claims I find in it. There’s an article about an evil cult at Google, so that sounds promising.

In the meantime, I will leave you alone to yell “what!?” at the phone or laptop you’re reading this on.

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2 years ago

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Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

Have you ever thought this was your fault conservatives? Y’all let your children watch bugs bunny dress up as a woman to seduce men for generations now

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

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Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Same with compelling 2- and 3-year-old toddlers to sit at the feet of drag queens – many of whom, it turns out, have criminal records for pedophilia and child porn.

If ever a citation were needed . . .

2 years ago

Whipping your kids with a belt? That’s just good parenting. Losing them in a school shooting? Price of freedom, thoughts and prayers. Talking them to drag queen story hour? OMG WHAT HORRIBLE ABUSE

2 years ago

This just makes me feel like ragepuking. One of my dearest friends is a drag queen of several decades standing, and is one of the kindest, sweetest, funniest, most generous people it’s been my honour to meet, let alone be friends with. Ugh. These people don’t DESERVE drag queens in their life. No rainbows and glitter and fabulousness for YOU, you pathetic bunch of losers.

2 years ago

The child sexual abuse scandals at their own churches are coming out, so they need to point some fingers to distract the laity.

2 years ago

These are sick, cowardly and lonely, lonely, lonely people who are dumb (and lazy) enough to think hurting some type of person designated as “evil” immediately makes them “good.”

Jews and, in most of the “western world,” dark-skinned people ALWAYS fill the bill, of course, but they are most excited by anything – ANYTHING – that involves sex (very many uses of Jews and Blacks, of course, involve sex as well – they’re always and always thinking about sex, since it’s what they most desire/fear) suddenly makes their own impotence as human beings stark.

I never meet or even hear second-hand about these living dog-turds in my real life. And there are so very many!

May very bad things happen to them all, until they have the courage and honesty to be fallible humans once again, as they were born.

2 years ago

At this point I’m half-expecting them to say “the sun doesn’t rise in the morning, it is the earth that falls. And at night, the earth rises again.”

I mean, right-wing political language has always been filled with real words which have been repurposed as buzzwords which have no meaning beyond an emotion which they are intended to inspire (usually fear or righteous anger). Plus some words here and there which have actual meanings, but severely divorced from how they’re used in other contexts. But ever since Q-anon hit the scene, it feels like the entire right wing has been LARPing a game of Paranoia, except where the “mutant commie traitors” have been semi-clearly defined as all the factions of Illuminati: New World Order fused together in a single political mess. (Disclaimer, I have never played either of those games, so this might be off.)

2 years ago

…Actually, I’ve been wondering something. Is there a simple way to describe a word which has a real-world referent, but the definition of the word doesn’t accurately describe that referent? Like if the word “chair” was defined as “long-necked quadrupedal mammal” while still being used to refer to the same pieces of furniture typically called “chairs”?

My thoughts are all over the place right now but I’m having trouble trying to tie them together and translate them into clear language.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
2 years ago


It’s always bugged me that “lie of omission” sort of refers to the opposite of putting incorrect information into circulation. Something like that?

2 years ago

@Brony, Social Justice Cenobite:

Not really. A “lie of commission” is when you intentionally include false information, while a “lie of omission” means you intentionally omit information which drastically changes the context or meaning. Just because information is inaccurate or incomplete doesn’t necessarily make it a lie, and I’m not intending to imply that it necessarily is. (Though in this particular case it nearly always is, at least in its origin.)

I tried looking around a bit. “Disinformation” and/or “misinformation” fits, but those are broad terms and I’m trying to describe (possibly poorly) a specific form of disinfo/misinfo. I tried looking up specific forms of these, and the closest I could find was “fabricated content”, which also broadly fits in the case of a lie, but the concept I’m trying to describe is specific to the definitions of words and isn’t necessarily a lie (but is always incorrect). There doesn’t seem to be a term to describe that, or if there is, it’s an obscure one which I couldn’t find. Too bad, because that seems like it would be a useful concept.

One useful term I did find was “weaponized narrative”, and there’s certainly been plenty of that. Misdefined words are certainly part of… wait. Is “misdefined” the term I’m looking for? (Checks a few online dictionaries) Not quite, since all of them I checked insist that it’s a past-tense verb only and not an adjective, but it hopefully gets the point across well enough.

occasional reader
occasional reader
2 years ago


To follow what Amtep says.
Here a link to the Rapport Sauvé, done in France about abuse by Catholic church on children from the 50 to 2020 :
Rapport Sauvé
I think there is an english version somewhere on the site.
To make it brief, along those 70 years, there have been at least 216 000 persons sexually abused by members of the church, going up to around 330 000 if laics who help are taken in account. Which is the second cause of sexual abuse after the family.
To note, about 80% of the victims were young boys between 10 and 13, which is pedophilia.
Second note : the account has been done based on testimony of still leaving persons, which means that does not take already dead persons in account…

Of course, Usanian christians are going to say that this is French Catholics and that never ô never this is the same thing in america…

Have a nice day.

Moon Custafer
2 years ago

@ Snowberry:


2 years ago

This is straight up blood libel. It’s also going to lead to witch hunting, lynchings, and acts of stochastic terrorism. Which is exactly what conservatives want. At least until they get the chance to start shipping us off to death camps. Which is their ultimate goal, exterminating “undesirables.” I’m sick of the ‘it can’t happen here’ mentality. It can happen here and the GOP is basically shouting that they want to descend the US into fascism. With all that entails. David it’s really past due you take off the kid gloves. This needs to be called out without the polite language and euphemisms. The religious fundamentalists in the US are just as bad as the likes of ISIL and Al Qaeda. Call em y’all Qaeda. If people don’t wake up soon there’s going to be a lot of suffering, a mass exodus of American refugees, and a whole lot of genocide.

2 years ago


I refer to it as “Humpty-Dumptying,” after the bit in Through The Looking Glass:

‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less. ‘ ‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things. ‘

The best part about this practice, of course, is that you can switch the meaning that you are using without telling people, so that a legitimate point that you make using one definition is then applied to the other definition in an act of verbal sleight-of-hand. Professional Liar Gail Dines is very fond of this tactic.

2 years ago

I’ve always been gobsmacked by how obvious the treason-weasels are. When you do stuff like turn “do-gooder” into an epithet, what does that say about you and your movement?

When you literally and honestly wonder “when can we start shooting the libs” – out loud and on camera – what does that make you and your movement?

When you have to either claim that an armed assault on the capital by a mob of your fellow terrorists that resulted in the deaths of 5 people was either “just a normal group of tourists” or a false-flag operation (committed, one would assume, by Antifa deep-cover moles who have been infiltrating the Party of Treason for decades in preparation for this day, which they clearly knew would come, somehow /s), how fucking stupid do you have to be to actually believe bullshit that pathetically blatant?

If these bastards actually had a patriotic bone in their body, they’d eat a fucking bullet for the good of the nation.

But we all know that “patriotism” is just another slogan they’ve twisted to mean “hatred of your country that drives you to destroy it from within.”

2 years ago

There is always a group of people that must be singled out as corrupting the youth and destroying the country so that a great authoritarian man can come in and solve it by properly ridding the country of this…. Yeah, this is how it starts, and it always ends badly, first for the targeted population, then next for anyone adjacent to it, then more, then it is targeting almost everyone. But, yeah, the moral satanic panic can continue to destroy lives with hate.

Last edited 2 years ago by milotha
2 years ago

The best part about this practice, of course, is that you can switch the meaning that you are using without telling people, so that a legitimate point that you make using one definition is then applied to the other definition in an act of verbal sleight-of-hand.

You get a lot of this in discussions of “desistance”, where it’s claimed that 80% (per 1995 findings by Zucker and Bradley, who are openly trans-antagonistic) or 84% (based on a 2011 Steensma study, though this interpretation is rejected by Steensma himself as “an odd choice and a methodologically incorrect one”) or so of trans kids just magically stop being trans all on their own by the time they grow up, so (apparently) we just shouldn’t humor them (and never mind that this conclusion doesn’t follow from the premise).

But on closer look, the only way they can get anywhere near those numbers is by making sure “transgender” as applied to children is so broad that it encompasses everything from insistent, persistent, and consistent cross-gender identification” (the primary criterion used in practice) to “little Billy tried on a dress once” or “little Emily likes to play in the mud” (a touch of gender non-conformance, if that), while “transgender” as applied to adults is as narrow as they can get away with. Typically without ever making any attempt to meaningfully define the term in either context.

An analogy I’ve used is that this is like claiming it’s meaningful that most kids who sometimes toss a football around don’t grow up to be quarterbacks. It’s entirely expected and completely unremarkable.

Analyses of the studies commonly cited have found that when the children are actually asked whether they’re boys or girls, the vast majority, roughly 90%, answer with their assigned gender. Which, by the most widely accepted criteria, means they were never trans to begin with. Given that questionable methodology, 80% or 84% “desistance” seems, if anything, lower than you’d expect to find.

2 years ago

Sorry, Monty Python reference. Which I would explain but the more I thought about it I realized it wasn’t really that great of a a skit.

Angus Podgorny, what do ye mean??

2 years ago


Exactly. Comparing two non-analogous statistics is discussed in How To Lie With Statistics, which I think should be required reading in school.

A favorite example of mine goes back to Professional Liar Gail Dines. She likes to “prove” that the American porn industry is bigger, and therefore more culturally influential, than Hollywood by comparing the annual total revenue of the porn industry to the annual Hollywood box office revenue, which will of course be smaller.

Take a look at those categories again, though. She isn’t comparing the porn industry’s total revenue to Hollywood’s total revenue, but to its box office revenue. Which is only a small portion of Hollywood’s revenue, the rest coming from home video, streaming, print media, and let’s not forget: merchandising, merchandising! – while Dines does include all of those things for the porn industry.

You know what brings in more revenue most years than the entire porn industry? Star Wars merch. JUST Star Wars merch. But those facts don’t fit the narrative that Dines is trying to sell (literally, for profit), so we’ll just leave those numbers out and hope that nobody notices.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago

These assholes: the gays are trying to force transgenderism on our children!

Also these assholes: bethannni! Put that toothbrush down. It has teenage mutant ninja turtles on it! That’s a boy’s tooth brush!

2 years ago

Ugh. I wish Christian bigots would shut up about “Judeo-Christian” values. In the last few weeks, the rabbi at my synagogue has spoken with great passion in favor of reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ rights. We had a special service in honor of Pride the Friday before the parade, with a blessing for everyone in the congregation who was marching.

Admittedly, mine is a very Reform synagogue, as evidenced by the fact that they welcomed my atheist self into the congregation, but I can still safely say our rabbis know more about Jewish values than these shmucks do.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
2 years ago


Yeah my priest talks passionately about LGBT rights as well. Much because he himself, is asexual. Reproductive rights is a bit more of a different story. He’s the most progressive priest I’ve ever met but we are still Catholic after all. He talks a lot about how we need to embrace those and give support to those who face the challenge of abortion. And that birth control needs to remain accessable to people so that the need for an abortion won’t happen. I respect this man greatly but he does seem to think 99% of abortions would not be needed if people just have support emotional and financially. I’m sure people do get them because of those reason. But there are a lot of people who simply don’t want to be pregnant and they are just entitled to health care as anyone else

2 years ago


Yeah, I feel that. A lot. It’s so wrong and so insulting, esp. given how much and how loudly they despise us.


Remember how the original Nazis claimed that Christianity, as usually practiced, was a religion for the weak tainted by Jewish ideas like meekness and caring and morality? This is the exact same thing. IDK what on Earth the appeal is, but looking at what happened in the Third Reich, this garbage clearly has power.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cyborgette